Connectionists: RLDM2013: Call for abstract submissions
Yael Niv
yael at Princeton.EDU
Wed Apr 17 16:42:09 EDT 2013
Call for abstracts: deadline 16 June 2013, midnight UTC-11
The 1st Multidisciplinary Conference on
Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making (RLDM2013)
Oct 25-27, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA
We solicit abstracts for the 1st Multidisciplinary Conference on
Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making (RLDM2013).
Over the last few decades, reinforcement learning and decision making
have been the focus of an incredible wealth of research spanning a
wide variety of fields including psychology, artificial intelligence,
machine learning, operations research, control theory, animal and
human neuroscience, economics and ethology. The aim of RLDM2013 is to
inaugurate a recurring meeting at the intersection of these fields,
characterized by the multidisciplinarity of the presenters and
attendees, with cross-disciplinary conversations being central
objectives along with the dissemination of novel theoretical and
experimental results.
The first meeting will be single-track, with 8 invited talk sessions
and 2 contributed poster sessions. Registration fees are expected to
be low, and we expect to be able to offer travel awards to a limited
number of student attendees courtesy of generous sponsors.
We invite extended abstracts for contributed poster presentations. We
welcome submissions of original research related to "learning and
decision making over time to achieve a goal", coming from any
discipline or disciplines, describing empirical results from human,
animal, robot or artificial agent experiments, and/or theoretical
work, simulations and modeling. Contributions should be aimed at an
interdisciplinary audience, but not at the expense of technical
excellence. This is an abstract-based meeting, with no published
conference proceedings. As such, work that is intended for, or has
been submitted to, other conferences or journals is also welcome,
provided that the intent of communication to other disciplines is
Submissions should consist of a summary (max 2000 characters; text
only), and an extended abstract of between one and four pages
(including figures and references). LaTeX and RTF templates, and
sample submissions, are available from
To submit your abstract please go to
Submissions will be reviewed for relevance to the topic and for
quality. Exceptional abstracts will be selected for poster spotlight
presentations, and for a best poster talk.
Submissions open: 1 May 2013
Submissions close: 16 June 2013, midnight UTC-11 (American Samoa Time)
Notification of acceptance: by early August, 2013
Early registration: 31 August 2013
Meeting: 25-27 October 2013, Princeton, NJ
To ensure that you receive future announcements about RLDM2013 please
join our mailing list at (you must log in
to google to see the "join list" button, and choose 'all emails' in
the options).
RLDM2013 confirmed speakers:
RLDM2013 Programme Committee:
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