Connectionists: Postdoctoral vacancies in London

Harris, Kenneth kenneth.harris at
Tue Jul 30 11:43:05 EDT 2013

Dear Connectionists,

I would like to advertise two postdoctoral jobs at the interface of computational and experimental neuroscience.

Position 1: Analysis of large-scale cortical activity using next-generation neuronal recordings.

Understanding how the brain processes information requires understanding the joint activity of large numbers of neurons. This position would involve using new electrode technology to record for the first time from thousands of neurons simultaneously in the living brain. In addition to experimental recordings, this will involve extensive computational work to characterize the large amount of data produced by these experiments. This project would suit someone with strong quantitative/computational skills, as well as experience in experimental neurophysiology or the willingness and ability to learn. This post forms part of a world-wide consortium to develop next-generation neural population recordings, and would be supervised jointly by Kenneth Harris and Matteo Carandini.

Position 2: Large-scale simulation of cortical circuits.

Our understanding of the connectivity and plasticity of neocortical circuits is growing at a tremendous rate. Yet understanding of how these circuits process information lags far behind this biological knowledge. This project will employ recently-developed learning rules to study how realistic models of cortical circuits can self-organize into information-processing networks. Close interaction with experimental neuroscience will be a key part of the project, and the models will be constrained by their ability to both reproduce patterns of population activity measured experimentally in vivo, and to perform real-world information processing tasks such as speech classification. The project will involve analytical as well as computational work, and would suit an individual with strong ability in mathematics or physics, excellent programming skills, as well as deep knowledge and interest in neuroscience.

About the lab

The most exciting developments in science come from close interactions between scientists of different backgrounds and skill sets. We run a tightly integrated group that allows not only collaborative research but also the opportunity for computational scientists to train in experimental techniques and vice versa. Our location in London provides access to a strong research base of neuroscience, computation, engineering, as well as a stimulating cultural environment.

To apply for these positions, please go to, enter 1351805 or 1352741 into the box "Ref No", and press "search". Informal enquiries are welcome by email to kenneth.harris at<mailto:kenneth.harris at>.

Kenneth D. Harris
Professor of Quantitative Neuroscience
Institute of Neurology, Department of Neuroscience, Physiology, and Pharmacology
University College London
21 University Street
London WC1E 6DE
Phone: +44 (0)20 3108 2410

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