Connectionists: Postdoctoral scholar in Machine Learning at ETH Zurich
Andreas Krause
krausea at
Wed Aug 27 05:14:21 EDT 2014
Postdoctoral scholar in Machine Learning at ETH Zurich
The Learning and Adaptive Systems group at ETH Zurich ( ), led by Andreas Krause, has an open position for
a postdoctoral scholar. In our group, we focus on three major,
interrelated research threads, both in theory and (often
interdisciplinary) applications:
1) Interactive Machine Learning, i.e., learning systems interacting
with people and the environment they are embedded in. This involves
questions in active and online learning, exploration exploitation
tradeoffs, Bayesian optimization, sequential decision making and
connections to control and game theory.
2) Learning under constraints: How can we design learning algorithms
that are able to cope with constraints, in terms of computation,
communication, power, attention, privacy, etc? This involves questions
in data summarization, coresets, large scale distributed optimization
3) Submodularity in Machine Learning: A major theme in our research is
submodular optimization, and we are broadly exploring applications of
this concept to ML problems ranging from representation over
statistical modeling and inference to decision making.
Applicants should have finished, or be about to finish their Ph.D.
degrees. They must have an exceptional background in machine learning
or optimization. Successful candidates need to have a strong track
record of publications at top machine learning, AI or theory
conferences (NIPS, ICML, COLT, KDD, AISTATS, AAAI, IJCAI, ...) and/or
premier journals in the area (JMLR, JAIR, PAMI, ...).
The initial appointment is for 12 months, with possible extensions up
to 3 years.
Working language at ETH Zurich is English -- German is not required.
The salary is highly competitive (among the highest in Europe).
Applicants are requested to send their
- letter of motivation,
- CV incl. publication list and
- contact information for three recommenders
to applications.las-group at Review of applications
will start immediately, and continue until the position is filled.
Prof. Andreas Krause
Learning and Adaptive Systems
Department of Computer Science
ETH Zurich
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