Connectionists: 1st CfP: Cognitive Computation @ NIPS 2015 - Integrating Neural and Symbolic Approaches
Bias Watch
biaswatchneuro at
Sat Aug 29 22:21:23 EDT 2015
Cognitive Computation @ NIPS 2015 - Integrating Neural and Symbolic
Organizers: Tarek R. Besold, Artur d'Avila Garcez, Gary F. Marcus, Risto
Invited speaker gender ratio: 1 Female / 10 Males
Estimated* base rate of females in the field: 36%
BiasWatchNeuro rating: 0 out of 3
*Method of estimation: NIH RePORTER search with text keywords
"neural-symbolic integration" or "neural computation" or "logic and
artificial intelligence" or "natural language understanding" or "cognitive
science" or "computational neuroscience"; count number of female first PIs
in first 25 results
for more information:
On Sat, Aug 29, 2015 at 1:44 PM, Tarek R. Besold <tbesold at>
> ****************************************************
> * Cognitive Computation: *
> * Integrating Neural and Symbolic Approaches *
> * (CoCo @ NIPS 2015) *
> ****************************************************
> Workshop at NIPS 2015, Montreal, Canada
> December 11 & 12, 2015
> While early work on knowledge representation and inference was primarily
> symbolic, the corresponding approaches subsequently fell out of favor, and
> were largely supplanted by connectionist methods. In this workshop, we will
> work to close the gap between the two paradigms, and aim to formulate a new
> unified approach that is inspired by our current understanding of human
> cognitive processing. This is important to help improve our understanding
> of Neural Information Processing and build better Machine Learning systems,
> including the reuse of knowledge learned in one application domain in
> analogous domains.
> The workshop brings together world leaders in the fields of neural
> computation, logic and artificial intelligence, natural language
> understanding, cognitive science, and computational neuroscience. Over the
> two workshop days, their invited lectures will be complemented with
> presentations based on contributed papers (following an open call for
> papers) and a poster session, giving ample opportunity to interact and
> discuss the different perspectives and emerging approaches.
> The workshop targets a single broad theme of general interest to the vast
> majority of the NIPS community, namely the study of translations between
> neural models and knowledge representation for the purpose of achieving an
> effective integration of learning and reasoning. Neural-symbolic computing
> is now an established topic of wider interest to NIPS with topics that are
> relevant to almost everyone studying neural information processing.
> == KEYWORDS ==
> The following list gives some (but by far not all) relevant keywords for
> the CoCo @ NIPS 2015 workshop:
> - neural-symbolic computing;
> - language processing;
> - cognitive agents;
> - multimodal learning;
> - deep networks;
> - symbol manipulation;
> - variable binding;
> - integration of learning and reasoning.
> - Antoine Bordes, Facebook AI Research.
> - Rina Dechter, UC Irvine.
> - Ramanathan V. Guha, Google Inc.
> - Geoffrey E. Hinton, University of Toronto and Google Inc.
> - Gary F. Marcus, NYU and Geometric Intelligence.
> - Stephen H. Muggleton, Imperial College London.
> - Daniel L. Silver, Acadia University.
> - Paul Smolensky, Johns Hopkins University.
> - Josh Tenenbaum, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
> - Greg Wayne, Deep Mind, Google Inc.
> - Michael Witbrock, Cycorp Inc.
> The workshop intends to bring together researchers and world leaders in
> the fields of neural-symbolic integration, neural computation, logic and
> artificial intelligence, natural language understanding, cognitive science,
> and computational neuroscience. We intend to create an atmosphere of
> exchange of ideas, providing a forum for the presentation and discussion of
> the key topics related to neural-symbolic integration. We expect the
> workshop to become a source of future collaboration between researchers
> interested in neural-symbolic integration.
> After a short introduction by the organizers to neural-symbolic computing
> in the relevant fields of artificial intelligence, theoretical computer
> science, cognitive science, neuroinformatics and computational
> neuroscience, the symposium will proceed with talks by the invited speakers
> and additional presentations based on submission from the community.
> Additionally, in order to further increase the opportunities for community
> participation, poster sessions will be included in the program.
> Speakers will be encouraged to keep their talks accessible and centered on
> the main arguments of their perspective on the topic, leaving time for
> questions and discussion.
> We invite submission of papers dealing with topics related to the research
> questions discussed in the workshop. The reported work can range from
> theoretical/foundational research to reports on applications and/or
> implemented systems. We explicitly also encourage the submission of more
> controversial papers which can serve as basis for open discussions during
> the event.
> Possible topics of interest include but are (by far!) not limited to:
> - The representation of symbolic knowledge by connectionist systems;
> - Neural Learning theory;
> - Integration of logic and probabilities, e.g., in neural networks, but
> also more generally;
> - Structured learning and relational learning in neural networks;
> - Logical reasoning carried out by neural networks;
> - Integrated neural-symbolic approaches;
> - Extraction of symbolic knowledge from trained neural networks;
> - Integrated neural-symbolic reasoning;
> - Neural-symbolic cognitive models;
> - Biologically-inspired neural-symbolic integration;
> - Applications in robotics, simulation, fraud prevention, natural language
> processing, semantic web, software engineering, fault diagnosis,
> bioinformatics, visual intelligence, etc.
> = Submission instructions =
> - Submissions have to be made via EasyChair (
> before the paper
> submission deadline indicated below.
> - Submissions are limited to at most eight pages, an additional ninth page
> containing only cited references is allowed. Still, also shorter papers are
> expressly welcomed.
> - Submissions have to use the NIPS 2015 submission format (see
> - Reviewing will be single-blind, i.e., you are free to indicate your name
> etc. on the paper. (Still, this is not an obligation.)
> Please note that at least one author of each accepted paper must register
> for the event and be available to present the paper at the workshop.
> =Publication=
> Accepted papers will be published in official workshop proceedings (which
> will be distributed during the workshop) and will be made available from
> this webpage.
> Authors of the best papers will be invited to submit a revised and
> extended version of their papers to a journal special issue after the
> workshop.
> - Deadline for paper submission: October 03, 2015
> - Notification of paper acceptance: October 17, 2015
> - Camera-ready paper due: November 9, 2015
> - Workshop date: December 11/12, 2015
> - NIPS 2015 main conference: December 7-10, 2015
> The workshop is open to anybody, please register via NIPS 2015 (
> - Tarek R. Besold (Institute of Cognitive Science, University of
> Osnabrueck, Germany)
> - Artur d'Avila Garcez (City University London, UK)
> - Gary F. Marcus (New York University, U.S.A.)
> - Risto Miikulainen (University of Texas at Austin, U.S.A.)
> - General questions concerning the workshop should be addressed to Tarek
> R. Besold at Tarek(dot)Besold(at)uni(hyphen)osnabrueck(dot)de.
> - This workshop is conceptually related to the series of International
> Workshops on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning (NeSy). If interested,
> have a look at
> - Please also feel free to join the neural-symbolic integration mailing
> list for announcements and discussions - it's a low traffic mailing list.
> If interested, register at
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Tarek R. Besold
> Institute of Cognitive Science
> University of Osnabrück (Germany)
> tarek.besold at
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