Connectionists: Call for paper - HRI 2015 Workshop "Cognition: A Bridge between Robotics and Interaction"
Alessandra Sciutti
alessandra.sciutti at
Sat Dec 27 08:44:18 EST 2014
Workshop Cognition: A Bridge between Robotics and Interaction, at HRI
2015, Portland (OR) USA
March 2, 2015
Submission deadline: January 20, 2015
Notification of acceptance: January 30, 2015
website: http://
- Prof. David Vernon, Skövde University
- Prof. Andrew Meltzoff, University of Washington
- Prof. Giulio Sandini, Italian Institute of Technology
- Prof. Minoru Asada, Osaka University
A key feature of humans is the ability to anticipate what other agents are
going to do and to plan accordingly a collaborative action. This skill,
derived from being able to entertain models of other agents, allows for the
compensation for intrinsic delays of human motor control and is a primary
support to allow for efficient and fluid interaction. Moreover, the
awareness that other humans are cognitive agents who combine sensory
perception with internal models of the environment and others, enables
easier mutual understanding and coordination.
Cognition represents therefore an ideal link between different disciplines,
as the field of Robotics and that of Interaction studies, performed by
neuroscientists and psychologists. From a robotics perspective, the study of
cognition is aimed at implementing cognitive architectures leading to
efficient interaction with the environment and other agents. From the
perspective of the human disciplines, robots could represent an ideal
stimulus to study which are the fundamental robot properties necessary to
make it perceived as a cognitive agent, enabling natural human-robot
interaction. Ideally, the implementation of cognitive architectures may
raise new interesting questions for psychologists, and the behavioral and
neuroscientific results of the human-robot interaction studies could
validate or give new inputs for robotics engineers.
The aim of this workshop will be to provide a venue for researchers of
different disciplines to discuss the possible points of contact and to
highlight the issues and the advantages of bridging different fields for the
study of cognition for interaction. This workshop will represent an ideal
continuation of the discussion began at HRI 2014, in the workshop HRI: a
bridge between Robotics and Neuroscience
( ).
- Cognitive Architecture
- Development of Social Cognition
- Interaction
- Prediction
- Embodiment
- Self and Other
The workshop will consist of invited keynotes, time for discussions and will
also feature a poster session.
Prospective participants are invited to submit full papers (up to 8 pages)
or short papers (2 pages). Submissions will be accepted in PDF format only,
using the HRI formatting guidelines
( and including author
names. Authors should send their papers to hri2015workshop at . All
submissions will be peer-reviewed. Upon available time, selected
contributions may have the opportunity to be presented in the oral session.
The other selected contributions will be presented as posters during a
dedicated session.
The submission must include 1 answer to one of the following questions:
- How should cognitive research be structured to yield results
useful for robotics and HRI?
- How can robotics have a direct influence on neuroscience and
cognitive psychology aimed at interaction studies?
- Which is the minimal level of cognition needed in a robot to be
able to interact with a human?
- Does a robot really need cognition to be perceived as a cognitive
agent by a human?
- Does inserting a cognitive agent into an interaction pose a risk
to the human partners?
- How important is the embodiment of a robot for the development of
its cognitive architecture and its social cognition?
Upon available time, those questions/answers will be used to "drive" a final
Submission deadline: January 20, 2014
Notification of acceptance: January 30, 2014
March 2, 2014, Workshop at HRI 2015
- Alessandra Sciutti
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
- Katrin Solveig Lohan
Heriot-Watt University
- Yukie Nagai
Osaka University
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