Connectionists: NEURAL COMPUTATION - January, 2013

Terry Sejnowski terry at
Fri Jan 4 17:25:09 EST 2013

Neural Computation - Contents -- Volume 25, Number 1 - January 1, 2013


Dynamics of Feature Categorization
Daniel Marti, John Rinzel

Stochastic Hodgkin-Huxley Equations With Colored Noise Terms in the Conductances
Marifi Gueler

Statistical Computer Model Analysis of the Reciprocal and Recurrent Inhibitions
of the Ia-EPSP in alpha-Motoneurons
Gideon Gradwohl, Yoram Grossman

Point Process Principal Components Analysis via Geometric Optimization
Victor Solo, Syed Ahmed Pasha

A Spiking Neural Model for Stable Reinforcement of Synapses Based on Multiple Distal Rewards
Michael J. O'Brien, Narayan Srinivasa

A Model of the Differential Representation of Signal Novelty in the Local Field Potentials
and Spiking Activity of the Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex
Jung Hoon Lee, Joji Tsunada, and Yale Cohen

Computing Sparse Representations of Multidimensional Signals Using Kronecker Bases
Cesar Federico Caiafa, Andrzej Cichocki

ANUBIS - Artificial Neuromodulation Using a Bayesian Inference System
Benjamin J. H. Smith, Chakravarthini M Saaj, and Elie Allouis

Multi-Layer Perceptron Classification of Unknown Volatile Chemicals From the Firing Rates
of Insect Olfactory Sensory Neurons and Its Application to Biosensor Design
Luqman Ramadhana Bachtiar, Charles P. Unsworth, Richard D. Newcomb, and Edmund J. Crampin



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