Connectionists: [publication and call for dialog] IEEE CIS Newsletter on Autonomous Mental Development, Fall 2013

Pierre-Yves Oudeyer pierre-yves.oudeyer at
Wed Dec 18 16:39:14 EST 2013

Dear colleagues,

It is my pleasure to announce the release of the Fall 2013 issue of the IEEE CIS Newsletter on Autonomous Mental Development. This is the biannual newsletter of the computational developmental sciences and developmental robotics community, studying mechanisms of lifelong learning and development in machines and humans.

It is available at:

=== Dialog initiated by Peter Ford Dominey, with responses from Brian MacWhinney, William Croft, Alistair Knott, Juyang Weng, Michael A. Arbib & Victor Barrès
=== "How are Grammatical Constructions Linked to Embodied Meaning Representations?
This dialog investigates how structured embodied meanings, such as the temporal enfolding of events, and grammatical constructions to talk about these meanings, can be developed in humans and robots. Particular emphasis is put on the hypothesis that structured conceptual and linguistic meanings form within the flow of structured social interaction loops, which themselves act as a frame that guides the infant. The dialog also discusses how linguistic grammatical constructions interact with a sensorimotor system which may have itself a full-blown grammatical organization, which opens in itself stimulating research avenues.

=== New dialog initiated by Katerina Pastra
=== "Autonomous Acquisition of Sensorimotor Experiences: Any Role for Language?
Then, a new dialog initiation by Katerina Pastra formulates a bold hypothesis: language as a communication system may have evolved as a byproduct of language as a tool for (self-)organizing conceptual structures.
Those of you interested in reacting to this dialog initiation are welcome to submit a response (contact pierre-yves.oudeyer at by March 30th, 2014. The length of each response must be between 600 and 800 words (including references).

Seizing the opportunity of the approaching tenth anniversary of the Newsletter with continuously renewed scientific dialogues, an updated "look and feel” for the newsletter was designed by Fabien Benureau, who is the new editorial assistant of the newsletter. I would like to thank Fabien, and I hope everyone will enjoy it.

Let me remind you that previous issues of the newsletter are all open-access and available at:

I wish you a stimulating reading!

Best regards,

Pierre-Yves Oudeyer,

Editor of the IEEE CIS Newsletter on Autonomous Mental Development
Research director, Inria
Head of Flower project-team
Inria and Ensta ParisTech, France

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