Connectionists: Open Source Brain workshop 2014: Building and sharing models of the cortex
Padraig Gleeson
p.gleeson at
Tue Feb 18 06:07:48 EST 2014
(Apologies for cross postings)
Announcing the 2014 Open Source Brain Workshop: Building and sharing
models of the cortex. May 14-16th, Alghero, Sardinia.
There are an increasing number of cortical cell and network models being
developed and made publicly available, from networks of leaky integrate
and fire neurons based on cortical connectivity and firing properties,
to multicompartmental, conductance based cell models. Many of these are
being reused, reimplemented and extended to address new scientific
questions by labs around the world.
In this meeting, we will look at the range of cortico-thalamic models
out there which are of widespread interest and work towards getting
these into public, open source repositories, in standardised formats
such as NeuroML <> and PyNN
<>. We will investigate the steps needed
to ensure these models are well tested, annotated and ready for use as
research tools by the attendees and the wider community.
There will be presentations from experimentalists who are producing the
data to constrain these models, as well as simulator and application
developers who will create the infrastructure to build, simulate,
analyse and share the models.
*Confirmed speakers*
Sharon Crook, Arizona State University, USA
Markus Diesmann, Research Center Jülich, Germany
Dirk Feldmeyer, Aachen University, Germany
Rick Gerkin, Arizona State University, USA
Alon Korngreen, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Dave Lester, SpiNNaker project, University of Manchester, UK
Angus Silver, University College London
Tim Vogels, University of Oxford, UK
Daniel Wójcik, Nencki Institute, Poland
Full details of the workshop can be found here: The meeting is
free to attend, but registration is required (deadline April 15th).
The Open Source Brain initiative <> aims
to encourage collaborative, open source model development in
computational neuroscience and is primarily supported by the Wellcome Trust.
The OSB 2014 organising committee
Padraig Gleeson
Room 321, Anatomy Building
Department of Neuroscience, Physiology& Pharmacology
University College London
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT
United Kingdom
+44 207 679 3214
p.gleeson at
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