Connectionists: how the brain works? (UNCLASSIFIED)
Juyang Weng
weng at
Mon Apr 7 13:58:56 EDT 2014
Note that ART uses a vigilance value to pick up the first "acceptable"
match in its sequential bottom-up and top-down search.
I believe that was Steve meant when he mentioned vigilance.
Why do you think "ART as a neural way to implement a K-nearest neighbor
If not all the neighbors have sequentially participated,
how can ART find the nearest neighbor, let alone K-nearest neighbor?
Our DN uses an explicit k-nearest mechanism to find the k-nearest
neighbors in every network update,
to avoid the problems of slow resonance in existing models of spiking
neuronal networks.
The explicit k-nearest mechanism itself is not meant to be biologically
but it gives a computational advantage for software simulation of large
at a speed slower than 1000 network updates per second.
I guess that more detailed molecular simulations of individual neuronal
spikes (such as using the Hodgkin-Huxley model of
a neuron, using the NEURON software,
<> or like the Blue Brain project
<> directed by respected Dr. Henry Markram)
are very useful for showing some detailed molecular, synaptic, and
neuronal properties.
However, they miss necessary brain-system-level mechanisms so much that
it is difficult for them
to show major brain-scale functions
(such as learning to recognize objects and detection of natural objects
directly from natural cluttered scenes).
According to my understanding, if one uses a detailed neuronal model for
each of a variety of neuronal types and
connects those simulated neurons of different types according to a
diagram of Brodmann areas,
his simulation is NOT going to lead to any major brain function.
He still needs brain-system-level knowledge such as that taught in the
BMI 871 course.
On 4/7/14 8:07 AM, Tsvi Achler wrote:
> Dear Steve, John
> I think such discussions are great to spark interests in feedback
> (output back to input) such models which I feel should be given much
> more attention.
> In this vein it may be better to discuss more of the details here than
> to suggest to read a reference.
> Basically I see ART as a neural way to implement a K-nearest neighbor
> algorithm. Clearly the way ART overcomes the neural hurdles is
> immense especially in figuring out how to coordinate neurons. However
> it is also important to summarize such methods in algorithmic terms
> which I attempt to do here (and please comment/correct).
> Instar learning is used to find the best weights for quick feedforward
> recognition without too much resonance (otherwise more resonance will
> be needed). Outstar learning is used to find the expectation of the
> patterns. The resonance mechanism evaluates distances between the
> "neighbors" evaluating how close differing outputs are to the input
> pattern (using the expectation). By choosing one winner the network
> is equivalent to a 1-nearest neighbor model. If you open it up to
> more winners (eg k winners) as you suggest then it becomes a
> k-nearest neighbor mechanism.
> Clearly I focused here on the main ART modules and did not discuss
> other additions. But I want to just focus on the main idea at this point.
> Sincerely,
> -Tsvi
> On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 1:30 PM, Stephen Grossberg <steve at
> <mailto:steve at>> wrote:
> Dear John,
> Thanks for your questions. I reply below.
> On Apr 5, 2014, at 10:51 AM, Juyang Weng wrote:
>> Dear Steve,
>> This is one of my long-time questions that I did not have a
>> chance to ask you when I met you many times before.
>> But they may be useful for some people on this list.
>> Please accept my apology of my question implies any false
>> impression that I did not intend.
>> (1) Your statement below seems to have confirmed my understanding:
>> Your top-down process in ART in the late 1990's is basically for
>> finding an acceptable match
>> between the input feature vector and the stored feature vectors
>> represented by neurons (not meant for the nearest match).
> ART has developed a lot since the 1990s. A non-technical but
> fairly comprehensive review article was published in 2012 in
> /Neural Networks/ and can be found at
> <>.
> I do not think about the top-down process in ART in quite the way
> that you state above. My reason for this is summarized by the
> acronym CLEARS for the processes of Consciousness, Learning,
> Expectation, Attention, Resonance, and Synchrony. All the CLEARS
> processes come into this story, and ART top-down mechanisms
> contribute to all of them. For me, the most fundamental issues
> concern how ART dynamically self-stabilizes the memories that are
> learned within the model's bottom-up adaptive filters and top-down
> expectations.
> In particular, during learning, a big enough mismatch can lead to
> hypothesis testing and search for a new, or previously learned,
> category that leads to an acceptable match. The criterion for what
> is "big enough mismatch" or "acceptable match" is regulated by a
> vigilance parameter that can itself vary in a state-dependent way.
> After learning occurs, a bottom-up input pattern typically
> directly selects the best-matching category, without any
> hypothesis testing or search. And even if there is a reset due to
> a large initial mismatch with a previously active category, a
> single reset event may lead directly to a matching category that
> can directly resonate with the data.
> I should note that all of the foundational predictions of ART now
> have substantial bodies of psychological and neurobiological data
> to support them. See the review article if you would like to read
> about them.
>> The currently active neuron is the one being examined by the top
>> down process
> I'm not sure what you mean by "being examined", but perhaps my
> comment above may deal with it.
> I should comment, though, about your use of the word "currently
> active neuron". I assume that you mean at the category level.
> In this regard, there are two ART's. The first aspect of ART is as
> a cognitive and neural theory whose scope, which includes
> perceptual, cognitive, and adaptively timed cognitive-emotional
> dynamics, among other processes, is illustrated by the above
> referenced 2012 review article in /Neural Networks/. In the
> biological theory, there is no general commitment to just one
> "currently active neuron". One always considers the neuronal
> population, or populations, that represent a learned category.
> Sometimes, but not always, a winner-take-all category is chosen.
> The 2012 review article illustrates some of the large data bases
> of psychological and neurobiological data that have been explained
> in a principled way, quantitatively simulated, and successfully
> predicted by ART over a period of decades. ART-like processing is,
> however, certainly not the only kind of computation that may be
> needed to understand how the brain works. The paradigm called
> Complementary Computing that I introduced awhile ago makes precise
> the sense in which ART may be just one kind of dynamics supported
> by advanced brains. This is also summarized in the review article.
> The second aspect of ART is as a series of algorithms that
> mathematically characterize key ART design principles and
> mechanisms in a focused setting, and provide algorithms for
> large-scale applications in engineering and technology. ARTMAP,
> fuzzy ARTMAP, and distributed ARTMAP are among these, all of them
> developed with Gail Carpenter. Some of these algorithms use
> winner-take-all categories to enable the proof of mathematical
> theorems that characterize how underlying design principles work.
> In contrast, the distributed ARTMAP family of algorithms,
> developed by Gail Carpenter and her colleagues, allows for
> distributed category representations without losing the benefits
> of fast, incremental, self-stabilizing learning and prediction in
> response to a large non-stationary databases that can include many
> unexpected events.
> See, e.g.,
> and
> I should note that FAST learning is a technical concept: it means
> that each adaptive weight can converge to its new equilibrium
> value on EACH learning trial. That is why ART algorithms can often
> successfully carry out one-trial incremental learning of a data
> base. This is not true of many other algorithms, such as back
> propagation, simulated annealing, and the like, which all
> experience catastrophic forgetting if they try to do fast
> learning. Almost all other learning algorithms need to be run
> using slow learning, that allows only a small increment in the
> values of adaptive weights on each learning trial, to avoid
> massive memory instabilities, and work best in response to
> stationary data. Such algorithms often fail to detect important
> rare cases, among other limitations. ART can provably learn in
> either the fast or slow mode in response to non-stationary data.
>> in a sequential fashion: one neuron after another, until an
>> acceptable neuron is found.
>> (2) The input to the ART in the late 1990's is for a single
>> feature vector as a monolithic input.
>> By monolithic, I mean that all neurons take the entire input
>> feature vector as input.
>> I raise this point here because neuron in ART in the late 1990's
>> does not have an explicit local sensory receptive field (SRF),
>> i.e., are fully connected from all components of the input
>> vector. A local SRF means that each neuron is only connected to
>> a small region
>> in an input image.
> Various ART algorithms for technology do use fully connected
> networks. They represent a single-channel case, which is often
> sufficient in applications and which simplifies mathematical
> proofs. However, the single-channel case is, as its name suggests,
> not a necessary constraint on ART design.
> In addition, many ART biological models do not restrict themselves
> to the single-channel case, and do have receptive fields. These
> include the LAMINART family of models that predict functional
> roles for many identified cell types in the laminar circuits of
> cerebral cortex. These models illustrate how variations of a
> shared laminar circuit design can carry out very different
> intelligent functions, such as 3D vision (e.g., 3D LAMINART),
> speech and language (e.g., cARTWORD), and cognitive information
> processing (e.g., LIST PARSE). They are all summarized in the 2012
> review article, with the archival articles themselves on my web
> page <>.
> The existence of these laminar variations-on-a-theme provides an
> existence proof for the exciting goal of designing a family of
> chips whose specializations can realize all aspects of higher
> intelligence, and which can be consistently connected because they
> all share a similar underlying design. Work on achieving this goal
> can productively occupy lots of creative modelers and
> technologists for many years to come.
> I hope that the above replies provide some relevant information,
> as well as pointers for finding more.
> Best,
> Steve
>> My apology again if my understanding above has errors although I
>> have examined the above two points carefully
>> through multiple your papers.
>> Best regards,
>> -John
>> Juyang (John) Weng, Professor
>> Department of Computer Science and Engineering
>> MSU Cognitive Science Program and MSU Neuroscience Program
>> 428 S Shaw Ln Rm 3115
>> Michigan State University
>> East Lansing, MI 48824 USA
>> Tel:517-353-4388 <tel:517-353-4388>
>> Fax:517-432-1061 <tel:517-432-1061>
>> Email:weng at <mailto:weng at>
>> URL: <>
>> ----------------------------------------------
> Stephen Grossberg
> Wang Professor of Cognitive and Neural Systems
> Professor of Mathematics, Psychology, and Biomedical Engineering
> Director, Center for Adaptive Systems
> <>
> steve at <mailto:steve at>
Juyang (John) Weng, Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
MSU Cognitive Science Program and MSU Neuroscience Program
428 S Shaw Ln Rm 3115
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824 USA
Tel: 517-353-4388
Fax: 517-432-1061
Email: weng at
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