Connectionists: [meetings] List of CFPs and New Activities in AAAI-2015 (abstracts due on September 10th)
Yixin Chen
chen at
Fri Aug 29 05:19:33 EDT 2014
January 25-29, 2015 Austin, Texas, USA
We invite your participation at the Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on
Artificial Intelligence — the First Winter AAAI — to be held in
Austin, Texas, USA, January 25–29, 2015.
Blai Bonet and Sven Koenig, program chairs of AAAI-15, have integrated
many innovations into the program of this inaugural winter conference.
Please mark the following dates on your calendar:
September 10, 2014: Electronic abstracts due
September 15, 2014: Electronic papers due
October 22-24, 2014: Author feedback about initial reviews
November 7, 2014: Notification of acceptance or rejection
November 20, 2014: Camera-ready copy due at AAAI office
Innovations for the AAAI-15 Technical Program include the following:
• Resubmission possibilities for substantially improved AAAI-14 submissions
• Some software demonstration opportunities
• Easily accessible papers (with Students Meet Author events)
Special tracks:
• AI and the Web special track
• Cognitive Systems
• Computational Sustainability
• Integrated Systems (with special review criteria)
AAAI-15 will also include the following programs:
• Workshop Program
New! Drive for interdisciplinary workshop proposals (16 workshops planned)
October 14: Workshop submissions due
• Tutorial Program
NEW! Drive for tutorial proposals with expanded scope in topics, Hands
on tutorials (that include exercises), Getting Started tutorials (that
help graduates students go deeper in a field of research), tutorials
that teach widely-used tools, tutorials that introduce the soware
used for ongoing competitions, and tutorials about successful
applications of AI research
• Demonstration Program
New! Open to researchers from academe and industry (including authors
of submissions to AAAI-15, IAAI-15 and all associated events); award
for best demonstration
September 15: Demonstration applications due
• Senior Member Presentation Track
NEW! Blue Sky Ideas track (in addition to the regular track) and CCC
awards for the three best proposals in the Blue Sky Ideas track
October 8: Senior member submissions due
• AAAI/SIGAI Doctoral Consortium
New! Initiative to involve more international participation
September 22: AAAI/SIGAI Doctoral Consortium applications due
• Student Abstract and Poster Program
NEW! 3-minute presentation contest and Best Presentation and Best Poster awards
September 23: Student abstract submissions due
• AAAI-15 Robotics Program
NEW! A large number of events: a robotics exhibition (including a
Robotics in Texas event), an AI Robotics Fellowship program (aimed at
Ph.D. students from robotics labs that typically do not publish at AI
venues), a track with selected papers from Robotics: Science and
Systems 2014, an AI Robotics Early Career Spotlight Talk and other
invited talks, a celebration of the Shakey project, and more. Some
activities are in cooperation with the IEEE Robotics and Automation
Society, the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation,
and the Robotics: Science and Systems Conference. Stay tuned for URL
and additional information.
October 1: AI Robotics Fellowship program application deadline
November 1: Robotics Exhibition registration deadline
• AI Video Competition
NEW! Submissions also encouraged from the AAAI-15 main track and
demonstration program
October 15: AI video competition submissions due
• AAAI-15 Student Activities
NEW! ACM SIGAI Early Career Research Networking Event (colocated with
AAAI-15), Lunch with an AAAI Fellow, Women's Mentoring Lunch, AAAI
Newcomers' Lunch, Student Travel Coordination, Student Social
Activities, Student Volunteer Program
We are also working on a variety of additional events, including a
community meeting where AI societies discuss their initiatives, a
virtual agent exhibit, an AI Limerick and Haiku competition, a
“finding funding” event, a computer game exhibition, several game
competitions (colocated with AAAI-15) and an open house to introduce
high-school students and selected other members from the general
public to artificial intelligence.
Yixin Chen, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
Washington University in St. Louis
Phone: (314) 935-7528
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