Connectionists: Special Issue on "Computational Neuroscience" in J Neurosci Meth
Thomas Wennekers
thomas.wennekers at
Fri Sep 14 07:01:17 EDT 2012
Dear All
The Journal of Neuroscience Methods has published a special issue about
"Computational Neuroscience" this month. A list of contributions follows below.
More info about each contribution and the background of the special issue
can be found here
The papers are obtainable from these web pages
Thomas Wennekers
"Special Issue on Computational Neuroscience (Editorial)"
Claude Bédard, Sebastien Béhuret, Charlotte Deleuze, Thierry Bal, Alain Destexhe
"Oversampling method to extract excitatory and inhibitory conductances from single-trial
membrane potential recordings"
Hinnerk Feldwisch-Drentrup, Adam B. Barrett, Michael T. Smith, Mark C.W. van Rossum
"Fluctuations in the open time of synaptic channels: An application to noise analysis
based on charge"
Armin Bahl, Martin B. Stemmler, Andreas V.M. Herz, Arnd Roth
"Automated optimization of a reduced layer 5 pyramidal cell model based on experimental data"
Lucy A. Davies, Jose A. Garcia-Lazaro, Jan W.H. Schnupp, Thomas Wennekers, Susan L. Denham
"Tell me something interesting: Context dependent adaptation in somatosensory cortex"
Robin A.A. Ince, Alberto Mazzoni, Andreas Bartels, Nikos K. Logothetis, Stefano Panzeri
"A novel test to determine the significance of neural selectivity to single and multiple
potentially correlated stimulus features"
Cesare Magri, Alberto Mazzoni, Nikos K. Logothetis, Stefano Panzeri
"Optimal band separation of extracellular field potentials"
Susan Denham, Alexandra Bendixen, Robert Mill, Dénes Tóth, Thomas Wennekers, Martin Coath,
Tamás Bőhm, Orsolya Szalardy, István Winkler
"Characterising switching behaviour in perceptual multi-stability"
Jayawan H.B. Wijekoon, Piotr Dudek
"VLSI circuits implementing computational models of neocortical circuits"
Thomas Sharp, Francesco Galluppi, Alexander Rast, Steve Furber
"Power-efficient simulation of detailed cortical microcircuits on SpiNNaker"
Most articles in this special issue were supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences
Research Council (EPSRC) under grant EP/C010841/1 -- "A Novel Computing Architecture for
Cognitive Systems based on the Laminar Microcircuitry of the Neocortex (COLAMN)".
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