Connectionists: TPNC 2014: call for participation
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Sat Nov 1 07:50:32 EDT 2014
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3rd International Conference on the Theory and Practice of Natural Computing
TPNC 2014
Granada, Spain
December 9-11, 2014
Organised by:
Soft Computing and Intelligent Information Systems (SCI2S)
University of Granada
Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics (GRLMC)
Rovira i Virgili University
Tuesday, December 9
9:00 - 10:00 Registration
10:00 - 10:15 Opening
10:15 - 11:05 Marco Dorigo: Swarm Intelligence - Invited Lecture
11:05 - 11:35 Coffee Break
11:35 - 13:15
Rusinš Freivalds: Ultrametric Vs. Quantum Query Algorithms
Peter Niebert and Mathieu Caralp: Cellular Programming
Kiyoharu Tagawa and Shoichi Harada: Multi-Noisy-objective Optimization Based
on Prediction of Worst-Case Performance
Paulo Urbano, Enrique Naredo, and Leonardo Trujillo: Generalization in Maze
Navigation using Grammatical Evolution and Novelty Search
13:15 - 14:45 Lunch
14:45 - 16:00
Simon Bin, Sebastian Volke, Gerik Scheuermann, and Martin Middendorf:
Comparing the Optimization Behaviour of Heuristics with Topology Based
José Matías Cutillas Lozano and Domingo Giménez: Parameterized
Message-Passing Metaheuristic Schemes on a Heterogeneous Computing System
Jonathan Gutierrez, Megan Sorenson, and Eva Strawbridge: Modeling Fluid Flow
Induced by C. elegans Swimming at Low Reynolds Number
16:00 - 18:00 Touristic visit
Wednesday, December 10
9:00 - 9:50 Kalyanmoy Deb: Multi-Criterion Problem Solving: A Niche for
Natural Computing Methods - Invited Lecture
9:50 - 10:05 Break
10:05 - 11:20
Mohammad Ali Javaheri Javid, Mohammad Majid al-Rifaie, and Robert Zimmer:
Detecting Symmetry in Cellular Automata Generated Patterns Using Swarm
Edward Kent, Jason A. D. Atkin, and Rong Qu: Vehicle Routing in a Forestry
Commissioning Operation Using Ant Colony Optimisation
Michel Boyer and Tal Mor: Extrapolated States, Void States, and a Huge Novel
Class of Distillable Entangled States
11:20 - 11:50 Coffee Break and Group Photo
11:50 - 13:05
Vinay K. Gautam, Eugen Czeizler, Pauline C. Haddow, and Martin Kuiper:
Design of a Minimal System for Self-replication of Rectangular Patterns of
DNA Tiles
Naya Nagy and Marius Nagy: Unconditionally Secure Quantum Bit Commitment
Protocol Based on Incomplete Information
Marcos Villagra and Tomoyuki Yamakami: Quantum and Reversible Verification
of Proofs Using Constant Memory Space
13:05 - 14:35 Lunch
14:35 - 15:50
Henning Bordihn, Paolo Bottoni, Anna Labella, and Victor Mitrana: Solving
2D-Pattern Matching with Networks of Picture Processors
Clelia De Felice, Rocco Zaccagnino, and Rosalba Zizza: Unavoidable Sets and
Regularity of Languages Generated by (1,3)-Circular Splicing Systems
Kaoru Fujioka: A Two-Dimensional Extension of Insertion Systems
15:50 - 16:05 Break
16:05 - 16:35 Special session
Thursday, December 11
9:00 - 9:50 Francisco Herrera: Bioinspired Real Parameter Optimization:
Where We Are and What's Next - Invited Lecture
9:50 - 10:05 Break
10:05 - 11:20
Muhammad Marwan Muhammad Fuad: Differential Evolution-Based Weighted
Combination of Distance Metrics for k-means Clustering
Sergio Santander-Jiménez and Miguel A. Vega-Rodríguez: Inferring
Multiobjective Phylogenetic Hypotheses by Using a Parallel Indicator-Based
Evolutionary Algorithm
Jean-Philippe Bernard, Benjamin Gilles, and Christophe Godin: Combining
Finite Element Method and L-Systems Using Natural Information Flow
Propagation to Simulate Growing Dynamical Systems
11:20 - 11:50 Coffee Break
11:50 - 13:05
Abdoulaye Sarr, Alexandra Fronville, and Vincent Rodin: Morphogenesis Model
for Systematic Simulation of Forms' Co-evolution with Constraints :
Application to Mitosis
Jirí Šíma: The Power of Extra Analog Neuron
Zheng Yan, Xinyi Le, and Jun Wang: Model Predictive Control of Linear
Parameter Varying Systems Based on a Recurrent Neural Network
13:05 - 13:15 Closing
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