Connectionists: CFPs: Special Session on Computer and Deep Vision in 19th Asia Pacific Symposium on IES 2015 - reg
Vembarasan Vaitheeswaran
vembarasanv at
Tue Aug 11 05:54:33 EDT 2015
**We apologize if you received multiple copies**
Due to numerous requests, the submission deadline has one
final extension until *August 15, 2015 !!!*
The final deadline for papers submission is fast approaching.
Dear Professors/Researchers/Friends,
We are organizing the "Special Session on Computer and Deep Vision" in
conjunction with the 19th Asia Pacific Symposium on Intelligent and
Evolutionary Systems (IES-2015), to be held in Bangkok from 22-25 November
Special Session Theme: Vision has always played an essential role in
everyday human activities. In the past, images were, today they are, and in
the future they will continue to be important information carriers. Recent
advances in digital imaging and computer hardware technology have led to an
explosion in the use of computer vision in a variety of scientific and
engineering applications. These applications often arise from the
interactions between fundamental scientific research and development of new
and high-standard technologies.
This symposium aims to provide an opportunity for researchers to describe
scientific achievements and long-term research challenges, point to new
research directions, or brave perspectives that pave the way to innovation.
Subjects of interest are video and image processing, and aspects of related
disciplines (such as machine learning, computer graphics, biological
vision, mathematics) which illuminate the state of the art in video and
image processing.
Topics for contributions include, but not limited to, the following
research areas:
- Motion Estimation
- Biometrics
- Video Surveillance
- Deep Learning
- Image Processing
- Pattern Recognition
- Bio-medical Image
Important dates:
*Paper Submission Deadline Extended: August 15, 2015 ***
Notification of Acceptance: September 1, 2015
Camera-ready Deadline: September 15, 2015
Conference dates: 22-25, November 2015
Confirmed Speakers:
Keynote Speakers:
- Professor Tan Kay Chen, National University of Singapore, Singapore
- Professor Irwin King, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- Professor Chidchanok Lursinsap, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Plenary Speaker:
- Professor Akira Namatame, National Defense Academy, Japan
Paper Submission: Submit your paper via the following site using your
EasyChair login information:
NOTICE: In submission page in the site, you must to choose a track from a
list. For general session papers, IES 2015 should be chosen. For invited
session papers, their invited session must be selected.
All manuscripts submitted should be full papers and prepared according to
the Springer conference paper templates (Click here
<>). The
manuscript text should be in one-column page format. The length of the
manuscripts prepared with the given template is 10 to 12 pages, up to 15
All submissions will be checked by VeriGuide for originality.
The IES 2015 proceedings will be published in Proceedings in Adaptation,
Learning and Optimization (PALO), a Springer-Verlag book series. More
information of PALO can be found at
Selected papers from IES 2015 will be invited to extend and publish in
Special Issues of SCI/SCIE/Scopus-indexed international journals.
Accepted papers will be considered for the Best Paper Awards and the Best
Student Paper Awards, which will be presented during the banquet.
Special Session Organizers:
Dr. Vembarasan Vaitheeswaran, University of Malaya, Malaysia
Dr. Jonathan Chan, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi,
Dr. Weng Kin Lai, Tunku Abdul Rahman University College, Malaysia
Dr. Chee Seng Chan, University of Malaya, Malaysia
For more information, please contact us at inns at or Special
Session Chairs at vembarasanv at V. Vembarasan);
cs.chan at (Dr. Chan Chee Seng)
*With Regards,Dr. Vembarasan Vaitheeswaran,HIR Postdoctoral
FellowDepartment of Artificial Intelligence,Faculty of Computer Science and
Information Technology,University of Malaya,50603 Kuala Lumpur,
MalaysiaMobile Number: +6-010-9462382
<%2B6-010-9462382>E-mail: vembarasanv at
<vembarasanv at>; dr.v.vembarasan at
<dr.v.vembarasan at>Website:
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