Connectionists: IMA Summer School on Modern Applications of Representation Theory

Risi Kondor risi at
Mon Apr 21 02:40:57 EDT 2014

The University of Chicago, July 20 - August 6, 2014
Application deadline: April 30, 2014

Organizers: Risi Kondor (UChicago), Lek-Heng Lim (UChicago), Jason Morton (Penn State)

Confirmed speakers:
Shamgar Gurevich (UW Madison),
Ronny Hadani (UT Austin),
Risi Kondor (UChicago),
Joseph Landsberg (Texas A&M),
Lek-Heng Lim (UChicago)
Cristopher Moore (Santa Fe Institute),
Jason Morton (Penn State),
Amit Singer (Princeton),
Chris Umans (Caltech).

While traditionally considered a branch of pure mathematics, the representation theory of groups has recently proved itself to be a powerful tool in a variety of applied fields, such as machine learning, cryo-electron imaging, digital signal processing, holographic algorithms and quantum computing, and algebraic and geometric computational complexity theory. The goal of the summer school is to build an interdisciplinary research community across mathematics, computer science, statistics, and other related fields. 

The program will consist of a sequence of introductory lectures intended to bring all participants up to speed on the fundamentals of representation theory, followed by a wide range of topical lectures presented by leading researchers in their respective fields. The summer school is primarily intended for students from IMA Participating Institutions, but a limited number of places are available for graduate students and postdocs from other institutions. Accommodation and limited travel funding will be provided. Please note that the application deadline is April 30.

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