Connectionists: NEURAL COMPUTATION - November, 2012

Terry Sejnowski terry at
Tue Oct 23 20:09:46 EDT 2012

Neural Computation - Contents -- Volume 24, Number 11 - November 1, 2012


Adaptive Metric Learning Vector Quantization for Ordinal Classification
Shereen Fouad, Peter Tino


A Network of Spiking Neurons for Computing Sparse Representations
in an Energy Efficient Way
Tao Hu, Alexander Genkin, and Dmitry Chklovskii

The Hippocampus as a Stable Memory Allocator for Cortex
Leslie Valiant

Adaptive Classification on Brain Computer Interfaces Using Reinforcement Signals
Alberto Llera, Vicenc Gomez and Bert J Kappen

The Basal Ganglia Optimize Decision Making Over General Perceptual Hypotheses
Nathan Lepora, Kevin Gurney

A Neural Circuit for Robust Time-to-Contact Estimation Based on Primate MST
N. Andrew Browning

Regulation of Ambient GABA Levels by Neuron-Glia Signaling
for Reliable Perception of Multisensory Events
Osamu Hoshino

Incremental Slow Feature Analysis: Adaptive Low-Complexity Slow Feature
Updating From High-Dimensional Input Streams
Varun Raj Kompella, Matthew D. Luciw, and Jurgen Schmidhuber

On Convergence Rates of Mixtures of Polynomial Experts
Eduardo Fonseca Mendes, Wenxin Jiang

Shared and Specific Independent Components Analysis for Between-Group Comparison
Shahabeddin Vahdat, Mona Maneshi, Christophe Grova, Jean Gotman, and Theodore E Milner

Neural Relax
Elisa Benedetti, Marco Budinich



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