Connectionists: ECAI 2014 - reminder
ECAI 2014
ecai2014 at
Thu May 29 06:30:02 EDT 2014
ECAI 2014
Prague, Czech Republic
18-22 August 2014
Monday, August 18
Tutorials, Workshops, STAIRS, RuleML, Angry Birds
Tuesday, August 19
Tutorials, Workshops, STAIRS, RuleML, Angry Birds
Welcome Drink
Wednesday, August 20
Opening Session, Keynote speaker, Parallel Sessions, PAIS, RuleML, Angry Birds
Thursday, August 21
Keynote speaker, Parallel Sessions, PAIS, Angry Birds
Conference Dinner
Friday, August 22
Keynote speaker, Parallel Sessions, Angry Birds
Conference Chair: Hector Geffner
ECAI Programme Chair: Torsten Schaub
Organizing Committee Chair: Vladimír Mařík
Organizing Committe Co-chairs: Olga Štěpánková and Filip Železný
ECCAI Chair: Patrick Doherty
Workshop Chairs: Marina de Vos and Karl Tuyls
STAIRS Programme Chairs: Ulle Endriss and Joao Leite
PAIS Programme Chairs: Gerhard Friedrich and Barry O'Sullivan
Tutorials Chairs: Agostino Dovier and Paolo Torroni
Senior Programme Committee:
José Júlio Alferes (Portugal)
Sophia Ananiadou (United Kingdom)
Elisabeth André (Germany)
Grigoris Antoniou (United Kingdom)
Christian Bessiere (France)
Yngvi Björnsson (Iceland)
Gerhard Brewka (Germany)
Diego Calvanese (Italy)
Amedeo Cesta (Italy)
Andrew Coles (United Kingdom)
Luc de Raedt (Belgium)
Stefan Decker (Ireland)
Esra Erdem (Turkey)
Paolo Frasconi (Italy)
Johannes Fürnkranz (Germany)
Enrico Giunchiglia (Italy)
Lluís Godo Lacasa (Spain)
Marc Hanheide (United Kingdom)
Joachim Hertzberg (Germany)
Joerg Hoffmann (Germany)
Eyke Hüllermeier (Germany)
Anthony Hunter (United Kingdom)
Luca Iocchi (Italy)
Manfred Jaeger (Denmark)
Tomi Janhunen (Finland)
Souhila Kaci (France)
Kristian Kersting (Germany)
Philipp Koehn (United Kingdom)
Sarit Kraus (Israel)
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