Connectionists: NEURAL NETWORKS, April 2015

DeLiang Wang dwang at
Thu Apr 2 08:34:00 EDT 2015

Neural Networks - Volume 64, April 2015

SPECIAL ISSUE: Deep Learning of Representations

Editorial introduction
Yoshua Bengio, Honglak Lee

Two-layer contractive encodings for learning stable nonlinear features
Hannes Schulz, Kyunghyun Cho, Tapani Raiko, Sven Behnke

Measuring the usefulness of hidden units in Boltzmann machines with 
mutual information
Mathias Berglund, Tapani Raiko, Kyunghyun Cho

Deep learning of support vector machines with class probability output 
Sangwook Kim, Zhibin Yu, Rhee Man Kil, Minho Lee

Expected energy-based restricted Boltzmann machine for classification
S. Elfwing, E. Uchibe, K. Doya

Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Large-scale Speech Tasks
Tara N. Sainath, Brian Kingsbury, George Saon, Hagen Soltau, 
Abdel-rahman Mohamed, George Dahl, Bhuvana Ramabhadran

Frame-by-frame language identification in short utterances using deep 
neural networks
Javier Gonzalez-Dominguez, Ignacio Lopez-Moreno, Pedro J. Moreno, 
Joaquin Gonzalez-Rodriguez

Challenges in representation learning: A report on three machine 
learning contests
Ian J. Goodfellow, Dumitru Erhan, Pierre Luc Carrier, et al.

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