Connectionists: PhD studentships at Sheffield

Kevin Gurney k.gurney at
Mon Jan 14 12:04:06 EST 2013

University of Sheffield has three PhD studentships in decision making

The cross-disciplinary neuroeconomics network at the University of
Sheffield is seeking applications for PhD studentships as part of the

"Decision making under uncertainty: brains, swarms and markets"

Project 1: "Experimental validation of a new computational theory of
adaptive decision-making."

Project 2: “‘Herding cats’: Visually guided decision making with target

Project 3: Reinforcement learning and the equity premium puzzle

The closing date for applications is 15 February 2013.

See for
full details.

Kevin Gurney, PhD, FSB
Professor of Computational Neuroscience
Adaptive Behaviour Research Group
Department of Psychology, University of Sheffield, S10 2TP,

"Email is a wonderful thing for people whose role in life is to be on top
of things. But not for me; my role is to be on the bottom of things. What I
do takes long hours of studying and uninterruptible concentration."
Donald Knuth: Professor Emeritus of the Art of Computer Programming at
Stanford University,  and winner of the 1974 Turing Award.
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