Connectionists: IEEE ICDL-EPIROB 2015 & Babybot Challenge (Deadline extension)
Matthias Rolf
matthias at
Thu Mar 12 02:33:18 EDT 2015
Call for Papers, Tutorials and Thematic Workshops
New Conference Feature: BABYBOT CHALLENGE
The Fifth Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and
Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics
Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, USA
August 13-16, 2015
== Conference description
The past decade has seen the emergence of a new scientific field that
studies how intelligent biological and artificial systems develop
sensorimotor, cognitive, emotional and social abilities, over extended
periods of time, through dynamic interactions with their physical and
social environments. This field lies at the intersection of a number of
scientific and engineering disciplines including Neuroscience,
Developmental Psychology, Developmental Linguistics, Cognitive Science,
Computational Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning,
and Robotics. Various terms have been associated with this new field
such as Autonomous Mental Development, Epigenetic Robotics,
Developmental Robotics, etc., and several scientific meetings have been
established. The two most prominent conference series of this field, the
International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL) and the
International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics (EpiRob), are now
joining forces for the fifth time and invite submissions for a joint
conference in 2015, to explore and extend the interdisciplinary
boundaries of this field.
We are excited to announce a new ICDL-EpiRob conference feature: the
BABYBOT CHALLENGE. The goal of the challenge is to use the tools of
developmental robotics to replicate and extend the key findings
from one of three selected human-infant studies. Please visit for the full announcement, including the three
target studies, details on the submission process, and a description of
how the winning submissions will be judged and selected.
== Keynote speakers (confirmed)
Prof. Dare Baldwin, Dept. of Psychology, University of Oregon, USA
Prof. Kerstin Dautenhahn, School of Computer Science, University of
Hertfordshire, UK
Prof. Asif Ghazanfar, Department of Psychology, Princeton University, USA
== Call for Submissions
We invite submissions for this exciting window into the future of
developmental sciences. Submissions which establish novel links between
brain, behavior and computation are particularly encouraged.
== Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
* the development of perceptual, motor, cognitive, emotional, social,
and communication skills in biological systems and robots
* embodiment
* general principles of development and learning
* interaction of nature and nurture
* sensitive/critical periods
* developmental stages
* grounding of knowledge and development of representations
* architectures for cognitive development and open-ended learning
* neural plasticity
* statistical learning
* reward and value systems
* intrinsic motivations, exploration and play
* interaction of development and evolution
* use of robots in applied settings such as autism therapy
* epistemological foundations and philosophical issues
Any of the topics above can be simultaneously studied from the
neuroscience, psychology or modeling/robotic point of view.
== Submissions will be accepted in several formats:
1. Full six-page paper submissions: Accepted papers will be included in
the conference proceedings and will be selected for either an oral
presentation or a featured poster presentation. Featured posters will
have a 1 minute "teaser" presentation as part of the main conference
session and will be showcased in the poster sessions. Maximum two-extra
pages can be acceptable for a publication fee of $100 per page.
2. Two-page poster abstract submissions: To encourage discussion of
late-breaking results or for work that is not sufficiently mature for a
full paper, we will accept 2-page abstracts. These submissions will NOT
be included in the conference proceedings. Accepted abstracts will be
presented during poster sessions.
3. Tutorials and workshops: We invite experts in different areas to
organize either a tutorial or a workshop to be held on the first day of
the conference. Tutorials are meant to provide insights into specific
topics as well as overviews that will inform the interdisciplinary
audience about the state-of-the-art in child development, neuroscience,
robotics, or any of the other disciplines represented at the conference.
A workshop is an opportunity to present a topic cumulatively. Workshops
can be half- or full-day in duration including oral presentations as
well as posters. Submission format: two pages including title, list of
speakers, concept and target audience.
4. Babybot challenge (Deadline June 15, 2015): Special submissions are
invited for the Babybot challenge, which is for the first time
introduced to this conference. For detailed information please visit and navigate to “Babybot Challenge.”
All submissions will be peer reviewed.
Submission website through paperplaza at:
== Important dates
March 23, 2015, paper submission deadline
May 15, 2015, author notification
July 1, 2015, final version (camera ready) due
August 13th-16th, 2015, conference
== Program committee
General Chairs:
Matthew Schlesinger (Southern Illinois Univ.)
Dima Amso (Brown University)
Bridge Chairs:
Jeffrey Krichmar (UC Irvine)
Bertram Malle (Brown University)
Program Chairs:
Anne Warlaumont (UC Merced)
Clemént Moulin-Frier (INRIA)
Publications Chairs:
Lisa Meeden (Swarthmore College)
Publicity Chairs:
Lola Cañamero (Univ. of Hertfordshire)
Matthias Rolf (Osaka University)
Benjamin Rosman (CSIR)
Local chairs:
David Sobel (Brown University)
Thomas Serre (Brown University)
Finance chairs:
Clayton Morrison (University of Arizona)
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