Connectionists: Recent paper from joint efforts at Acadia University / Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Danny Silver danny.silver at
Sat May 18 09:19:51 EDT 2013

We would like to bring to your attention the following position paper presented at the AAAI spring symposium, which might be of interest to some people on this list:

Daniel L. Silver, Qiang Yang, Lianghao Li
Lifelong Machine Learning Systems: Beyond Learning Algorithms
Proceedings of the 2013 AAAI Spring Symposium  on Lifelong Machine Learning, Stanford Uinversity, CA, p. 50-55,

Feedback and comment is greatly welcome.
Best regards,


Daniel L. Silver, Ph.D.       danny.silver at<mailto:danny.silver at>
Professor  & Director,  Jodrey School of Computer Science,   Acadia University
Office 310, Carnegie Hall,     Wolfville, NS  Canada  B4P 2R6
p:902-585-1331              f:902-585-1067
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