Connectionists: Marie Curie ESRs in Sparse Representations and Compressed Sensing

Mark Plumbley mark.plumbley at
Wed Dec 24 09:48:22 EST 2014

Dear Connectionists,
We are currently recruiting a number of "Early Stage Researcher" (ESR) positions for PhD study, as part of a new "SpaRTaN" EU-funded Marie Curie Initial Training Network in Sparse Representations and Compressed Sensing. These positions come with a very competitive salary compared to regular PhD scholarships, so might also be of interest to young researchers who had not otherwise thought of taking a PhD. (Apologies for cross-posting.) Best wishes, Mark Plumbley

Marie Curie Early Stage Researchers in Sparse Representations and Compressed Sensing

EU FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network "SpaRTaN: Sparse Representations and Compressed Sensing Training Network" (FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN 607290)

Project Website:

Applications are invited to a number of Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher (ESR) positions as part of the new EU-funded Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) "SpaRTaN: Sparse Representations and Compressed Sensing Training Network".

The SpaRTaN ITN ( brings together leading academic and industry groups to train a new generation of interdisciplinary researchers in sparse representations and compressed sensing, with applications in areas such as hyperspectral imaging, audio signal processing and video analytics.

Early Stage Researcher (ESR) positions allow the researcher to work towards a PhD, for a duration of 36 months. ESRs should be within four years of the diploma granting them access to doctorate studies at the time of recruitment, and must not have spent more than 12 months in the host country in the 3 years prior to starting. Marie Curie ESRs are paid a competitive salary which is adjusted for their host country. 

Each of the ESR posts being recruited across SpaRTaN has its own application process and closing date in early 2015. The full list of Early Stage Researcher (ESR) Positions (recruiting early 2015) is as follows:

 * ESR1 : Sparse Time-Frequency methods for Audio Source Separation - CVSSP, University of Surrey, United Kingdom
 * ESR2 : Automatic Music Transcription using Structured Sparse Dictionary Learning - CVSSP, University of Surrey, United Kingdom
 * ESR3 : Sparse Representations and Compressed Sensing - University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
 * ESR4 : Task Based Dictionary Learning for Audio-Visual Tagging - LTS2, EPFL,Switzerland
 * ESR5 : 1-bit Compressive Imaging - LTS2, EPFL,Switzerland
 * ESR6 : Analysis Dictionary Learning Beyond Gaussian Denoising - Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal
 * ESR7 : Compressed Sensing for Hyperspectral Imaging - Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal
 * ESR8 : Large-scale signal processing - INRIA, France

For further details, see

The following experienced Researcher (ER) positions will also be recruiting later in 2015:

 * ER1 : Video Analytics for Large Camera Networks - VisioSafe, Switzerland
 * ER2 : Image and Video Restoration with Adaptive Transforms - Noiseless Imaging, Finland

For more details of all ESR positions and future ER positions, and information on how to apply, see

Prof Mark D Plumbley
Professor of Signal Processing
Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing (CVSSP)
University of Surrey
Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH, UK
Email: m.plumbley at

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