Connectionists: Workshop on Stochastic Neural Computation in Paris

Wolfgang Maass maass at
Wed Aug 13 08:18:48 EDT 2014

I am organizing a Workshop on Stochastic Neural Computation on Nov.27 
and 28, 2014 in Paris, at the European Institute for Theoretical 
Neuroscience. You are welcome to attend, and present a poster (if it 
fits into the context of this workshop).

This will be a very informal "working" workshop, where we want to bring 
together experts from neuroscience, cognitive science, theory, and 
neuromorphic hardware, that are working on different angles of 
stochastic neural computation with biological or artificial spiking 
neurons. The talks will focus on new results. We will also have plenty 
of time to discuss open problems and challenges that arise. Possibly 
this meeting could mark the beginning of some loose research network 
around this exciting research topic.

You can find a preliminary program at 

Information on the venue and hotel information is available at

The participation is free, but prior registration by October 1 is 
required on

Under "Registration type" on the registration page you can indicate 
whether you want to present a poster (please send title and abstract to 
me per email). There will be no registration fee.

best regards
Wolfgang Maass

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Maass
Institut fuer Grundlagen der Informationsverarbeitung
Technische Universitaet Graz
Inffeldgasse 16b ,   A-8010 Graz,  Austria
Tel.:  ++43/316/873-5822
Fax   ++43/316/873-5805

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