Connectionists: Telluride 2013 Call for Participation

retienne retienne at
Thu Feb 14 20:57:09 EST 2013

2013 Neuromorphic Cognition Engineering Workshop*

*/Telluride, Colorado, June 30^th - July 20^th , 2013/*

*CALL FOR APPLICATIONS:  Deadline is April 15th, 2013*


Sunday June 30th- Saturday July 20th, 2013, Telluride, Colorado

We invite applications for a three-week summer workshop that will be 
held in Telluride, Colorado. Sunday June 30th- Saturday July 20th, 2013. 
The application deadline is *Monday, April 15th* and application 
instructions are described at the bottom of this document.

The 2013 Workshop and Summer School on Neuromorphic Engineering is 
sponsored by the National Science Foundation, Institute of Neuromorphic 
Engineering, Qualcomm Corporation, The EU-Collaborative Convergent 
Science Network (CNS-II), , University of Maryland - College Park, 
Institute for Neuroinformatics - University and ETH Zurich, Georgia 
Institute of Technology, Johns Hopkins University, Boston University, 
University of Western Sydney and the Salk Institute.

Cornelia Fermuller, University of Maryland, College Park

Ralph Etienne-Cummings, Johns Hopkins University

Shih-Chii Liu, Institute of Neuroinformatics, UNI/ETH Zurich

Timothy Horiuchi, University of Maryland, College Park

*Workshop Advisory Board:*

Andreas ANDREOU (The Johns Hopkins University)

Andre van SCHAIK (University Western Sydney)

Avis COHEN (University of Maryland)

Barbara SHINN-CUNNINGHAM (Boston University)

Giacomo INDIVERI (Institute of Neuroinformatics, UNI/ETH 
Zurich, Switzerland)

Jonathan TAPSON (University Western Sydney, Australia)

Malcolm SLANEY (Microsoft Research)

Paul HASLER (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Rodney DOUGLAS (Institute of Neuroinformatics, UNI/ETH Zurich, Switzerland)

Shihab SHAMMA (University of Maryland)

Tobi Delbruck (Institute for Neuroinformatics, Zurich)

*Previous year workshop can be found at:* 
<> and 
last year's wiki is .

Neuromorphic engineers design and fabricate artificial neural systems 
whose organizing principles are based on those of biological nervous 
systems. Over the past 18 years, this research community has focused on 
the understanding of low-level sensory processing and systems 
infrastructure; efforts are now expanding to apply this knowledge and 
infrastructure to addressing higher-level problems in perception, 
cognition, and learning. In this 3-week intensive workshop and through 
the Institute for Neuromorphic Engineering (INE), the mission is to 
promote interaction between senior and junior researchers; to educate 
new members of the community; to introduce new enabling fields and 
applications to the community; to promote on-going collaborative 
activities emerging from the Workshop, and to promote a self-sustaining 
research field.

The three week summer workshop will include background lectures on 
systems and cognitive neuroscience (in particular sensory processing, 
learning and memory, motor systems and attention), practical tutorials 
on emerging hardware design, mobile robots, hands-on projects, and 
special interest groups. Participants are required to take part and 
possibly complete at least one of the projects proposed. They are 
furthermore encouraged to become involved in as many of the other 
activities proposed as interest and time allow. There will be two 
lectures in the morning that cover issues that are important to the 
community in general. Because of the diverse range of backgrounds among 
the participants, some of these lectures will be tutorials, rather than 
detailed reports of current research. These lectures will be given by 
invited speakers. Projects and interest groups meet in the late 
afternoons, and after dinner. In the early afternoon there will be 
tutorials on a wide spectrum of topics, including analog VLSI, mobile 
robotics, vision and auditory systems, central-pattern-generators, 
selective attention mechanisms, cognitive systems, etc.


*1) Human Cognition: Decoding Perceived, Attended, Imagined Acoustic 
Events  and Human-Robot Interfaces*

Project Leaders: Shihab Shamma (UM-College Park), Malcolm Slaney 
(Microsoft), Barbara Shinn-Cunningham (Boston U), Edward Lalor (Trinity 
College, Dublin)

Featuring: Chris Assad (NASA -- JPL)

*2)  Recognizing Manipulation Actions in Cluttered Environments from 
Vision and Sound*
Project leaders: Cornelia Fermüller (UM-College Park), Andreas Andreou (JHU)

Featuring: Bert Shi (HKUST, Hong Kong) and Ryad Benosman (UPMC, Paris)

3) Dendritic Computation in Neurons and Engineered Devices*

Project Leaders:  Klaus M. Stiefel (UWS, Australia), Jonathan Tapson 
(UWS, Australia)

*4) Universal Neuromorphic Systems and Sensors for Real-Time Mobile 

Project Leaders: Jorg Conradt (TUM, Munich), Francesco Galluppi (U. 
Manchester, UK), Shih-Chii Liu (INI-ETH, Zurich) and Ralph 
Etienne-Cummings (JHU)

Featuring: Bert Shi (HKUST, Hong Kong) and Ryad Benosman (UPMC, Paris)

*5)  Emerging Technology and Discussion Group: * *Cognitive Computing 
with Emerging Nanodevices*

Group Leaders:  Omid Kavehei (U. Melbourne, Australia), Tara Julia 
Hamilton (UNSW, Australia)

*6) Terry Sejnowski (Salk Institute) -- Computational Neuroscience 
(invitational mini-workshop)*


The summer school will take place in the small town of Telluride, 9000 
feet high in southwest Colorado, about 6 hours drive away from Denver 
(350 miles). Great Lakes Aviation and America West Express airlines 
provide daily flights directly into Telluride. All facilities within the 
beautifully renovated public school building are fully accessible to 
participants with disabilities. Participants will be housed in ski 
condominiums, within walking distance of the school. Participants are 
expected to share condominiums.

The workshop is intended to be very informal and hands-on. Participants 
are not required to have had previous experience in analog VLSI circuit 
design, computational or machine vision, systems level neurophysiology 
or modeling the brain at the systems level. However, we strongly 
encourage active researchers with relevant backgrounds from academia, 
industry and national laboratories to apply, in particular if they are 
prepared to work on specific projects, talk about their own work or 
bring demonstrations to Telluride (e.g. robots, chips, software). 
Wireless internet access will be provided. Technical staff present 
throughout the workshops will assist with software and hardware issues. 
We will have a network of PCs running LINUX and Microsoft Windows for
the workshop projects. We encourage participants to bring along their 
personal laptop.

No cars are required. Given the small size of the town, we recommend 
that you do not rent a car. Bring hiking boots, warm clothes, rain gear, 
and a backpack, since Telluride is surrounded by beautiful mountains.

Unless otherwise arranged with one of the organizers, we expect 
participants to stay for the entire duration of this three week workshop.


Notification of acceptances will be mailed out around the April 30^th , 
2013.The Workshop covers all your accommodations and facilities costs 
for the 3 weeks duration. You are responsible for your own travel to the 
Workshop, however, sponsored fellowships will be available as described 
below to further subsidize your cost.

Registration Fees:For expenses not covered by federal funds, a Workshop 
registration fee is required. The fee is $1250 per participant for the 
3-week Workshop.This is expected from all participants at the time of 

Accommodations:The cost of a shared condominium, typically a bedroom in 
a shared condo for senior participants or a shared room for students, 
will be covered for all academic participants.Upgrades to a private 
rooms or condos will cost extra. Participants from National Laboratories 
and Industry are expected to pay for these condominiums.

Fellowships:This year we will offer two Fellowships to subsidize your costs:

1)Qualcomm Corporation Fellowship:Three non-corporate participants will 
have their accommodation and registration fees ($2750) directly covered 
by Qualcomm, and will be reimbursed for travel costs up to $500.  
Additional generous funding from Qualcomm will partially subsidize 
accommodation ($250) and registration fees ($250) for the top 13 
participants that are not chosen for the Qualcomm or EU-CSNII Fellowships.

2)EU-CSNII Fellowship ( which is funded by the 7th 
Research Framework Program FP7-ICT-CSNII-601167:The top 8 EU applicants 
will be reimbursed for their registration fees ($1250), 
subsistence/travel subsidy (up to Euro 2000) and accommodations cost 
($1500). The registration and accommodations costs will go directly to 
the INE (the INE will reimburse the participant's registration fees 
after receipt from CSNII), while the subsistence/travel reimbursement 
will be provided directly to the participants by the CSNII at the 
University of Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain.


Applicants should be at the level of graduate students or above (i.e. 
postdoctoral fellows, faculty, research and engineering staff and the 
equivalent positions in industry and national laboratories). We actively 
encourage women and minority candidates to apply.

Anyone interested in proposing or discussing specific projects should 
contact the appropriate topic leaders directly.

The application website is (after February 15th, 2013): 

Application information needed:

* contact email address

* First name, Last name, Affiliation, valid e-mail address.

* Curriculum Vitae (a short version, please).

* One page summary of background and interests relevant to the workshop, 
including possible ideas for workshop projects. Please indicate which 
topic areas you would most likely join.

* Two letters of recommendation (uploaded directly by references).

Applicants will be notified by e-mail.

15^th February, 2013 - Applications accepted on website

15^th April, 2013 - Applications Due

30^th April, 2013 - Notification of Acceptance

Ralph Etienne-Cummings
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
The Johns Hopkins University
105 Barton Hall
3400 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21218
Tel: (410) 516 3494
Fax: (410) 516 2939
Email:retienne at

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