Connectionists: CFP: NIPS Workshop on Networks: From Graphs to Rich Data
Aaron Clauset
Aaron.Clauset at
Sun Aug 31 01:07:04 EDT 2014
NIPS workshop on
Networks: From Graphs to Rich Data
December 2014, Montreal, Canada
Submission Deadline : Monday, 3 November 2014
Modern technology, including the World Wide Web, telecommunication devices and services, and largescale data storage, has completely transformed the scale and concept of data in the sciences. Modern data sets are often enormous in size, detail, and heterogeneity, and are often best represented as highly annotated sequences of graphs. Although much progress has been made on developing rigorous tools for analyzing and modeling some types of large, complex, realworld networks, much work still remains and a principled, coherent framework remains elusive, in part because the analysis of networks is a growing and highly crossdisciplinary field.
This workshop aims to bring together a diverse and crossdisciplinary set of researchers, in order to describe recent advances and to discuss future directions for developing new network methods in statistics and machine learning. By network methods, we broadly include those models and algorithms whose goal is to learn the patterns of interaction, flow of information, or propagation of effects in social, biological, and economic systems. We will also welcome empirical studies in applied domains such as the social sciences, biology, medicine, neuroscience, physics, finance, social media, and economics.
Format and Submissions
This 1 day workshop will feature 4 invited talks, poster spotlights, poster session, and a panel discussion.
We welcome the following types of papers:
-- Research papers that introduce new models or methodology, and/or apply established models/methods to novel domains and data sets;
-- Research papers that explore theoretical and computational issues; or,
-- Position papers that discuss shortcomings and desiderata of current approaches, or propose new directions for future research.
In each of these paper types, we encourage authors to emphasize the role of learning and its relevance to the application domains at hand.
Submissions should be 4-8 pages long, and adhere to NIPS format.
*** Submission Deadline : Monday, November 3, 2014 ***
Decision Notification : Thursday, November 6, 2014
Submissions will be accepted via :
Edo Airoldi, Harvard University
David Choi, Carnegie Mellon University
Aaron Clauset, University of Colorado, Boulder
Leto Peel, University of Colorado, Boulder
Johan Ugander, Microsoft Research
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