Connectionists: Postdoctoral Position in Computational Neuroscience at the Italian Institute of Technology

Stefano Panzeri stefano.panzeri at
Thu Nov 5 06:06:21 EST 2015

We are about to open a postdoctoral position focusing on the development of
advanced mathematical methods for analysing fluorescence signals recorded
in cortical networks expressing the genetically encoded calcium indicator
GCaMP6 during two-photon microscopy experiments. With this email, we are
soliciting expressions of interest from interested candidates.

The applicants should have a strong background in numerate sciences, with a
strong interest and previous experience in MATLAB, be highly independent
and have a strong propensity for interdisciplinary research. Experience in
or understanding of experimental neuroscience is desirable, but not
necessary. Candidates must hold a PhD in computational neuroscience,
bio-physics or a related discipline and be highly motivated and creative
individuals who want to work in a dynamic, multi-disciplinary research
environment and who are willing to interact with both experimental and
theoretical neuroscientists. Research activities will be carried out in the
newly established and highly interdisciplinary Neural Coding Laboratory,
which is jointly supervised by Dr. Panzeri and Dr. Fellin and aims to
combine experiments and mathematics to crack the neural code. For reference
to recent work of the PIs please see Zuo et al. Cur. Biol. 2015; Panzeri et
al. Trends Cogn. Neurosci. 2015; Bovetti and Fellin, J. Neurosci. Methods
2015; Einevoll et al. Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 2013; Beltramo et al., Nat.
Neurosci. 2013.

Applications (full CV, two recommendation letters and statement of research
interest) should be sent by email to Dr. Stefano Panzeri (
stefano.panzeri at
and Dr. Tommaso Fellin (tommaso.fellin at


Stefano Panzeri and Tommaso Fellin
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