Connectionists: Amrita BioQuest 2013 - Intl. Conf. on Biotechnology for Innovative Applications - Abstract Deadline Extended (UPDATED)
Shyam Diwakar
shyam at
Wed Mar 6 15:25:05 EST 2013
Dear Colleagues,
Kindly note the deadline for call for abstracts has been ext ended .
--------------------Extended Deadline - Call for Abstracts ------------------------
International Conference on Biotechnology for Innovative Applications - Amrita Bio Quest 2013
The growing impact of Biotechnology in all spheres has resulted in the active and focused pursuit of innovative applications that capitalize on novel approaches to enhance our strengths in frontier areas of Biotechnology. Amrita Bioquest 2013 will provide an ideal forum to discuss and deliberate on established as well as emerging platforms and strategies.
Date of Conference: 10-14 August, 2013
Venue: Kochi (Aug 10), Amritapuri (Aug 11-14), Kerala , India.
Extended Abstract deadline: March 31, 2013
Tracks: Genomics and translation medicine, Neuro biology and Computational Neuroscience , Biomedical engineering , Computational Biology and Bioinformatics , Bioanalytical techniques, Bioprospecting and Bioengineering , Biotechnology in I ndia .
More info:
Conference website: http :// amrita . edu / bioquest
Abstract submission link: http :// www . amritabioquest .org/abstract. html
Facebook page: https :// www . facebook .com/ amritabioquestconference
Invited Speakers ( updat ing /current ): http :// www . amritabioquest .org/speakers. html
Dr. Shyam Diwakar
VALUE @ Amrita - Virtual & Accessible Laboratories Universalizing Education
School of Biotechnology
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham ( Amrita University)
Amritapuri , Clappana P.O.
Kollam , India. Pin: 690525
Ph :+91-476-2803116 Fax:+91-476-2899722
http ://
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