Connectionists: Open PhD Position at the University of Siena on Artificial Vision
maggini at
maggini at
Mon Sep 2 06:25:02 EDT 2013
(Apologies for cross-posting)
Open PhD Position at the University of Siena
Research topics:
a three year PhD position on computer vision is open at the Department
of Information Engineering and Mathematics, University of Siena, Italy.
The position is related to the project "Learning to See like Children",
that aims at constructing a web service based on intelligent agents to
emulate human-like vision skills. The research will focus on never-end
machine learning processes based on continuous streams. Like for
children, in addition to such a natural visual interaction, the agents
are expected to interact with humans so as to receive supervision of
objects and actions, and to acquire background knowledge on the visual
Please, don't hesitate to contact us for additional details on the
project. We can open you the access to a site where you can find plenty of
information on the project.
Master's degree at the time of the formalization of the contract in one of
the following (or related) disciplines: computer science, computer or
information engineering, mathematics, physics.
Knowledge in the fields of artificial intelligence, machine learning and
computer vision are appreciated, but do not represent the main
qualification. We are mostly looking for truly open-minded students
willing to join a project which departs clearly from the current computer
vision research guidelines and frontiers.
Working environment:
We are an interdisciplinary team of researchers with backgrounds in
artificial intelligence, machine learning, and computer vision. The
research will be carried in a pleasant working atmosphere at the AI-lab of
the University of Siena in close connection with the TEV (TEchnologies of
Vision) of Fondazione Bruno Kessler (Trento, Italy).
We offer:
The student will receive a fellowship during the three years of the PhD
Details for the formal application:
Deadline: September 20th, 2013.
Prof. Marco Gori marco at
Prof. Marco Maggini maggini at
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