Connectionists: SSBSS 2015 Call for Abstracts - Synthetic & Systems Biology Summer School, Taormina - Italy July 5-9, 2015 - Discount Abstract Deadline: April 30

Giuseppe Nicosia nicosia at
Thu Apr 9 13:03:34 EDT 2015

Call for Abstracts (apologies for multiple copies)
Please  forward  to  anybody  who  might be interested

Synthetic & Systems Biology Summer School
Taormina - Sicily, Italy, July 5-9, 2015 at

Discount Abstract Deadline:     April 30, 2015
Late Abstract Deadline:         May 30, 2015
Discount Registration Deadline: April 30, 2015

+	Adam Arkin, University of California Berkeley, USA
	Lecture 1: "Genome-scale Discovery of the Determinants of Optimal Biological Function" 
	Lecture 2: "On the Challenges in Engineering Activity in Complex Contexts from 100,000 Liter Bioreactors to Human Guts"

+	Jef Boeke, New York University, USA
	Lecture 1: TBA
	Lecture 2: TBA

+	Angela DePace, Harvard University, USA
	Lecture 1: "Developmental Gene Regulatory Networks"
	Lecture 2: "Measuring, Modeling and Manipulating Regulatory DNA"

+	Forbes Dewey, MIT, USA
	Lecture 1: "Quantitative Modeling of Molecular Pathways I: Fundamentals"
        Lecture 2: "Quantitative Modeling of Molecular Pathways II: Examples from Systems and Synthetic Biology"

+	Karmella Haynes, Arizona State University, USA
	Lecture 1: "Designing CRISPR for the Engineering of DNA in Mammalian Cells"
	Lecture 2: "Mapping and Engineering of Chromatin in Mammalian Cells"

+	Richard Kitney, Imperial College London, UK
	Lecture 1: TBA
	Lecture 2: TBA

+	Timothy Lu, MIT, USA
	Lecture 1: "Biological Computing and Memory with Digital and Analog Paradigms"
	Lecture 2: "Synthetic Biological Applications for Human Health"

+	Philip Maini, Oxford University, UK
	Lecture 1: "Mathematical Modelling of Biological Pattern Formation"
	Lecture 2: "Modelling Invasions"

+	Giancarlo Mauri, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy
	Lecture: "Computational Methods in Systems Biology"

+	Steve Oliver, Cambridge University, UK
	Lecture 1: "Improving the yeast metabolic model as a tool in strain design"
	Lecture 2: "Harnessing synthetic biology and the Robot Scientist in drug discovery"

+	Velia Siciliano, MIT, USA 
	Lecture: "Synthetic Biology in Mammalian Systems for Biomedical Applications"

+	Ron Weiss, MIT, USA
	Lecture 1: TBA
	Lecture 2: TBA

+	Nicola Zamboni, ETH, Switzerland
	Lecture 1: "Reconstruction of metabolic regulation by large-scale metabolomics"
	Lecture 2: "Bottom up modeling of dynamic metabolic systems"

+	Jon D. Chesnut, Life Sciences Solutions Group -Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA
        Lecture: "CRISPR-based Genome Editing Tools: New Applications and Streamlined Workflows"

+	Speaker TBA, Autodesk Inc., USA
	Lecture: TBA

+	Zach Serber, Zymergen, Inc. USA
        Lecture 1: TBA
        Lecture 2: TBA
        Lecture 3: TBA

School Directors
Jef D. Boeke, New York University, USA
                 Giuseppe Nicosia, University of Catania, Italy
                           Mario Pavone, University of Catania, Italy
                              Giovanni Stracquadanio, University of Oxford, UK

*Short Talk and Poster Submission*
Applicants may submit a research abstract for presentation. School directors will review the abstracts and will recommend for poster or short-oral presentation. Abstract should be submitted by *April 30, 2015*. The abstracts will be published on the electronic hands-out material of the summer school. at

Apologies for multiple copies. Please forward to anybody who might be interested.
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Giuseppe Nicosia, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Computer Engineering
Dept of Mathematics & Computer Science  
University of Catania                                        
Viale A. Doria, 6  - 95125 Catania, Italy 
P +39 095 7383048
nicosia at        
International Synthetic & Systems Biology Summer School - SSBSS 2015
* Biology meets Computer Science & Engineering *
July 5-9, 2015 - Taormina, Italy
International Workshop on Machine learning, Optimization and big Data - MOD 2015
July 21-24, 2015 - Taormina, Italy

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