Connectionists: [journals] Special Issue on Benchmarking Reaching Motion Primitives - First Call for Papers

Andre Lemme alemme at
Tue Nov 3 10:03:58 EST 2015


    Paladyn. Journal of Behavioral Robotics
    Special Issue on Benchmarking Reaching Motion Primitives 



The special issue follows-up an IEEE Humanoids workshop 2013 on “Benchmarking state-of-the-art algorithms in generating human-like robot reaching motions”, organized by M. Khansari, A. Lemme, Y. Meirovitch, B. Schrauwen, M. Giese, A. Ijspeert, A Billard and J. Steil. A respective benchmarking software framework is published and ready for use at doi:10.4119/ unibi/2678439. The software is accompanied by a baseline paper available as first publication of the special issue at doi:10.1515/pjbr-2015-0002. Additional information is provided here: .

The special issue invites to submit up to 6 pages manuscripts on relevant algorithms providing a short description of the used algorithm and discussing its performance based on results generated by the provided benchmark framework. It is the intention of the organizers to keep the special open to new methods and submission for a substantial amount of time in order to document progress in the field. The scope of the topical issue therefore is:

- Benchmarking,
- systematic comparisons, - imitation learning,
- movement primitives,
- reaching movements 


The reviewing process will be supervised by guest Editors (A. Lemme, M. Khansari, Y. Meirovitch and J. Steil), together with the editorial Board of the Paladyn Journal of Behavioral Robotics.


The authors are kindly invited to register at the paper processing system at: <> and submit their contribution using a special track established for the topical issue. All papers will go through the Paladyn’s high standards, quick, fair and comprehensive peer-review procedure. 

Instructions for authors are available online at: <> . In case of any questions please contact Guest Editors or Managing Editor.


Full paper submission due: 		continuous until at 2016
Notification of acceptance: 		4-6 weeks after the submission
Revised version due: 			1 month after notification of acceptance
Publication: 				4-6 month after submission

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