Connectionists: RAST for SfN 2012, New Orleans, Oct. 13-17

Nilton Kamiji nilton at
Thu Oct 11 01:15:01 EDT 2012

Apologies if you have received multiple copies.

Dear all,

This is a reminder of the Related Abstract Search Tool (RAST)
for SfN 2012.

For the forth year, the Laboratory for Neuroinformatics at
RIKEN Brain Science Institute is providing the RAST  for SfN 2012!

For mobile devices such as iPad, iPhone, and Android based tablets
and smartphones, a web application is available at:

Since this is a web application, all you need is a web browser.

The RAST allows you to search not only by providing keyword(s), but
also by selecting one or multiple abstracts to search for its related
abstracts. This feature may provide results focused on the user's
interest. That is, abstracts related to a single abstract by means of
document similarity may belong to a different research topic.
However, abstracts mutually similar to multiple selected abstracts
have higher chance in belonging to the similar topic. RAST also
suggests possible candidates of keywords by automatically extracting
major words from the list of related abstracts. You can also use these
words to refine your search. Moreover, not all related abstracts will
contain the provided keyword(s). These abstracts cannot be searched by
the ordinary keyword search, and thus we call them "Hidden treasure".
You can create a list by clicking on Add to Cart button at each
abstract, where abstracts will be sorted by date and time. You can also
print the list with or without the abstract body from your Printing
Cart. You can restore your "Printing Cart" by saving the ID which is
displayed on the top right corner. Try and find your "hidden treasures"
with RAST!
A quick guide is shown on the top page, and a detailed guide can be
accessed by clicking on "How to use".

Any comments or questions are very welcome at
ras at

One minor comment:
The Laboratory for Neuroinforwatics was closed on Sept. 28th.
We are working on moving the RAST to the INCF Japan-node
(Neuroinformatics Japan Center - NIJC).

Hope you can find your "hidden treasures"!


Shiro USUI, Ph.D  usui at
EIIRIS, ToyohashiTech.(Toyohashi Univ.Tech)
Hibarigaoka, Tempaku, Toyohashi 441-8580 Japan
Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama 351-0198 Japan
usuishiro at

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