Connectionists: Open PhD/Postdoc Position in Theoretical Visual Neuroscience
Matthias Kaschube
kaschube at
Mon Mar 11 16:28:40 EDT 2013
We have an opening for a fully funded 3-year interdisciplinary PhD studentship / postdoc position in theoretical/computational visual neuroscience at the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS). The position is part of the Bernstein Focus: Neurotechnology (BFNT) Frankfurt and is focused on neural circuit models of the visual cortex to study memory mediated top-down control of visual processing.
We are seeking outstanding and highly motivated PhD candidates or Postdocs to apply for work within the above framework. Applicants should hold degrees (Master or PhD, respectively) in relevant subjects, for example physics, mathematics, computer science, neuroscience, engineering, etc. The candidate should have excellent analytic skills, knowledge of signal processing and statistics and good programming skills (Matlab, Python or C/C++). The position can be filled immediately, and the term of the appointment is 36 months. The salary for these full-time positions (PhD or Postdoc) is according to TV G-U 13, 100%.
The Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies is a research institution dedicated to fundamental theoretical research in various areas of science. It is embedded in Frankfurt’s recently established research campus, which is home to a thriving research community in the field of neuroscience. Tight links exist to the experimental neuroscience centers of the biology department and medical campus of the Goethe University, the adjacent Max-Planck Institutes for Brain Research and for Biophysics and the Ernst Strüngmann Institute for Neuroscience (in cooperation with the Max-Planck Society) at Frankfurt’s medical campus.
Frankfurt itself is the hub of one of the most vibrant metropolitan areas in Europe. Apart from its strong economic and financial sides, it boasts a rich cultural community and repeatedly earns high rankings in worldwide surveys of quality of living.
For further information, please visit
Applications should be sent to Matthias Kaschube (kaschube at and Gaby Ehlgen (ehlgen at Applicants should send a CV (including a list of publications) and contact information of 2 references. Informal inquiries can be addressed to Matthias Kaschube.
Matthias Kaschube
Fellow, Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies
Professor for Computational Neuroscience and Computational Vision
Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics
Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main
Ruth-Moufang-Str. 1
60438 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: +49 69 798 47521 or
E-mail: kaschube at
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