Connectionists: CFP: IJCNN 2015 Special Session on Autonomous Machine Learning for Cyber-Physical Systems

OZAWA, Seiichi ozawasei at
Thu Nov 27 06:15:57 EST 2014


IJCNN2015 Special Session on
Autonomous Machine Learning for Cyber-Physical Systems

Scope and Motivation
  Recent development in ICT and sensor devices brings us a new form of
intelligent systems called Cyber-Physical System (CPS). In CPS, physical
entities such as humans, robots, cars, factories, houses interact and
communicate with other entities in both physical- and cyber-worlds. The
information processed in cyber-physical worlds are video images,
voice/sounds, texts (e.g. documents, tweets, e-mails), control signals,
sensor data, etc., and such data are continuously generated as “big
stream data”. In general, such data are composed not only of explicit
information on physical entities (e.g. location, translation,
acceleration), but also of implicit information such as health
conditions, emotion, and behaviors, which should be extracted from
original sensor data. To acquire knowledge from the latter type of
implicit information, autonomous machine learning and data mining
methods that can learn from high-dimensional stream data are solicited
for CPS.

The purpose of this special session is to share new ideas to develop
autonomous machine learning and data mining methods for big stream data
that are generated not only by connecting cyber-physical worlds but also
within either of cyber- and physical- worlds.

A wide range of autonomous machine learning/data mining methods and
applications for cyber-physical systems is covered, including but not
limited to the followings:

Theoretical approaches to machine learning /data mining methods for
cyber-physical systems
- Supervised/Unsupervised Learning
- Online/Incremental Learning
- Online Feature Selection/Extraction
- Online Clustering
- Active Learning
- Stream Data Mining
- Text Mining
- Time-Series Analysis

Applications of cyber-physical systems such as
- Human-Robot Interactions
- Smart Life Technologies (e.g. smart grids, smart city, smart home,
  smart car, smart agriculture)
- Social Network Analysis (e.g. sentiment analysis, user profiling)
- Cybersecurity
- Opinion Mining
- Emotion/Behavior Mining
- Person Attitude Mining
- Realty Mining

Important Dates
- January 15, 2015: Paper submission deadline
- March 15, 2015:   Notification of paper acceptance
- April 15, 2015:   Camera-ready deadline
- July 12-17, 2015: Conference days

Manuscripts submitted to special sessions should be done through the
paper submission website of IJCNN 2015 as regular submissions. Please
follow the instructions below:

1- Go to to submit
   a paper to IJCNN 2015.
2- Be sure to set the "Main research topic" to "SS32: Autonomous
   Machine Learning for Cyber-Physical Systems."
   (The special sessions are found at the bottom of the list.)

All papers submitted to special sessions will be subject to the same
peer-review review procedure as the regular papers. Accepted papers will
be part of the regular conference proceedings.

For more information, please contact the Special Session organizers:
- Seiichi Ozawa (ozawasei at,
  Kobe University, Japan
- Nistor Grozavu (nistor at,
  LIPN, Paris 13 University, Villetaneuse, France
- Nicoleta Rogovschi (nicoleta.rogovschi at,
  LIPADE, Paris Descartes University, Paris, France
- Shogo Okada (okada at,
  Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

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