Connectionists: 15 PhD positions for PACE, an EU funded Innovative Training Network for understanding Perception and Action in Complex Environments

Laurent Perrinet laurent.perrinet at
Mon May 25 10:34:30 EDT 2015

Dear colleagues,

PACE (Perception and Action in Complex Environments) is an Innovative 
Network funded by the Marie Sklodowska-Curie program of the European Union
starting on April 1st, 2015. The network involves 10 academic and 
private full
partners, from 6 European and associated countries (France, Spain, 
Italy, Netherlands,
UK, Israel), plus 5 associated partners (private companies and public 
The network gathers a broad range of expertise from experimental psychology,
cognitive neurosciences, brain imaging, technology and clinical sciences 
as well as
transferable skills.

The PACE network promotes interdisciplinary research and training in the 
field of
human movement sciences with a strong emphasis on perception-action 
in complex environments. We focus on changes of this coupling across 
lifespan and
in pathological diseases affecting the nervous system. The goal is to 
train PhD students
through collaborative research projects, international courses and 

                 -> 15 PhD positions, starting next fall, are offered 
across the different
                 network sites. You can find a short description of the 
proposed PhD
                 projects at the following link:

Applications are welcome immediately and until the end of May (but some 
timing constraints may be enforced in some of the partners' sites: 
please get more
information from local contacts). You will find further general 
information (sections 1 to 3),
eligibility and application conditions (section 4) here:

Thanks for distributing this announcement to potential candidates,


Laurent Perrinet - INT (UMR 7289)/CNRS

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