Connectionists: Workshop at CNS2015: Open Collaboration in Computational Neuroscience
Padraig Gleeson
p.gleeson at
Mon Jul 13 08:58:10 EDT 2015
[Apology for cross-postings]
Announcing a workshop at the CNS2015 meeting in Prague, Thursday July
23: Open Collaboration in Computational Neuroscience
Building and analysing biophysically and anatomically detailed neuronal
networks is a complex and time consuming task, which ideally involves
researchers with a range of backgrounds and technical skills. However,
most labs cannot expect to have all of these researchers present at any
given time. This can lead to stalled projects, lost data and software
and needless repetition of experimental and computational work.
A number of initiatives have been started which address these issues.
Some are creating public resources with freely available data to
constrain such models. Others are using best practices from open source
software development to encourage building and sharing of models in a
collaborative environment. This workshop will serve as an informative
introduction to these projects as well as a discussion forum for getting
feedback and gathering requirements from the community for the
developers of these initiatives.
There are still a number of slots available for *5-10 minute lightning
talks*, so if you are involved in a project in this area and wish to
publicise it, please get in contact.
*Confirmed speakers:*
Jan Antolik (CNRS)
Collaboration in neuronal modelling: model sharing, workflows and provenance
Nicholas Cain (Allen Brain Institute)
Resources for Open Collaboration at the Allen Brain Institute
Padraig Gleeson (University College London)
NeuroML <> & the Open Source Brain Initiative
Adrian Quintana (University College London)
Geppetto <>: online visualisation & simulation
for neuronal models
Michael Sonntag (LMU München)
The NIX Project: Comprehensive Storage of Neuroscience Data and Metadata
Matteo Cantarelli (MetaCell Ltd)
OpenWorm <>
Aurel A. Lazar (Columbia University)
Neurokernel <>: An Open Source Platform for
Emulating the Fruit Fly Brain
Bill Lytton (SUNY Downstate Medical Center)
ModelDB <>
Eilif Muller (EPFL)
Human Brain Project <> resources for
the integrative modelling community
Shreejoy Tripathy (University of British Columbia)
Open electrophysiology data and <>
Padraig Gleeson
Room 321, Anatomy Building
Department of Neuroscience, Physiology& Pharmacology
University College London
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT
United Kingdom
+44 207 679 3214
p.gleeson at
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