Connectionists: ECAI 2014 - Workshops

ECAI 2014 ecai2014 at
Fri Feb 28 04:20:02 EST 2014

 ** apologies for cross-posting **

ECAI 2014 Conference
September 18-22, 2014
Prague, Czech Republic


W1 - 3rd International Workshop on Computational Creativity, Concept Invention, and General Intelligence (C3GI) - 19.8.	
Tarek Richard Besold, Kai-Uwe Kuehnberger, Alan Smaill and Marco Schorlemmer

W2 - ECAI 2014 Workshop on Computer Games - 18.8.
Tristan Cazenave, Mark Winands and Yngvi Björnsson

W3 - MetaSel - Meta-learning & Algorithm Selection -19.8.	
Pavel Brazdil, Carlos Soares, Joaquin Vanschoren and Lars Kotthoff
W4 - "2nd European Workshop on Chance Discovery and Data Synthesis (EWCDDS14)" - 18.-19.8.
Akinori Abe and Yukio Ohsawa

W5 - 9th Workshop on Agents Applied in Health Care - 18.8.
Antonio Moreno, Ulises Cortés, Magí Lluch-Ariet, Helena Lindgren, Michael Ignaz Schumacher and David Isern

W6 - "International Workshop on Reactive Concepts in Knowledge Representation (ReactKnow 2014)" - 19.8.
Stefan Ellmauthaler and Jörg Pührer

W7 - COmbining COnstraint solving with MIning and LEarning (CoCoMiLe) - 19.8.	
Lars Kotthoff, Barry O'Sullivan and Georgiana Ifrim
W8 - IAT4SIS - 2014 Workshop on  Intelligent Agents and Technologies for Socially Interconnected Systems - 18.8.
Ana Paula Rocha, Virginia Dignum, Eugenio Oliveira, Laurent Vercouter and Huib Aldewereld
W9 - DARe-14: International Workshop on Defeasible and Ampliative Reasoning - 19.8.
Richard Booth, Giovanni Casini, Szymon Klarman, Gilles Richard and Ivan Varzinczak

W10 - Workshop on Multi-Agent Coordination in Robotic Exploration - 18.8.
Jan Faigl and Olivier Simonin

W11 - Artificial Intelligence meets Business Processes and Services (AIBPS2014 @ECAI) - 18.8.
Stefania Montani, Grzegorz Nalepa and Daniele Theseider Dupre

W12 - CogRob 2014 - The 9th International Workshop on Cognitive Robotics - 18.-19.8.	
Esra Erdem and Fredrik Heintz

W13 - "What can FCA do for Artificial Intelligence?'' (Third FCA4AI Workshop) - 19.8.	
Sergei O. Kuznetsov, Amedeo Napoli and Sebastian Rudolph

W14 - Industrial Applications of Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems (APL-MAS) - 18.8.
Pavel Vrba, Vladimir Marik and Thomas Strasser

W15 - Third international workshop on AI Problems and Approaches for Intelligent Environments (AI4IE) - 18.8.
Sebastian Bader, Anika Schumann and Stephan Sigg

W16 - Artificial Intelligence meets Web of Knowledge  (AIWK) - 19.8.
Papini Odile, Salem Benferhat, Laurent Garcia, Marie-Laure Mugnier
W17 - ERLARS 2014 - 7th International Workshop on Evolutionary and Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Robot Systems - 19.8.
Nils Siebel

W18 - 15th International Workshop on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems (CLIMA XV) - 18.-19.8.
Nils Bulling, Leon van der Torre and Serena Villata

W19 - 3rd International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Assistive Medicine (A-AIM/NETMED 2014) - 18.8.
Constantine D. Spyropoulos, Aldo Dragoni and Stavros Perantonis

W20 - 10th International Workshop on Knowledge Engineering and Software Engineering (KESE2014) - 19.8.
Grzegorz J. Nalepa, Joachim Baumeister and Krzysztof Kaczor

W21 - Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Ambient Assisted Living (AI4ALL) - 18.8.
Francisco Florez-Revuelta, Dorothy N. Monekosso, Paolo Remagnino, Feng Gu and Alexandros A. Chaaraoui 

More information may be found on the website

Marina De Vos and Karl Tuyls (ECAI 2014 Workshops Chairs)

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