Connectionists: IJCNN 2015 Killarney, Ireland: Deadline Extended

Giacomo Boracchi boracchi at
Tue Jan 13 13:02:20 EST 2015

 IJCNN 2015 - International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
July 12-17, 2015, Killarney Convention Center, Killarney, Ireland

Thursday, February 5th, 2015, and that the dates have been revised for the
paper decision notifications and camera-ready submissions.
Please do not expect further extensions as our timetables are already

IJCNN is the premier international conference in the area of neural network
theory, analysis, and applications. Co-sponsored by the International
Neural Network Society and the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society,
over the last three decades this conference and its predecessors has hosted
[past, present, and future] leaders of neural network research. In an era
when neural networks are widely used and reported in many areas,
scientists, engineers, educators, and students from all over the world can
get the best overall view of neural networks, from neuroscience to advanced
control systems to cognition, at the IJCNN.

- Steve Furber, The ICL Professor of Computer Engineering at the School of
Computer Science at the University of Manchester "The SpiNNaker Project"
- Vincenzo Piuri, Professor in Computer Engineering at the University of
Milan, Italy "Computational Intelligence Technologies for 3D Surface
- Lee Giles, The David Reese Professor at the College of Information
Sciences and Technology at the Pennsylvania State University "Machine
Learning and Data Mining for Scholarly Big Data"
- Marios M. Polycarpou, Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
"Fault Detection and Isolation in Uncertain Big-Data Environments"
- Barak Pearlmutter, Professor, Department of Computer Science, National
University of Ireland, Ireland "Critical Dynamics and Pathological
Phenomena in the Brain"
- Giacomo Rizzolati, Professor of Human Physiology at the University of
Parma, Italy "The double life of the motor system: Action production and
action understanding"

* Deadlines for Submission:
- Paper submission deadline:   February 05, 2015 (EXTENDED)
- Paper Decision notification: March 25, 2015
- Camera-ready submission:     April 25, 2015
- Conference:                  July 12-17, 2015

* Hotel Reservations:
The Killarney region is an extremely popular tourist destination, and rooms
that have been reserved for IJCNN 2015 will likely disappear as soon as the
contracted booking date has passed. For that reason we strongly recommend
that you book your hotel room by 01May2015! (see the IJCNN2015 home page
for our accommodations at the Gleneagle Hotel, the Brehon Hotel and the
River Apartments).

* IJCNN Killarney site video:
Marianne van Wagner, Executive Co-ordinator of the International Neural
Network Society (INNS), commissioned this delightful promotional video for
IJCNN2015, based on her own photographs : Killarney tour. It's well worth
looking at for the local Irish scenery, and for background information
about the conference. (You may have to download it if your internet
connection is slow.)

Keep working on your paper submissions, and submit your proposals for
Tutorials and Workshops SOON! Email any of the Chairs if you wish to
discuss your ideas for proposals.

IJCNN General Chair
De-Shuang Huang, Tongji University, China,
Director - Machine Learning and Systems Biology Laboratory

IJCNN Program Chair
Yoonsuck Choe, Texas A&M University
Director, Brain Networks Laboratory

Many thanks to our Sponsors and Contributors:
- International Neural Network Society
- IEEE Computational Intelligence Society
- Failte Ireland, National Tourism Development Authority.
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