Connectionists: 2015 postdoctoral position in clinical decision-making, University of Pittsburgh

Michael Hallquist michael.hallquist at
Tue Jun 10 16:22:21 EDT 2014

We are seeking applications for a two-year NIMH-supported postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh under the direction of Alex Dombrovski, M.D., and Michael Hallquist, Ph.D. The research fellow will work on NIMH-funded projects of decision-making in suicide and borderline personality disorder. Fellows will have ample opportunities to develop independent research projects and to publish empirical papers on suicide and BPD using existing data. 

Ideally, applicants should have experience with both functional neuroimaging and the development of reinforcement-learning or computational models of behavior. This position will require excellent quantitative and statistical skills, and successful candidates will have a track record of published high-quality research. Proficiency with MATLAB, R, AFNI, and Linux shell scripting is desirable. Experience with latent variable modeling is also preferred. 

The position will be available in the second half of 2015 and funding for a third year of postdoctoral training may be available depending on performance. Due to NIH restrictions, only US citizens or permanent residents are eligible for this position. To apply, please send a curriculum vitae and cover letter describing your research interests and experience to Michael Hallquist (hallquistmn at and Alex Dombrovski (dombax at  Please also have three letters of recommendation emailed directly to Drs. Dombrovski and Hallquist.

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