Connectionists: PhD position in computer vision project at Ulm University (Germany)

Dr. Schwenker friedhelm.schwenker at
Mon Aug 10 16:24:43 EDT 2015

Applications are invited for one full-time position (in a funded
project) for a period of 3 years, in the Institute of Neural Information
Processing in the Faculty of Engineering, Computer Science, and
Psychology at Ulm University, Germany.

"Visual motion detection for behavior analysis".

The vision and perception science research group (Prof. Heiko Neumann)
has a job opening to work in the project \"SenseEmotion - Multisensory
recognition of pain and emotion for elderly people"\ funded by the
German Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF).

The topic focuses on the analysis of motion and stereo from multiple
event-based and frame-based cameras. The input fusion aims at combining
high temporal resolution event-based representations with high spatial
resolution feature representations available at a slower frame rate.
Visual features are used to analyze articulated motion patterns of
subjects and pose information for detecting pain and abnormal
spatio-temporal patterns and behavior in indoor scenes. It is expected
that the candidate succeeds a PhD project within the project work.

We are looking for talented and highly motivated computer scientists (or
people with a related background, see REQUIREMENTS) interested in the
development of novel computer vision algorithms and learning mechanisms
to achieve robust high-performance analysis of complex articulated
motions. The initial appointment is for 12 months, renewable for the
rest of the project duration. A start date at the earliest disposal is
preferred. Salary is according to the level TV-L E13.

• training in computer science, electrical engineering, physics, math,
or related discipline;
• he/she has a strong background and already experience in computer
vision and/or machine learning (in vision); camera calibration and 3D
stereo reconstruction;
• excellent programming skills are required (C/C++/Matlab/Python);
• communicative skills are required within a collaborative project with
several research groups being involved, self-initiated interaction with
other team members and the transfer algorithms and software integration
into an overall system are required;
• writing skills are mandatory for generating project reports and
deliverables as well as writing manuscripts to be submitted for 

Information about the research group can be found at
(link to private homepage).

Please send your applications (in one file in pdf format) by email to
heiko.neumann at The application should include a brief
statement of interests, a curriculum vitae, two letters of reference, a
list of publications (if already available), and contact details (postal
mailing address, email address, skype address). Applicants are
encouraged to apply as soon as possible as the position will be filled
as soon as a suitable applicant is found.

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