Connectionists: Phd Position, University of Tübingen, Germany
compsens at
Wed May 20 05:52:56 EDT 2015
The Section for Computational Sensomotorics at the Center for
Integrative Neurosciences and the Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain
Research at the University of Tuebingen invites applications for a
Postdoc or a PhD student, preferably
with a good mathematical background for a maximum duration of 4 years.
The position is funded within the EC research project COGIMON that
includes multiple other European partners. This highly
interdisciplinary project aims at the development of control
algorithms and strategies for the interaction between humans and
humanoid robots, ultimately leading also to biomedical applications.
The available project focuses on the development of machine learning
algorithms for the representation and control of interactive full-body
movements, in close interaction with experiments with human subjects.
This includes work with human motion capture data and marker-less
tracking, techniques from computer animation, and related problems in
control, exploiting appropriate techniques from machine learning.
Our group has long expertise with the modeling and perception of
complex human body motion. We are part of the Hertie Institute for
Clinical Brain Science (HIH), one of the leading European institutions
in Clinical Neuroscience and of the Excellence Center for Integrative
Neuroscience (CIN) that hosts a large spectrum of experimental and
theoretical groups in neuroscience at the University and the Max
Planck Institutes.
Ideal candidates should have the following qualifications:
* Masters (PhD) degree in Computer Science, Electrical /
Mechanical / Biomedical Engineering, Physics, or related
fields with good mathematical training
* programming experience (Matlab, C/C++, ...)
* Knowledge about control theory or machine learning
* English speaking and writing skills.
Committed to Equal Opportunities.
Please send applications preferentially electronically (including CV,
marks and 2 letters of reference) as soon as possible to Prof. Dr.
Martin Giese, Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research & Center
for Integrative Neuroscience,
Otfried-Müller. 25, 72076 Tuebingen, Germany;
email: martin.giese at
Section for Theoretical Sensomotorics
Dept. for Cognitive Neurology
Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research &
Center for Integrative Neuroscience
University of Tuebingen
Otfried-Müller Str. 25
D-72076 Tuebingen
Tel.: +49 7071 2989124
Fax: +49 7071 294790
Email: martin.giese at
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