Connectionists: Research Fellow Position Available at AI at RSCS@ANU

Marcus Hutter marcus.hutter at
Tue Jul 7 14:31:12 EDT 2015

Position: Research Fellow
Intelligent Agents Group
Research School of Computer Science
Australian National University

We are seeking an outstanding Research Fellow with excellent 
mathematical background and research expertise in

* Machine Learning or
* (Algorithmic) Information Theory or
* (Bayesian) Statistics or
* Artificial Intelligence or
* related area.

Possible backgrounds are a PhD, or near completion of a PhD, in 
mathematics, physics, computer science, engineering, or related.

Position Description: The position holder will be member of the 
Intelligent Agents team lead by Professor Marcus Hutter, and primarily 
work on ARC DP project Unifying Foundations for Intelligent Agents.
The project will drive forward the development of rigorous foundations 
for Intelligent Agents. The agent framework, the expected utility 
principle, sequential decision theory, and the information-theoretic 
foundations of inductive reasoning and machine learning have already 
brought significant order into the previously heterogeneous scattered 
field of artificial intelligence (AI). Building on this, in the last 
decade the CI has developed the theory of Universal AI. This project 
will investigate this information-theoretic approach towards a unifying 
foundation for intelligent agents, which recently even spawned 
impressive applications. The theory will provide a gold standard and 
valuable guidance for researchers working on smart software.

* Location: Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia
* The new employee will interact with Marcus Hutter and other people in 
the RSCS at the ANU.
* The position is available immediately - fixed term - for 3 years - 
potential prolongation.
* Salary Range for Research Fellow: Level B: A$90'000 - A$100'000 per 
year plus 17% superannuation.
* Enquiries: Prof. Marcus Hutter, E: marcus.hutter at, T: +61 2 
6125 1605, F: + 61 6125 8651.
* Closing Date: 1 October 2015
* Further information for applicants:

In case you attend ICML, you can find me at the EWRL workshop
In case you attend ADT|AGI|CCR|UAI|ALT, please email me to arrange a 
meeting with one of my group members.

Thanks for your interest,

Marcus Hutter,  Professor
Associate Director RSCS
RSISE, Room B259, Building 115
Australian National University
Corner of North and Daley Road
Canberra ACT 2601, Australia
Phone:   +61(0)2 612 51605 (time zone GMT+10:00)
Fax:  +61(0)2 612 58651
Email: marcus.hutter at

ABOUT RSISE. The Research School of Information Sciences and Engineering 
(RSISE) was established in 1996 as part of the Institute of Advanced 
Studies (IAS) at the Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra, 
Australia. RSISE focuses its work on research, research training and 
interaction with national and international communities. RSISE has now 
been rearranged into the Research School of Computer Science (RSCS).

ABOUT ANU. The Australian National University (ANU) is located in the 
city of Canberra, the Federal Capital of Australia. The ANU consistently 
ranks top among all Universities in the southern hemisphere, third in 
the Asia/Pacific region, and in the top 50 worldwide.

ABOUT CANBERRA. With a population of about 300'000, Canberra is a very 
clean and quiet city, surrounded by bush land and parks, and with Lake 
Burley Griffin in its geographical centre. It is a three-hour drive from 
Sydney, surfing beaches, and Australia's ski resorts.

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