Connectionists: PhD studentship on EEG-based Neuroprosthesis at Inria (Nancy, France)

Laurent Bougrain Laurent.Bougrain at
Fri Jun 7 04:26:20 EDT 2013

Research theme : Computational Medecine and Neuroscience 

Keywords: EEG-based neuroprosthesis; motor control; machine learning; robotic arm 

Location : NEUROSYS team, Inria Nancy - Grand Est, France (1h30 from Paris by TGV) 
PhD Director : Axel Hutt 
PhD Advisor : Laurent Bougrain 

The NeuroSys team aims at understanding the dynamics of neural systems using a systems neuroscience approach. 

This PhD thesis aims at overcoming the limitations of EEG-based neuroprosthesis by introducing multilabel classifiers for a 3D control of a robotic arm using band-specific EEG markers associated with a motor task. 

A full description of the PhD position is available here : 

Application deadline : 31/06/2013 
Targeted hiring Date : 01/10/13 
Duration : Three years 
Salary : First- and second-year PhD student: €1 957.54 (gross) per month - €1 596.53 (net) per month. Third-year PhD student: €2 058.84 (gross) per month - €1 679.14 (net) per month 

Please, send your covering letter and your CV to laurent.bougrain at 

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