Connectionists: CogModel notes: ICCM13/BRIMS13/books/software/Jobs [please forward/post]

Frank Ritter frank.ritter at
Mon Nov 19 13:05:56 EST 2012

[please forward and/or chop up and use.]

This is based on the International Cognitive Modeling Conference
mailing list that I maintain.  I forward messages about twice a year.
(however, this is the first one for ICCM 2013.)

The first announcement is driving this email -- the call for papers
for ICCM 2013 in Ottawa.  The rest indicate things are cooking in Cog
Sci and in modeling.

If you would like to be removed, please just let me know.  I maintain
it by hand to keep it small.


Frank Ritter                 frank.e.ritter at

1.  ICCM 2013,  Ottawa, 11-14 July 2013,    Papers due:  25 March 2013

2.  ICCM 2012 tutorials proposals call,  Ottawa, due: 20 mar 12

3.   BRIMS 2013, 12-14 Mar 2013
      papers / tutorials new deadline: 17 dec 2012

4.  How to run studies book, review copies available

5.  Computing for Ordinary Mortals, book, 20% off

6.   iTunes app with Soar in it: Soar Liar's Dice

7.  Nominations for the 2013 Glushko Dissertation Prizes, due 15 jan 2013
     Deadline: January 15, 2013

8.  NIH Toolbox for Assessment of Neurological and Behavioral Function

9.  Online study on words, semantics, and Cognitive Science, Ongoing

10.  Databrary, large video data repository

11.  Registration / logistics for Advances in Cognitive Systems
       Due: 22 Nov 2012, conf 6-8 Dec 2012

12.  Cognitive Computation journal: ToC, Vol 4 (2)

13.  Summer School in Cognitive Linguistics, July 22-26, 2013, Bangor, UK
       Early registration:  15 april 2013

14.  Book chapter on how many times to run a simulation

15.  IJHCS Special Issue - Interplay between User Exp. Eval. & Software Dev.
       Due: 28th Feb 2013

16.  Databrary Project Systems Architect

17.  Looking for Ph.D. students in cognitive modeling, Wright State
       due:  1 jan 2013

18.  Fellowships in Groningen, The Netherlands

19.   GE Global Research
       Starting: 1 Nov 2012

20.  Postdoctoral Res Fellow and Res. Assist. in HF at Wright State

21.  Faculty openings Cognitive Psych or Cog Neuro, Drexel
       Ongoing review

22.  PhD position Cognitive Modeling group, U. of Gronigen
       Starting: 1 Nov 2012

23.  PhD/Post-Doc in Neuro-Comp. Modeling of Vis. Per. & Spatial 
Cog., TU/Chemnitz
       Review starting: 20 Oct 2012

24. Frymoyer Endowed Chair Professor Position in IST at PSU

25.  Faculty openings at UT Austin School of Information
       Review starting: 1 Nov 2012

26.  UC Santa Barbara Postdoc fellowship announcement
       Due: 1 Dec 2012

27.  Faculty positions at Rensselaer in Cognitive Science
       Review starting date: 1 Dec 2012

28.  Res. Fellow on User Modelling and Adaptive Interfaces for Learning Tech.
       Closing date: 11 November 2012

29.  Faculty Job announcemnt, American U. of Beirut
       Until filled

30.  Penn State, Psychology, Systems Neuroscience, senior position
       Review starting 1 Nov 2012

31.  Faculty for Computer Science, Habib University, Karachi, Pakistan

32.  Tenure-track position at UCSD, Department of Cognitive Science
       Due: 1 Nov 2012 (reviews start)

33.  "Ramon y Cajal" Tenure Track program and postdoc program
       Due: 20 Nov 2012

34.  Computational Neuroscience staff position at Sandia National Labs
       Due: 30 Nov 2012

35.  Open position in Applied Cognitive Science, Michigan Tech
       Due: 30 Nov 2012

36.  PHD Studentships in Computational Cognitive Science, PSU
       Due: 15 Dec 2012

37.  Tenure-track Positions in Human-Centered Computing, IU/PUI
       Due: 1 dec 2012

38.  PhD positions available at Penn State University, Psych
       Due: 1 dec 2012

39.  PhD training opportunities at Georgia State University
       Due: 10 dec 2012

40.  Tenure Track Opening in HCDE at UWash
       Due: 31 dec 2012

41. Two Tenure-track Assistant Professor Positions at UMBC, immediate

42.  Postdoctoral Positions in Computational Cognitive Science
       Hongbin.Wang at

42.  Call for Papers: COSIT 2013,     papers due: 4 Mar 2013

1.  ICCM 2013,  Ottawa, 11-14 July 2013,  Papers due:  25 Mar 2013

The conference will be held from 11 to 14 July 2013 in Ottawa, Canada
at Carleton Universitat.  The tutorials will be held 11 July 2013.
We hope to see you in Ottawa!

The International Conference on Cognitive Modeling (ICCM) is the
premier conference for research on computational models and
computation-based theories of human behavior.  ICCM is a forum for
presenting, discussing, and evaluating the complete spectrum of
cognitive modeling approaches, including connectionism, symbolic
modeling, dynamical systems, Bayesian modeling, and cognitive
architectures. ICCM includes basic and applied research, across a wide
variety of domains, ranging from low-level perception and attention to
higher-level problem-solving and learning.

The chairs are:
    Robert L. West <robert_west at>
    Terrence C. Stewart (tcstewar at

The proceedings from previous conferences are now available at

2.  ICCM 2012 tutorials proposals call,  Ottawa, due: 20 mar 12

The Tutorials program at the International Conference on Cognitive
Modeling (ICCM) 2013 will be held on 11 July 2013. It will provide
conference participants with the opportunity to gain new insights,
knowledge, and skills from a broad range of areas in the field of
cognitive modeling. Tutorial topics will be presented in a taught
format and are likely to range from practical guidelines to
theoretical issues or software. Tutorials at ICCM have been held many
times before, and this year's program will be modelled after them and
after the series held at the Cognitive Science Conference.

provides details for submitting a tutorial proposal.

3.  BRIMS 2013, 12-14 Mar 2013,  papers / tutorials due 17 dec 12

Conference Location:   San Antonio, Texas

Conference Dates:   March 12-14, 2013

All Submissions Due:
   17 dec 2012 (Note: Paper submissions are full papers)
   [Note: new due date]

Tutorials Held: March 11, 2013

BRiMS 2013 Opens: March 12, 2013

Call for Papers Document:

2012 Conference Proceedings:

Hotel/Travel Information:

Contact us
   "William G Kennedy" <wkennedy at>,
   Robert St Amant <stamant at>,
   "David Reitter" dreitter at,  Program Co-Chairs
   Dan Cassenti <dcassenti at>, General Chair
   Jean Eury,   Jeury at, Arrangements Chair


The BRiMS Society is announcing an extension on the deadline for BRiMS
conference paper submissions to December 17, 2012. The original
deadline was made too early relative to the traditional deadline and
the extended deadline aligns the conference with author expectations.

Feedback from inside government research institutions also indicates
that government employees are seeing increased rates of rejection for
travel funds to conferences. This year BRiMS is entirely funded by
U.S. government sponsors and thus should not face the same travel
restrictions as other conferences as long as government researchers
inform travel authorizing officials of the funding situation. BRiMS
may be one of the few conferences that includes behavioral modeling
research from government researchers, so please consider that when
planning your conference papers!

You are invited to participate in the 22nd Conference on Behavior
Representation in Modeling and Simulation (BRiMS).The BRiMS Conference
enables modeling and simulation research scientists, engineers, and
technical communities across disciplines to meet, share ideas, identify
capability gaps, discuss cutting-edge research directions, highlight
promising technologies, and showcase the state-of-the-art in

The BRiMS Executive Committee invites papers, posters, demos, symposia,
panel discussions, and tutorials on topics related to the representation
of individuals, groups, teams, and organizations in models and
simulations. All submissions are peer-reviewed.

Special Topic Areas of Interest

BRiMS welcomes submissions analyzing human factors and human-machine
systems through modeling and simulation of empirical data related to the
following areas:

  * Modeling and Simulation (M&S) in Military Domains
  * Tools for Building Distributed/Large-scale M&S Systems
  * Data-driven Modeling and Simulation
  * Virtual World Research
  * Biological Influences on Behavioral Models
  * Networked Systems Models/Social Cognition

Please view the complete Call For Papers Document here

with general topics and additional information. Please note that all
submissions are due by November 15, 2012.

For more information visit the BRiMS Conference website at

4.  How to run studies book, review copies available

Running Behavioral Experiments With Human Participants: A Practical
Guide (Ritter, Kim, Morgan & Carlson, 2013) provides a concrete,
practical roadmap for the implementation of experiments and controlled
observation using human participants. Covering both conceptual and
practical issues critical to implementing an experiment, the book is
organized to follow the standard process in experiment-based research,
covering such issues as potential ethical problems, risks to validity,
experimental setup, running a study, and concluding a study.

The detailed guidance on each step of an experiment is ideal for those
in both universities and industry who have had little or no previous
practical training in research methodology. The book provides example
scenarios to help readers organize how they run experimental studies
and anticipate problems, and example forms that can serve as effective
initial "recipes." Examples and forms are drawn from areas such as
cognitive psychology, human factors, human-computer interaction, and
human-robotic interaction.

It has been used at 8 universities in the US, Canada, and the UK.  You
can order copies or review copies from

5.  Computing for Ordinary Mortals, book, 20% off

[this book has information useful for cognitive modeling and may be
useful to teachers in hci and ai]

Computing for Ordinary Mortals
Robert St. Amant
Oct 2012,  In Stock
Price: $29.95

Computing isn't only (or even mostly) about hardware and software;
it's also about the ideas behind the technology. In Computing for
Ordinary Mortals, computer scientist Robert St. Amant explains this
"really interesting part" of computing, introducing basic computing
concepts and strategies in a way that readers without a technical
background can understand and appreciate.

Each of the chapters illustrates ideas from a different area of
computing, and together they provide important insights into what
drives the field as a whole. St. Amant starts off with an overview of
basic concepts as well as a brief history of the earliest computers,
and then he traces two different threads through the fabric of
computing. One thread is practical, illuminating the architecture of a
computer and showing how this architecture makes computation
efficient. St. Amant shows us how to write down instructions so that a
computer can accomplish specific tasks (programming), how the computer
manages those tasks as it runs (in its operating system), and how
computers can communicate with each other (over a network). The other
thread is theoretical, describing how computers are, in the abstract,
machines for solving problems. Some of these ideas are embedded in
much of what we do as humans, and thus this discussion can also give
us insight into our own daily activities, how we interact with other
people, and in some cases even what's going on in our heads.

This book is intended for use as a textbook, contact Rob
(stamant at to find out how to get review copies.

Visit and enter promo code 30997 to get 20% off.
(enter the code on the upper right)

6.  Cognitive Models and Architectures and HTI books, 20% off

The books in the OUP series on cognitive models and architectures
( and the series on human-technology
interaction are available at 20% off.
How Can the Human Mind Occur in the Physical Universe?
    $26.99  Paper    ISBN13: 9780195398953
    $42.95  Hard    ISBN13: 9780195324259
Principles of Synthetic Intelligence PSI: An Architecture of 
Motivated Cognition
    $75.00  Hard    ISBN13: 9780195370676
Integrated Models of Cognitive Systems
    $49.95  Hard    ISBN13: 9780195189193
In Order to Learn
    $85.00  Hard    ISBN13: 9780195178845
The Multitasking Mind
    $46.50  Hard    ISBN13: 9780199733569
Taming Information Technology
    $65.00  Paper    ISBN13: 9780195374124
Adaptive Perspectives on Human-Technology Interaction
    $39.99 Paper    ISBN13: 9780195374827
Adaptive Perspectives on Human-Technology Interaction
    $75.00  Hard    ISBN13: 9780195171822
Exposing the Magic of Design
    $49.95  Hard    ISBN13: 9780199744336
    $85.00  Hard    ISBN13: 9780195305722
Computers, Phones, and the Internet
    $55.00  Paper   ISBN13: 9780195312805
Computers, Phones, and the Internet
    $99.00  Hard    ISBN13: 9780195179637
    $59.99  Paper   ISBN13: 9780195368659
Information Foraging Theory
    $32.99  Paper    ISBN13: 9780195387797
Being There Together
    $65.00 Paper    ISBN13: 9780195371284
Cross-Cultural Technology Design
    $79.99  Hard    ISBN13: 9780199744763
    $79.95  Hard    ISBN13: 9780199765140

Visit and enter promo code 30997 to get 20% off.
(enter the code on the upper right)

6.   iTunes app with Soar in it: Soar Liar's Dice

It's alive! It's free! It is Soar on an iPhone!
The iPhone app for playing the dice game against Soar is available:
(The name of the app is Michigan Liar's Dice.)

It runs on all iPhones, and it is extremely fun (personal opinion).

Please download and play the game (and maybe give it a good
rating!).  We'd really like to get lots of people to use it.

It does have a small issue on iOS6 for iPads, but it looks like that is
an Apple problem and not ours.

Thanks to everyone who helped develop this:
  Miller Tinkerhess,   Alex Turner,   Nate Derbinsky

John Laird <laird at>

soar-group mailing list

7.  Nominations for the 2013 Glushko Dissertation Prizes, due 15 jan 2013
     Deadline: January 15, 2013

Call for Nominations
  The Robert J. Glushko Dissertation Prizes in Cognitive Science

Nomination Deadline: January 15, 2013

The Cognitive Science Society and the Glushko-Samuelson
Foundation seek nominations for up to five outstanding dissertation
prizes in cognitive science.  The goals of these prizes are to increase
the prominence of cognitive science, and encourage students to engage in
interdisciplinary efforts to understand minds and intelligent
systems. The hope is that the prizes will recognize and honor young
researchers conducting ground-breaking research in cognitive science.
The eventual goal is to aid in efforts to bridge between the areas of
cognitive science and create theories of general interest to the
multiple fields concerned with scientifically understanding the nature
of minds and intelligent systems. Promoting a unified cognitive science
is consistent with the belief that understanding how minds work will
require the synthesis of many different empirical methods, formal tools,
and analytic theories.  The prize was first begun in 2011, so 2013 will
occasion the induction of the third group of prize winners.  Up-to-date
information on the prizes can be found at .  This is the
third year for the prize.  Information about previous recipients can be
viewed at

Prize-winners must have received a PhD degree no more than two years
before the January 15 nomination deadline. For the 2013 prizes,
dissertations will be considered from individuals who received their
PhD degrees during the period from January 15, 2011 to January 15,

8.  NIH Toolbox for Assessment of Neurological and Behavioral Function

[I've thought this type of tool to be useful for modeling, there are
others.  it appears to be free with registration.]

Many clinical studies collect data on neurological function and
behavior. Historically, though, the tests available for such studies
were expensive, time-consuming, and required specialized training to
administer. Many of the most commonly used tests also lacked
uniformity. These limitations made it difficult to acquire data and
compare it across studies.

The NIH Toolbox is an integrated set of tools for measuring cognitive,
emotional, motor and sensory function. These tools have been validated
for use in diverse cultures, ethnic and geographic groups, ages (3-85
years) and study types.

The toolbox:

  * Is low-cost and royalty-free
  * Uses state-of-the art psychometric approaches

  * Uses computer-adaptive testing so that the tests can be calibrated
       to a subject's abilities
  * Can be administered within two hours
  * Is adaptable to changes in measurement and technology
  * Is available in English and Spanish

The toolbox is expected to provide a more complete picture of
neurological and behavioral health in large-scale longitudinal
studies, epidemiological studies, and clinical trials; and to
facilitate cross-study comparisons.

9.  Online study on words, semantics, and Cognitive Science, Ongoing

Over the past few months, we have been trying to set up a scientific
study that is important for many researchers interested in words, word
meaning, semantics, and cognitive science in general.  It is a huge word
association project, in which people are asked to participate in a small
task that doesn't last longer than 5 minutes. Our goal is to build a
global word association network that contains connections between about
40,000 words, the size of the lexicon of an average adult. Setting up
such a network might learn us a lot about semantic memory, how it
develops, and maybe also about how it can deteriorate (like in
Alzheimer's disease). Most people enjoy doing the task, but we need
thousands of participants to succeed. After sending e-mails to
psychology and cognitive science students from colleagues that I know
personally some weeks ago, we got about 50,000 participants quickly, but
unfortunately the frequency of participation slowed down and we need
more subjects. That is why we address you.  Would it be possible to
distribute this call for participation to your undergraduate and
graduate students, please?

The task can be found at:

(Due to a problem we have not been able to identify yet, some people who
received this mail did not get the webpage with this name after clicking
on it. Typing in this web address gets you to the right place for sure.)

If you like the task and/or if you like the idea of the existence of
such a data set, you can forward the call to friends, family, colleagues
etc. or distribute the call through facebook, twitter, etc. if you don't
like the task, please send this mail to your enemies ...

We thank you in advance. If you want more information, don't hesitate to
contact me.

With kind regards,

Prof. G. Storms
Department of Psychology
University of Leuven, Belgium

10.  Databrary, large video data repository

Karen Adolph and I [Rick Gilmore <rogilmore at>] discussed open
data sharing and the new NSF-funded Databrary (
project with the CSC's Early Pathways to Competence (EPC) group today.

The presentation.

If you are interested in the topic and want to join in the discussion,
we'd welcome your input. We've started a Google discussion group
precisely for this purpose.!forum/databrary

11.  Registration / logistics for Advances in Cognitive Systems
       Due: 22 Nov 2012, conf 6-8 Dec 2012

I am writing to let you know that registration for the First Annual
Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems is open. You can register
online at for US$200 before midnight
on Thursday, November 22, 2012 and for US$250 starting on Friday,
November 23, 2012.

The purpose is to report progress toward the original goals of
artificial intelligence: explaining the mind in computational terms and
reproducing the entire range of human cognitive abilities in mechanical
artifacts. The meeting will include technical talks, extended breaks to
encourage discussions, and evening poster receptions to foster
additional interactions among participants.

Note that the dates have changed slightly; the conference will now run
from 9 AM on Thursday, December 6, until 2 PM on Saturday, December 8,
2012. The event will take place at the Oshman Jewish Community Center in
Palo Alto, California, midway between San Fransisco and San Jose. The
Web page at contains useful information
about nearby hotels, airports, car rentals, shuttles, and taxis. I
encourage you to arrange lodging soon, since the meeting is only six
weeks away and local hotels fill up quickly.

If you have any questions, please send email to acs at
I hope to see you at the conference this December.

Pat Langley, Program Chair
First Annual Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems

12.  Cognitive Computation journal: ToC, Vol 4 (2)

Cognitive Computation journal: ToC, Vol 4 (2)
June 2012 issue & First ISI Impact Factor!

We are delighted to announce the publication of Volume 4, No. 2 / June 2012, of
Springer's Cognitive Computation journal -

The individual list of published articles (Table of Contents) for Vol.
4(2) / June 2012 can be viewed here (and also at the end of this
message, followed by an overview of the previous Issues/Archive

A list of the most downloaded articles (which can always be read for
free) can be found here:

NEW: First ISI Impact Factor for Cognitive Computation of 1.000 for 2011!

For further information on the journal and to sign up for electronic
"Table of Contents alerts" please visit Cognitive Computation or follow us on Twitter at:  for the latest On-line First Issues.

Finally, we would like to invite you to submit short or regular papers
describing original research or timely review of important areas - our
aim is to peer review all papers within approximately six weeks of receipt.

We also welcome relevant high quality proposals for Special Issues -
five are already planned for 2012-13, including a new special issue to
celebrate the work of the late Professor John Taylor, founding Chair
of Cognitive Computation's Editorial Advisory Board, CFP can be found
here (with a submission deadline of 1 Sep 2012):

Table of Contents: Springer's Cognitive Computation, Vol. 4(2) / June 2012

A Time-Dependent Saliency Model Combining Center and Depth Biases for
  2D and 3D Viewing Conditions
    J. Gautier & O. Le Meur

CO-WORKER: Toward Real-Time and Context-Aware Systems for Human
  Collaborative Knowledge Building
    Stefano Squartini & Anna Esposito

Extended Sparse Distributed Memory and Sequence Storage
    Javier Snaider & Stan Franklin

Qualitative Information Processing in Tripartite Synapses: A Hypothetical Model
    Bernhard J. Mitterauer

An Information Analysis of In-Air and On-Surface Trajectories in
  Online Handwriting
    Enric Sesa-Nogueras, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy & Jifii Mekyska

Non-Classical Connectionist Models of Visual Object Recognition
    Tarik Hadzibeganovic & F. W. S. Lima

Previous Issues/Archive: Overview:
    Special Issue on: Saliency, Attention, Active Visual Search and 
Picture Scanning
    Guest Editorial can be viewed here:
    Special Issue on: Cognitive Behavioural Systems,
    Guest Editorial

Amir Hussain, PhD (Editor-in-Chief: Cognitive Computation)
  E-mail: ahu at (University of Stirling, Scotland,

Comp-neuro mailing list

13.  Summer School in Cognitive Linguistics, July 22-26, 2013, Bangor, UK
       Early registration:  15 april 2013

Summer School in Cognitive Linguistics

July 22-26, 2013, Bangor University, UK

The Summer School in Cognitive Linguistics is a one-week international
programme held at Bangor University in July 2013. The Summer School will
consist of 16 courses on topics in cognitive linguistics and will be
taught by leading researchers in the field. Our teaching faculty will be
drawn from across the cognitive sciences and include local instructors
as well as distinguished researchers from outside Bangor.

The Summer School will also feature keynote speeches by Gilles
Fauconnier, Adele Goldberg, and Vyvyan Evans, and a poster session
during which participants can present their work and obtain feedback.

Teaching faculty:
  - Benjamin Bergen (University of California, San Diego)
  - Silke Brandt (Lancaster University)
  - Daniel Casasanto (New School for Social Research, New York)
  - Alan J. Cienki (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
  - Ewa Dabrowska (Northumbria University)
  - Christopher Hart (Northumbria University)
  - Willem Hollmann (Lancaster University)
  - June Luchjenbroers (Bangor University)
  - Laura Michaelis (University of Colorado, Boulder)
  - Aliyah Morgenstern (Universite Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3)
  - Patrick Rebuschat (Bangor University)
  - Gabriella Rundblad (King's College London)
  - Christopher Shank (Bangor University)
  - Luc Steels (Vrije Universiteit Brussels)
  - Thora Tenbrink (Bangor University)
  - Alan Wallington (Bangor University)

This event provides a unique opportunity for students and researchers to
get a snapshot of the exciting work done in cognitive linguistics and to
discuss their research. It is also a wonderful opportunity to visit
North Wales and to enjoy some of the most beautiful landscapes and
historical sites in the United Kingdom.

Registration opens in October 2012 and closes in June 2013. Early-bird
rates are available for participants who register by April 15, 2013.
  - Early-bird fee with accommodation: ?475*
  - Early-bird fee without accommodation: ?375
  *includes transfer to/from Manchester airport

For more information, please consult the Summer School website
( or email the School Director,
Dr. Patrick Rebuschat (p.rebuschat at

Thora Tenbrink,   t.tenbrink at
+44 (0)1248 38 2263
Lecturer in Cognitive Linguistics/ Darlithydd mewn Ieithyddiaeth Wybyddol
School of Linguistics & English Language/ Ysgol Ieithyddiaeth ac Iaith Saesneg
Bangor University/ Prifysgol Bangor

14.  Book chapter on how many times to run a simulation

>From a book on human in the loop simulation:

How many times should a simulation be run to generate valid
predictions? With a deterministic simulation, the answer simply is
just once. With a stochastic simulation, the answer is more
complex. Different researchers have proposed and used different
heuristics. A review of models presented at a conference on cognitive
modeling illustrates the range of solutions and the problems in this
area. We present the argument that because the simulation is a theory,
not data, it should not so much be sampled but run enough times to
provide stable predictions of performance and of the variance of
performance. This applies to both pure simulations as well as
human-in-loop simulations. We demonstrate the importance of running
the simulation until it has stable performance as defined by the
effect size of interest. When runs are expensive we suggest a minimum
numbers of runs based on power calculations; when runs are inexpensive
we suggest a maximum necessary number of runs. We also suggest how to
adjust the number of runs for different effect sizes of interest.

Ritter, F. E., Schoelles, M. J., Quigley, K. S., & Klein,
L. C. (2011). Determining the number of model runs: Treating cognitive
models as theories by not sampling their behavior. In L. Rothrock &
S. Narayanan (Eds.), Human-in-the-loop simulations: Methods and practice
(pp. 97-116). London: Springer-Verlag.

15.  IJHCS Special Issue - Interplay between User Exp. Eval. & Software Dev.
       Due: 28th Feb 2013

[I include this announcement because Pew & Mavor (2007) noted that
   models could have an important role to play in such systems]

International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (IJHCS)
Topic: Interplay between User Experience Evaluation and Software Development
Deadline for submission: 28th February 2013 (Thursday)
Guest Editors: Effie L-C Law, Silvia Abrahao

While the gap between HCI and Software Engineering (SE) with regard to
usability has somewhat been narrowed, it may be widened again due to the
new emphasis on user experience (UX). This Special Issue aims to build a
body of applied knowledge on the increasingly relevant topic of
Interplay between User Experience (UX) Evaluation and System
Development. Specifically, the topic will be studied from both the HCI
and SE perspectives, identifying plausible resolutions to the challenge
of optimizing the impact of UX evaluation feedback on software

Usability evaluation methods (UEMs) and metrics are relatively more
mature. In contrast, UX evaluation methods which draw largely on UEMs
are still taking shape. It is conceivable that feeding outcomes of UX
evaluation back to the software development lifecycle to instigate the
required changes can even be more challenging than doing so for
usability evaluation. It leads to several key issues:

? UX attributes are (much) more fuzzy and malleable, what kinds of
  diagnostic information and improvement suggestion can be drawn from
  evaluation data on experiences?
? Conducting usability evaluation in the early phases of a development
  lifecycle with low fidelity prototypes may facilitate necessary
  changes to be made cost-effectively. However, is this principle
  applicable to UX evaluation? Is it feasible to capture authentic
  experiential responses with a low-fidelity prototype? If yes, how can
  we draw insights from these responses?
? The persuasiveness of empirical feedback determines its worth. Earlier
  research indicates that software development teams need to be
  convinced about the urgency and necessity of fixing usability
  problems. Is UX evaluation feedback less persuasive than usability
  feedback? If yes, will the impact of UX evaluation be weaker than
  usability evaluation?
? The SE community has recognized the importance of usability. Can such
  recognition and implications be taken for granted for UX, as UX
  evaluation methodologies and measures could be very different
  (e.g. artistic performance)?
? Analysis approaches developed by researchers are applied to a limited
  extent by practitioners. Could such divorce between research and
  practice be bitterer in UX analysis approaches, which are essentially

This Special Issue aims to address the above as well as other related ones.

Contributions, preferably with empirical studies, are invited but are
not limited to the following topics:

* Which artefacts of software development are useful as the basis for UX
  evaluation and how do such artefacts influence the selection of UX
  evaluation methods?
* What are the forms and characteristics of UX evaluation feedback that
  are considered or proved useful and necessary for software development
  (including the UI design)?
* How can UX evaluation methods be integrated in emerging techniques and
  approaches for software development (e.g., agile development,
  aspect-oriented software development, model-driven development?
* How do software designers/developers perceptions of UX evaluation
  feedback relate to their redesign strategies and approaches
  (e.g. prioritisation)?
* How can the effectiveness of UX evaluation feedback in improving
  software quality be evaluated (i.e., the issue of downstream utility)?
* How can analysis in UX practical evaluation be supported with
  techniques and tools applicable to actual industrial practices?


* Deadline for submission: 28th February 2013
* Author notification (1st round): 30th April 2013
* Paper revision submission deadline: 11th June 2013
* Camera-ready version submission ready: 23rd August 2013

Guest Editors
* Effie Lai-Chong Law, University of Leicester, UK  law at TIK.EE.ETHZ.CH
* Silvia Abrahao, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain

chi-resources-subscribe-request at

16.  Databrary Project Systems Architect

Databrary ( is a web-based data library where
scientists who collect and analyze video can store and share their data
openly with other researchers. Databrary's leaders, based at New York
University and Penn State, have been funded by the U.S. National Science
Foundation (NSF) to create Databrary, improve an existing free,
cross-platform video coding and analysis tool (,
and build a desktop lab/data management tool to make data sharing easy
and convenient. The goal is to accelerate the pace of discovery in
psychology and developmental science and improve scientific transparency
and accountability.

Databrary seeks a visionary, entrepreneurial systems architect to lead
the project, steer its design, and hire and manage the development
team. Candidates should have 5-8 years of software development and
management experience as a solutions architect, systems architect,
project manager, or test manager.

  - Designing and developing a new web-based tool for sharing large 
research data sets.
  - Maintaining and improving an existing desktop analysis tool.
  - Designing and developing a desktop data management tool to integrate
     video analysis with a web-based video data library.
  - Building a small team of developers to execute the above. Writing
     position descriptions, and conducting interviews.
  - Mentoring and providing leadership for junior development staff.
  - Defining software development methodologies and practice.

  - Experience developing in a modern MVC based web development framework
     (Django, Rails, Tower.js etc).
  - Experience as a technical team leader, project manager, or systems 
  - Prior development experience in Java and or C/C++.
  - History of active contributions to open source projects.
  - Established track record of shipping reliable software products.
  - Experience developing cross-platform applications for Windows and OSX.

  - An understanding of configuration management practices using Chef or Puppet.
  - Experience with video playback/transcoding tools such as FFmpeg and VLC.
  - Experience working with large research data sets.

Salary range competitive with senior level positions plus full NYU
benefits, including health and tuition remission.

To apply send the following to Lisa Steiger (lisa.steiger at
  - One page cover letter (PDF).
  - Academic transcript of your formal qualifications (PDF).
  - Links to your open source contributions.
  - Resume (PDF).

17.  Looking for Ph.D. students in cognitive modeling, Wright State
       due:  1 jan 2013

Looking for Ph.D. students with interest in cognitive modeling

The Cognitive Modeling Group in the Department of Psychology at Wright
State University is seeking candidates for multiple funded graduate
student positions.  The group is lead by Drs. Ion Juvina
( and Joseph Houpt
(  We work in areas ranging from
low-level perceptual modeling to high-level cognitive processes such as
decision-making and cognitive control.  Our interests include both
computational modeling, particularly with ACT-R, and mathematical
modeling, including dynamic systems and stochastic processes.

Graduate students will have the opportunity to work on both theoretical
and applied problems.  Our group has active collaborations with a number
of groups at the nearby Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, as well as
connections in academia and industry.  Students will work toward a
Ph.D. in Human Factors Psychology with a minor in
Industrial/Organizational Psychology.

We are seeking candidates who have backgrounds in cognitive science,
psychology, neuroscience, mathematics, computer science or engineering.
Candidates should be able to communicate effectively in English, both in
writing and speaking.  Additional desired qualifications include
programming skills (especially in R, Matlab, Lisp or Python); experience
with statistical analysis and modeling (especially in R or Matlab); and
experience with fMRI or EEG data collection and analysis.

Applications must be received by January 1, 2013.  Required applications
materials are a statement of research interests, three letters of
recommendation, official transcripts and an official copy of your GRE
scores.  For information on application procedures, see:

International students are encouraged to apply.  Additional information
for international applicants is available at:

Ion Juvina, Ph.D.   ion.juvina at
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology
Wright State University

18.  Fellowships in Groningen, The Netherlands

The University of Groningen is awarding a number of fellowships to
young, talented international scholars. Although the program is
primarily aimed at female researchers, anyone can apply. A fellowship
consists of a assistant professorship position, with predefined criteria
for tenure (i.e., promotion to associate professorship). People working
in our field could apply to the fellowships advertised at the Natural
Sciences and/or at the Social Sciences departments.

More information regarding the procedure at Social Sciences (Psychology,
contact Hedderik van Rijn for more information):

And at Natural Sciences (Artificial Intelligence, Niels Taatgen)

We would be happy to provide more information,

- Hedderik.

ACT-R-users mailing list

19.   GE Global Research
       Starting: 1 Nov 2012

Job search:  Forwarded on behalf of Arnie Lund

So here is the situation.  I've just joined GE Global Research in their
new software center our here in San Ramon, CA.  Global Research is GE's
version of Bell Labs, or Microsoft Research, etc. The role, therefore,
is on the one hand to create/explore new technologies, and in our human
factors/UX/HCI space to advance understanding of how to design
compelling and valuable experiences. And on the other hand, to explore
those advances in GE-relevant domains and to enable to business to offer
more value to customers, innovate with new products, etc.  I'm running
the UX Innovation Lab here.  I've got one person who "owns" work in the
healthcare domain.  We've got some work on new visualization experiences
and interaction techniques for MRIs, etc., and some explorations of
novel forms of tele-presence to connect doctors.  I've got another
person who owns the energy space.  There we are helping them build an
e-commerce experience, but of special interest is management of very
domain sets.  We are also doing some simulation work around managing
energy grids.  But a new domain that is emerging is transportation,
which especially focuses on aerospace and railroads.  We're expecting
virtual reality work, information visualization and modeling, control
room design and other projects. So I'm looking for someone to lead the
transportation research area.  Their official title here for this role
is senior scientist. They'll be leading a team of designers, more junior
researchers and developers; and defining and driving the research
program in the area.

Does that help?  Know anyone?

lund at

20.  Postdoctoral Res Fellow and Res. Assist. in HF at Wright State

Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Research Assistant in Human Factors in
Surgical Simulation and Training Department of Biomedical, Industrial
and Human Factors Engineering Wright State University. We are seeking
several highly qualified postdoctoral research associates (2) and
research assistants (3) to perform research in surgical simulation and
training.  This multidisciplinary research is funded by 3 NIH R01 grants
and is multi-institutional, involving engineers and physicians from
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Wright State University, Beth Israel
Deaconess Medical Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Brigham &
Women's Hospital, Tufts Medical Center, and the Cambridge Health
Alliance Hospitals. Successful candidates will hold one-year
appointments, renewable for four years.

Job Title: Postdoctoral Research Associate or Research Assistant

1.  Earned Ph.D.  degree in human factors engineering, experimental
     psychology, biomedical engineering, computer science, or
     equivalent, with an interest in medical devices and systems design,
     virtual reality simulation, haptics, and/or human performance
     evaluation and training.
2.  Ability to work independently as well as collaboratively on research
3.  Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written.
4.  Experience in conducting research with human and animal subjects,
     using both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, and the IRB
     and IACUC process.
5.  Ability to prioritise tasks, manage team members, and disseminate
     results in a timely manner.
6.  Experience with virtual or augmented reality, haptic devices, HCI
     and UI design, programming in C, C++, OpenGL, and  statistical data
     analysis packages such as SAS, SPSS, or R.

1.  Conduct literature reviews.
2.  Conduct field studies and controlled laboratory experiments in the
     hospital operating room, animal labs, and simulation labs.
3.  Perform  task analysis, cognitive task analysis, work domain
     analysis, etc of the surgical environment and of emerging surgical
4.  Manage project activities and team members.
5.  Assist in writing grant proposals and developing research ideas.
6.  Develop and design data acquisition apparatus and measurement
7.  Co-author conference papers and peer-??reviewed journal papers.

Job Title: Research Assistant Qualifications:
1.  Earned Bachelor's or Master's degree in human factors engineering,
     experimental psychology,  biomedical engineering, computer science,
     or equivalent, with an interest in medical  devices and systems
     design, virtual reality simulation, haptics, and/or human
     performance evaluation and training.
2.  Ability to work independently as well as collaboratively on research
3.  Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written.
4.  Experience in conducting research with human and animal subjects,
     using both quantitative and qualitative methodologies.
5.  Experience with virtual or augmented reality, haptic devices, HCI
     and UI design, programming in C, C++, OpenGL, and statistical data
     analysis packages such as SAS, SPSS, or R.

1.  Conduct literature reviews.
2.  Conduct field studies and controlled laboratory experiments in the
     hospital operating room, animal labs, and simulation labs.
3.  Perform task analysis, cognitive task analysis, work domain
     analysis, etc of the surgical environment and of emerging surgical
4.  Develop and design data acquisition apparatus and measurement
5.  Co-author conference papers and peer-reviewed journal papers.

Qualified and interested candidates are invited to send a copy of their
CV, along with the name and contact information of three references, to
Dr.  Caroline Cao at caroline.cao at with the subject line "NIH
Postdoc application" or "NIH Research Assistant application.

Review of applications will begin immediately until the positions are

21.  Faculty openings Cognitive Psych or Cog Neuro, Drexel
       Ongoing review

Tenure-Track Assistant Professorships, Cognitive Psychology or Cognitive

Requisition Number 4947

Job Overview
The College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychology at Drexel
University invites applications for two full-time Assistant
Professorships in any area of Cognitive Psychology, Cognitive
Neuroscience, or Cognitive Engineering. Both positions will begin in
Fall, 2013, pending final funding approval.

Applicants must have a Ph.D. (in hand or expected in 2013) with a
developing research and scholarly program in some area of Cognitive
Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, or Cognitive Engineering. Successful
candidates will have established a publication record and will
demonstrate strong potential for external research funding.

Essential Functions
Qualified candidates will join the Psychology Department's growing
doctoral program in Applied Cognitive and Brain Sciences (ACBS) to
pursue an active program of basic research in cognition with the
potential to address real-world problems. Applicants with the potential
to collaborate with other faculty both within the Department and in
other Departments and Colleges within the University are particularly
encouraged. The ACBS program joins the Department's existing nationally
ranked APA-accredited doctoral program in Clinical Psychology and a
strong J.D./Ph.D. program. Other potential sources of collaboration
include the School of Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences, the
Department of Computer Science, the College of Engineering, the School
of Medicine, and the University's new Expressive and Creative
Interaction Technologies (ExCITe) Center. There also exist opportunities
to form collaborative ties across the numerous colleges, universities,
and research institutions in the Philadelphia area. They will teach both
undergraduate and graduate courses, mentor and supervise students at all
levels, and have a voice in curriculum and program growth planning for
the ACBS program.

Supplemental Posting Information
The University offers an attractive benefits package and an opportunity
to join a talented team of professionals and contribute to the
University's reputation, quality, and record growth as a Research I
institution. Drexel University is located in the University City and
Center City neighborhoods of Philadelphia, a major metropolitan area
with numerous cultural, medical, educational, and recreational
opportunities, as well as easy access to New York City, Washington,
DC, and the New Jersey shore.

Documents that must be associated with this posting
  Cover Letter
  Selected Publication PDF's
  Three letters of reference (sent independently)

To apply for this position, please apply online at: and search for Tenure Track Faculty, Cognitive
Psychologist or Cognitive Neuroscientist.  The requisition # is 4947.
Please submit a letter of interest, a current CV, and selected
publications and arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent.
Please indicate teaching specialties for your undergraduate and graduate
areas of interest.  Interviews are anticipated to begin in late 2012.

For additional information regarding your application, please contact:
Dr. Douglas L. Chute, Ph.D., Professor of Neuropsychology, Drexel
University, 3141 Chestnut St.  Philadelphia PA 19104, and/or e-mail
chute at

For more information about Drexel University, please visit . For more information about the Applied Cognitive and
Brain Sciences program and about the Psychology Department within the
College of Arts and Sciences, please visit .

22.  PhD position Cognitive Modeling group, U. of Gronigen
       Starting: 1 Nov 2012

The Cognitive Modeling group is part of the ALICE research institute of
the Department of Artificial Intelligence. The group has a world-class
reputation in cognitive modeling, largely based on the ACT-R
architecture. The PhD student will carry out his or her research within
this group, but will also participate in the Graduate School of Science
of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, and the School of
Behavioral and Cognitive Neurosciences.

Job description
This particular project focuses on the transfer of cognitive skill, that
is, how learning one skill can benefit learning other skills. This topic
has recently become very relevant in research on "brain training", but
also has a broad relevance for education, and general theory development
in cognitive science.  The particular direction of the project is still
somewhat open, depending on the candidate. It can focus on experimental
work that may include eye tracking and fMRI, or developmental phenomena,
in which case the focus will be more on modeling itself.  This project
will be part of a larger 5-year project "Towards safe and productive
multitasking" that is funded by the European Research Council. The
project as a whole will involve several research methodologies: human
experimentation, fMRI research, computational cognitive modeling and the
construction of applications that support multitasking. The team for
this project will consist of two other PhD students, a postdoc, and the
primary investigator.

A successful candidate has a Master's degree in Cognitive Science,
Cognitive Neuroscience, Experimental Psychology, Artificial Intelligence
or a related field, and has programming skills. Experience in running
behavioral experiments or in modeling cognition is an advantage.

Conditions of employment
The University of Groningen offers a salary of 2,042 gross per month in
the first year up to a maximum of 2,612 gross per month in the final
year. The appointment is for a period of four years, which should be
finished with a PhD examination. The full time appointment is temporary
for 1 year with the perspective of prolongation for another 3
years. After 9 months, there will be an evaluation of the feasibility of
successful completion of the PhD thesis within the next three years. A
training programme within the Graduate School of Science is part of the
agreement. You and your supervisor will make up a plan for additional
education and supervising that is specific to your needs.

How to apply:
Send a cover letter (with professional goals and a statement of
interest), a curriculum vitae and two references or letters of
recommendation (PDF format) before 17 October 2012 by means of the
application form, although applications received after the deadline may
be considered.
opening, and on the bottom of the page you'll find an "Apply" link).

Starting date: as soon as possible.

For information you can contact:
  Prof. Niels A. Taatgen,    n.a.taatgen at

23.  PhD/Post-Doc in Neuro-Comp. Modeling of Vis. Per. & Spatial 
Cog., TU/Chemnitz
       Review starting: 20 Oct 2012

PhD/Post-Doc in Neuro-Computational Modeling of Visual Perception and
Spatial Cognition (Hamker Lab)

A PhD or postdoctoral position is available in the lab of Fred Hamker
at Chemnitz University of Technology in the Department of Computer
Science, given a final confirmation of funding. The position is for
three years, starting March 2013. However, an earlier starting date
could be possible if required.

The research position is part of the EU project "Spatial Cognition" in
the program of Future Emerging Technologies: Neuro-bio-inspired
systems. In our consortium, that consists of the following partners:

  Fred Hamker, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany (coordinator)
  Neil Burgess, University College London, England
  Pieter Medendorp, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
  Patrick Cavanagh, Universite Paris Descartes, France
  Rufin VanRullen, Universite Toulouse III Paul Sabatier, France

a strong exchange of experimental and neuro-computational work is
planned and required. The research at our lab aims at developing a
large-scale model of visual perception focusing on the parietal cortex
and its interactions with the Hippocampus, oculomotor and visual
areas. Among others we will address research questions such as the
updating of visual attention around eye movements, the subjective
experience of a stable world, the perception of intra-saccadic
displacements of visual stimuli and the role of corollary discharge. The
final model will be demonstrated as a virtual human interacting in a
virtual reality.

See for
our previous work in this field.  In particular: Ziesche, A., Hamker,
F. H. (2011).  A Computational Model for the Influence of Corollary
Discharge and Proprioception on the Perisaccadic Mislocalization of
Briefly Presented Stimuli in Complete Darkness Journal of Neuroscience,
31(48): 17392-17405.

The candidate should have an interest in developing neurocomputational
systems, particularly with respect to data in the neurosciences
and psychology. Experience in interdisciplinary projects or in
experimental studies is welcome. Good programming experience is

The salary is according to German standards (PostDoc E13 TV-L, PhD
initially 50% E13 TV-L). The university is an equal opportunity
employer. Women are encouraged to apply. Disabled applicants will
receive priority in case they have equal qualifications.

Chemnitz is the third-largest city of the state of Saxony and close to
scenic mountains. Major cities nearby are Leipzig and Dresden with a
rich tradition of music and culture. [and it has a nice public pool as
well as nice city center.]

Applications should be sent by email (preferably in PDF format) to
(fred.hamker at until October 20th. Later
applications will be considered until the position is filled. I am happy
to meet with potential candidates at the SfN meeting in New Orleans.

Prof. Dr. Fred H Hamker
Artificial Intelligence & Neuro Cognitive Systems
Department of Computer Science
D - 09107 Chemnitz
Germany www:

Comp-neuro mailing list

24. Frymoyer Endowed Chair Professor Position in IST at PSU

The Pennsylvania State University College of Information Sciences and
Technology (IST) is seeking candidates for the position of Frymoyer
Chair.  The Frymoyer Chair is a tenured, full professor in the College
of Information Sciences and Technology. The anticipated start date is
Fall 2012 or Spring 2013.  The endowed chair was established in 1999
through a gift of $1.5 million from the Edward J. Frymoyer Foundation.
The holder of the Frymoyer Chair is expected to have a significant
impact not only in the College, but also across multiple disciplines
at the University and in the public and private sectors.  Funds from
the endowment will support the chair holder's contributions to
instruction, research, and public service with the overall intent to
foster the use, benefits, and effectiveness of the information
sciences around the globe.

The College was founded in 1998 to develop information science and
technology leaders for the digital, global society, and enrolled its
first class of students in the 1999-2000 academic year. The College at
University Park, which includes 50 full-time faculty, currently serves
approximately 1100 undergraduate students, 110 resident graduate
students, primarily in the Ph.D. program, and 100 non-resident
graduate students in a professional master's degree program.  In
addition, the IST undergraduate curriculum is offered at 19 other Penn
State campuses. In January 2004, the College moved into a new 190,000
square foot building on the University Park campus. The building
houses both the College of IST and the Department of Computer Science
and Engineering.  To learn more about our structure, vision, mission,
goals, faculty and students, please see

We seek a candidate who will provide research leadership as our
College moves forward in its second decade of existence.

We have faculty strengths in: (1) computational informatics and
artificial intelligence; (2) human computer interaction and cognitive
studies; (3) information systems development/enterprise architecture;
(4) security and informatics; and (5) social policy, economics and
informatics.  As an interdisciplinary faculty we collaborate on
problems of national significance. We are particularly interested in
candidates with demonstrated research leadership in cutting edge
problem areas such as infrastructure and internet security and
privacy, innovation in web search, health informatics, network
science, social media, and educational technology.

The successful candidate will have a well defined and sustained record
of funded research and accomplishments. However, we will not limit our
search to specific research areas or problems.

Applications from those who seek to be a part of a vibrant, civil and
diverse academic community and who do research and teaching in any of
the information and technology sciences are welcome. Qualified
candidates are invited to send a cover letter with their research
vision, their curriculum vita, as well as names and email addresses of
four persons who will write letters of recommendation to
chairsearch at  Review of applications will continue until
the position is filled. Penn State is committed to affirmative action,
equal opportunity and the diversity of its workforce.

25.  Faculty openings at UT Austin School of Information
       Review starting: 1 Nov 2012

The School of Information (iSchool) at the University of Texas at Austin
has openings for new faculty at all levels:

from the ad: "...including technical areas such as information retrieval
and natural language processing, data sciences, visualization, digital
libraries, educational and assistive technologies, security and
information assurance, informatics, and especially human-computer
interaction and design"

To ensure full consideration, candidate materials should be received 
by November 1.

Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor

The School of Information at The University of Texas at Austin invites
applications for multiple full-time, tenure-track faculty positions,
anticipated to start in Fall 2013. We are considering applicants at both
the junior and senior levels. Rank and salary will be commensurate with
qualifications and experience.

We seek candidates with excellent research and teaching abilities and a
commitment to shaping the future of the school and the discipline of
information studies. We welcome applications from excellent candidates
who can enhance our offerings in any area of information studies,
including technical areas such as information retrieval and natural
language processing, data sciences, visualization, digital libraries,
educational and assistive technologies, security and information
assurance, informatics, and especially human-computer interaction and
design. Candidates must hold a doctorate degree in a field that is
relevant to their area of research and be able to articulate clearly a
research agenda that fits within the School's core areas of focus.

Our program is ranked among the top ten programs in information studies.
Admission to our graduate-only degree programs is highly competitive.
Our students are high academic achievers, many of them with
undergraduate majors in the humanities or social sciences. With over 20
faculty members and lecturers, the School is home to approximately 300
graduate students. The School moved into new facilities in 2009 with
extended labs and class space, and offers cutting-edge research and
education on the human, social and cultural aspects of information,
broadly construed.

Application Instructions

Applications will be accepted until positions are filled, but we will
begin to evaluate applications and invite candidates on November 1, 2012.

Send inquiries and applications, including curriculum vitae, a statement
outlining how you see a fit with our program, and the names of three
references by email to: facultysearch at

Matt Lease,     Voice: (512) 471-9350
Assistant Professor
School of Information
University of Texas at Austin

CHI-JOBS list:

26.  UC Santa Barbara Postdoc fellowship announcement
       Due: 1 Dec 2012

Sage Junior Fellow Program, Sage Center for the Study of Mind,
University of California, Santa Barbara

Three postdoctoral positions will be available beginning on July 1,
2013. The initial appointment is for one year, with a possible extension
to a second year.

The SAGE Center Junior Fellowship will foster interdisciplinary research
in the study of brain-mind interaction at the postdoctoral level. We are
seeking exceptional scholars who will engage in research and participate
in teaching graduate-level courses at UCSB. In addition to developing
research programs in close collaboration with individual faculty, Junior
Fellows will enjoy special privileges, including access to Visiting SAGE
Scholars and attendance at regular group meetings to collaborate and
share information about the role of psychology, cognitive neuroscience,
economics, political science, anthropology, biology, and philosophy on
the study of mind. To be eligible for the Junior Fellows program, a
candidate must be at an early stage of his or her postdoctoral career.

Proposed research topics must be related to brain-mind interaction. We
encourage candidates to apply as an interdisciplinary team with a common
research topic; individual applicants may propose any suitable topic. If
no viable team application is selected, the search committee will strive
to create a team based on common interests of the top individual

Team applicants, please send:

  1. A complete CV, published article and three letters of
      recommendation for each candidate
  2. A statement of research interests that outlines your team's
      proposed topic, the expected contributions of each team member, and
      a description of how your team's interests complement the goals of
      the SAGE Center.

Individual applicants, please send:
  1. A complete CV, published article and three letters of recommendation
  2. A statement of your research interests and a description of how
      those interests complement the goals of the SAGE Center.

Application materials are due by December 1, 2012. Letters of
recommendation may be sent by applicants or by recommenders. Email the
required application materials to juniorfellows at;
include the last names of the members of your team--or your last name if
you are applying as an individual--in the subject line of all
correspondence. Alternatively, you or your recommenders may send hard
copies to this address:

Michael S. Gazzaniga, Ph.D.
Director, Sage Center for the Study of Mind
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, California 93106-9660

The Department is especially interested in candidates who can contribute
to the diversity and excellence of the academic community through
research, teaching and service.

John Hajda, Ph.D.        hajda at
Associate Director      Phone  805-893-4460
Sage Center for the Study of the Mind
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9660

Comp-neuro mailing list

27.  Faculty positions at Rensselaer in Cognitive Science
       Review starting date: 1 Dec 2012 will
take you to position announcement for about 9 positions in the School of
Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences at Rensselaer.

One of these is a Senior hire in the Cognitive Science
Department. Please look at this carefully and see if it attracts you or
forward it to a colleague who you think it might fit (even if you don't
know whether she is "looking" or not).

There is a potential junior position hidden it the "Candidates for all
levels, Immersive Intelligent Learning Environments" link. The plan is
to hire three junior faculty who meet the general criterion but would be
considered by one of the HASS Departments to be strong in that
discipline. Of course, Cognitive Science is hoping that one of the
strongest candidates is a cognitive scientist. Please free to pass this
onto your students, your colleagues, yourself.

I would be pleased to field any questions you might have.

Wayne D. Gray    grayw at
Professor of Cognitive Science &    Office: 518-276-3315
Professor of Computer Science
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

ACT-R-users mailing list

28.  Res. Fellow on User Modelling and Adaptive Interfaces for Learning Tech.
       Closing date: 11 November 2012

Research Fellow
User Modelling and Adaptive Interfaces for Learning Technologies
University of Birmingham -School of Computer Science

Salary from ?27,578 to ?38,140 a year.

The post is available from 15 January 2013 and is currently funded for
up to 24 months.

We are looking for a Research Fellow to join the HCI centre at the
University of Birmingham. The HCI centre is a joint venture between the
Schools of Computer Science and Electronic, Electrical and Computer
Engineering. We take a people-centred perspective on interaction and
technology to lead the development of our understanding on how people
interact with technologies, and how one transforms the other.

The Research Fellow will join the EU funded Technology Enhanced Learning
project ILearnRW. The project aims to develop a personalised tutoring
system to assist dyslexic children in reading and writing. This includes
user modelling of a child's dyslexia type to match teaching material to
the child's level. The approach will be interdisciplinary drawing on
computer science, HCI and design, education and cognitive psychology.

The Research Fellow will be expected to conduct internationally leading
research on user modelling and adaptive interfaces. S/He will develop
research objectives and proposals for own or joint research and will
contribute to writing future bids for research funding. S/He will also
analyse and interpret research findings and results with the aim of
disseminating them to top international journals and conferences.

To apply you must have completed, or be near completion of a PhD degree
relevant to the research area or equivalent qualifications or research
experience. You should have a proven high level of analytical capability
and programming skills, as well as experience in user modelling and
adaptive user interfaces.

Informal enquiries may be made to Dr. Mina Vasalou
(a.vasalou at at the School of Computer Science.

Closing date: 11 November 2012

More information at

    For news of CHI books, courses & software, join CHI-RESOURCES
       mailto: chi-resources-subscribe-request at
    For further details of CHI lists see

29.  Faculty Job announcemnt, American U. of Beirut
       Until filled

My department is looking for another one of "us" - people who apply
engineering models to organizations and organizational models to
engineers.  Here is the full announcement in case you are interested or
know someone who fits the bill.

The Engineering Management Program, Faculty of Engineering &
Architecture at the American University of Beirut (AUB), Lebanon,
invites applicants for a full time faculty position, preferably at the
assistant professor level, starting September 2013.

The search is open for candidates with a background in Industrial
Engineering or Engineering Management and research interests preferably
related to the management of technology and technological innovations,
technology entrepreneurship, product development, or computational /
Mathematical organization Science. Those applying for this position
should have the desire to excel, both in teaching and research, in an
interdisciplinary work environment.

This position will be at the assistant professor rank, but exceptionally
qualified candidates with established research and teaching credentials
will be considered at higher ranks.

The successful candidate must (a) have a PhD degree in industrial and
systems engineering or a related field, (b) have at least one degree in
an engineering discipline, and (c) demonstrate a record of independent
research and publications.

Upon appointment, the successful candidate will teach graduate and
undergraduate courses in the engineering management program, participate
in program development, and be active in research. The candidate is
expected to take an active role in developing research initiatives
leading to external funding and publications in internationally
recognized journals, and should have the ability to work in a
team-oriented environment.

Applications will be reviewed as received and the process will continue
until the position is filled, but no later than April 30, 2013. Salary
is commensurate with education and experience. Applications should
include a letter of interest; research, teaching, and service
statements; complete curriculum vitae; and the names, e-mails, and
addresses of at least three professional references. The complete
application should be sent via email in PDF format or air mail to: Dean
of Engineering and Architecture (fea at, Faculty of Engineering
and Architecture, the American University of Beirut, P.O. Box 11-0236,
Riad El-Solh, Beirut 1107-2020, Lebanon.

Information on the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture at AUB can be
found at The American University of Beirut
is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. For general
information consult the AUB's home page

   Walid Nasrallah
   Associate Professor of Engineering Management   American University of Beirut

The NAACSOS mailing list is a service of NAACSOS, the North American
Association for Computational and Organizational Science

30.  Penn State, Psychology, Systems Neuroscience, senior position
       Review starting 1 Nov 2012

The Department of Psychology at Penn State ( is
recruiting for a systems or computational neuroscientist (open rank)
with expertise in advanced data analysis techniques (e.g., graph theory,
meta-analysis, data mining, structural equation modeling) as applied to
neuroimaging (fMRI, EEG) data. Candidates with expertise in how
structural or functional connectivity relates to behavior are especially
encouraged to apply. We prefer candidates at the associate professor
level or higher who can contribute leadership to the growing
neuroscience and imaging communities, but we will consider outstanding
junior candidates. The position is co-funded by the Children, Youth, and
Families Consortium (, and successful
applicants are expected to participate in and contribute to the Social,
Life, and Engineering Sciences Imaging Center
( Participation in and contribution to the
Graduate Program in Neuroscience
( and the Center for
Brain, Behavior, and Cognition ( would be welcome.

Rich opportunities exist for collaboration within the department's
substantive focal areas (cognitive, developmental, social, clinical, and
industrial/organizational psychology) and across the campus. Applicants
who could also contribute to an overarching department initiative to
enhance diversity and our understanding of diversity are particularly
encouraged to apply. Candidates are expected to have a record of
excellence in research and teaching, and a history or promise of
external funding.

Review of applications for the position begins November 1, 2012 and will
continue until the position is filled. Candidates should submit a letter
of application including concise statements of research and teaching
interests, a CV, and selected (p)reprints. Junior candidates should
submit at least three letters of recommendation; letters of
recommendation for senior candidates will be requested from those
selected as finalists. Electronic submission is strongly preferred;
please submit materials at If
unable to submit electronically, mail materials to Neuroscience Faculty
Search Committee - Box A, Department of Psychology, Penn State,
University Park, PA 16802.  Questions regarding the application process
can be emailed to Judy Bowman, jak8 at, and questions regarding the
position can be sent to Rick Gilmore, rogilmore at

Employment will require successful completion of background check(s) in
accordance with [NEW, late, misguided, inappropriate, PSU] University
policies.  We especially encourage applications from individuals of
diverse backgrounds.  Penn State is committed to affirmative action,
equal opportunity and the diversity of its workforce.

31.  Faculty for Computer Science, Habib University, Karachi, Pakistan

Faculty for Computer Science for School of Science and Engineering Habib
University, Karachi, Pakistan

The Habib University Foundation is establishing a world class
institution of higher learning in Karachi, Pakistan. Beginning in Fall
2014, Habib University will offer undergraduate programs with a unique
interdisciplinary education in Science, Engineering, Arts, Humanities,
and the Social Sciences.

Habib University is establishing a School of Science and Engineering,
which will initially offer Bachelors of Science in Electrical
Engineering, and Bachelors of Science in Computer Science. The School
will initiate classes with 120 students and will continue to increase
enrollment each year. The University has long-term plans for the School
to offer additional programs at both the undergraduate and graduate

Undergraduate program in Computer Science
The Computer Science program at Habib University will prepare students
for the next phase of innovation in information technology. The
integrated curriculum will offer a strong set of core of Computer
Science courses along with several courses in its subfields. It will
also offer a broad range of subjects from the arts, humanities and
social sciences, that will enable students to think outside the
box. Entrepreneurial skills are important for the computing industry,
and these have been given great importance in the curriculum, along with
computing ethics.

Habib University is inviting applications for faculty positions at any
level (assistant, associate, or full professor). We encourage
applications in the areas of Software Engineering, Distributed
Computing/High Performance Computing; Computer Graphics & Visualization;
Computer Animation, Graphics, Game Design & Development; Artificial
Intelligence, Data Mining & Visualization; Databases & Data Warehousing;
Cyber, Computer and Network Security; Data Compression & Coding; Mobile
Application Development; Computer Networks; Semantic Web Technologies;
Theoretical Computer Science (Graph Theory, Computational Complexity,
Programming Logics); Interaction Design/Human Computer Interaction; and
Intelligent, Soft Computing Systems to apply.

Habib University is seeking candidates with excellent teaching, and
scholarly credentials who have a passion for undergraduate education,
intellectual curiosity, and the ability to communicate and work well in
teams. The University will offer opportunities for faculty to pursue
research and scholarly advancement across the Arts, Humanities, Social
Sciences, Sciences and Engineering. As academic leaders, faculty will
have the unique opportunity to build a new institution, shape programs
and foster synergies across fields.  The terms of employment are
competitive and include additional employment benefits.

Applicants need to submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, statement of
teaching interests, representative publications and three letters of
reference in PDF format to be considered. The application package can be
emailed to minerva.john at Please visit the website to download
the application form ( If
you have any inquiries, please contact minerva.john at

32.  Tenure-track position at UCSD, Department of Cognitive Science
       Due: 1 Nov 2012 (reviews start)

Please note that my department has a computational cognitive science
position open this fall (deadline: 11/01/12). Please encourage
qualified candidates to apply.

Angela J. Yu,     ajyu at
Assistant Professor
Department of Cognitive Science    858-822-3317
UCSD, Mail Code 0515
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093-0515

*Assistant Professor in Computational Cognitive Science*


The Department of Cognitive Science within the
Division of Social Sciences at UC San Diego is committed to academic
excellence and diversity within the faculty, staff and student body. The
department invites applications for a tenure-track position in
computational cognitive science.

The department has a preference for a junior researcher to be appointed
at the assistant professor level. Applicants must have a Ph.D. at the
time of appointment that will begin July 1, 2013. Areas of particular
interest include: big data, machine learning, brain-computer
interaction, but other specializations will be considered. An
interdisciplinary perspective and experience with multiple methodologies
is highly valued. Strong teaching and research skills in advanced
computational methods are required. The preferred candidate will have
experience or a willingness to participate in teaching, mentoring,
research or service towards building an equitable and diverse scholarly

The department is truly interdisciplinary, with a faculty whose
interests span anthropology, computer science, design, human
development, linguistics, neuroscience, philosophy, and psychology. UCSD
Department of Cognitive Science was the first of its kind, and is part
of an exceptional scientific community with close ties to California
Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2),
UCSD Supercomputer Center, the Institute for Neural Computation, and the
NSF Temporal Dynamics of Learning Center.

Salary is commensurate with qualifications and based on University of
California pay scales.

Review of applications will commence on 11/1/2012 and continue until the
position is filled.  Application will be accepted electronically at should submit the
following: a vita; reprints of up to four representative publications; a
short cover letter describing background and interests and at least
three references (name, title, address and email). Applicants are also
asked to contribute a separate statement in which they describe their
past or potential experience in activities that promote diversity. For
further information about contribution to diversity statement, see

Comp-neuro mailing list

33.  "Ramon y Cajal" Tenure Track program and postdoc program
       Due: 20 Nov 2012

The Granada Neurophysics group
( within the
Institute "Carlos I" for Theoretical and Computatinal Physics
( is looking for suitable candidates interested to
apply for the Spanish "Ramon y Cajal" program to incorporate researchers
in the Spanish research institutions including the universities. In some
sense it is similar to a tenure track position program
(assistant/associate professor level). In case of success the candidate
will be incorporated in our group at the Granada University (we are
looking candidates with research topics in the frontier of biology,
physics, neuroscience, biophysics, computational neuroscience,
etc. Experiementalists are also welcome).

The "Ramon y Cajal" program is very competitive so the suitable
candidates must have a strong scientific background with a large record
of high impact factor publications, and to have more than 4 year of
postdoctoral experience.

The application procedure started last October 29th 2012 and will finish
the next November 27th 2012

The gross salary  per year for the successful candidate will be 33.720 ?.

All information is included in this pdf: (in Spanish)

An official Spanish government web page in English follows

Only are eligible candidates that have obtained their Ph.D. after 01/01/2002

For people interested in a two-year postdoc in our lab there is also an
additional postdoc contract program "Juan de la Cierva" with deadline for
candidate application the next November 20th 2012. Please visit the link
below for further information:

Granada is a very pleasant city to live, with a well know university and
with many cultural events along the year. It is also one of the cheapest
cities to live in Spain. There also very interesting places to visit in
the surroundings of the city including the highest mountains in Spain
(the Sierra Nevada mountain range) with a well known sky resort (which
is further south across Europe) very near to the city. Also Granada is
just 30 miles far from the Mediterranean sea with very beautiful and
pleasant beaches.

Concerning our group we constitute a theoretical and computational
neuroscience group at University of Granada. The group is formed for an
small number of researchers experts in theoretical physics, statistical
physics, neurophysics and computational neuroscience. Most of our recent
work is focused in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics of neural
networks, computational neuroscience, biophysics, theoretical biology,
complex networks applied to neuroscience, stochastic resonance phenomena
in biological systems, etc. For more details visit

Comp-neuro mailing list

34.  Computational Neuroscience staff position at Sandia National Labs
       Due: 30 Nov 2012

Sandia National Laboratories has a staff position open for a
computational neuroscientist in our cognitive modeling department.  A
portion of the full job posting is appended below.  To see more details
and apply, search for Job ID  #641996 at

Brad Aimone   (505) 284-3147
Senior Member of Technical Staff
Cognitive Modeling Department
Sandia National Laboratories

Job Summary
We are seeking computational neuroscientists to join our
interdisciplinary research program in developing multi-scale models of
neural processes. We are particularly interested in the cellular and
circuit level mechanisms underlying human cognitive functions such as
learning, memory, decision-making, etc. Example research topics of
interest include the development and validation of large-scale
high-fidelity neural simulations, algorithmic understanding of neural
circuits, neural basis of decision-making, neuromorphic computing, and
methods for analysis of both real and simulated neural data.

Candidates should be able to demonstrate a strong background in
neuroscience, and an understanding of relations between neuroscience,
cognitive science, and computation. Successful staff members at Sandia
are expected both to contribute to ongoing projects and to develop new
lines of research with potential for application in solving complex
problems. Job duties may include writing proposals, conducting research
both independently and in teams, giving presentations, publishing in
peer-reviewed journals, and contributing to program development. The
positions are located at Sandia's Albuquerque, NM, USA site.

This job series typically applies integrated technical judgment--which
requires using the scientific method to recognize and formulate
problems, to collect data through observation and experimentation, and
to formulate and test hypotheses--to anticipate, innovate, and deliver
solutions to Sandia National Laboratories missions. Roots the work in
the fundamentals of science and engineering while applying a deep
understanding of engineering and scientific principles. Creates and
applies scientific theories and laws and engineering methods used within
scientific and engineering disciplines to develop or demonstrate new
designs, concepts, materials, machines, products, processes, or
systems. Uses physical and computational simulation, analysis, and
evaluation as inherent activities of development. Plans, conducts, and
executes Sandia's science and engineering programs within the spectrum
of fundamental research, development, or demonstration.

Participates in the development and application of computational
capabilities to solve problems in science and engineering. Applies
methods and techniques that merge disciplines in science and engineering
with computer science. Includes the research, development, deployment
and in-depth technical support of general scientific and engineering
application software and related tools.

  1. A Ph.D. in Neuroscience, Cognitive Science, or related field.
  2. Passion for applying fundamental neuroscience to develop theories
     of cognitive function that can be implemented and tested
  3. Experience with neuroscience research methods and data analysis.
  4. Strong publication record.
  5. Excellent interpersonal, communication and writing skills.
  6. Demonstrated ability to contribute to, form, and lead 
multidisciplinary teams.
  7. Willingness to travel.
  8. Ability to obtain and maintain a U.S. Department of Energy 
security clearance.


  1. Laboratory experience in any of: electrophysiology, neural imaging,
      connectomics, pharmacological manipulations combined with
      measurement of neural activity. Experimental experience is
      preferred over clinical experience.
  2. Demonstrated abilities in mathematical, physical, and computational
      modeling of neural or cognitive function.
  3. Understanding of related domains, such as: physics, biochemistry,
      theory of computation, numerical analysis, brain inspired
      computing, high performance computing.

Comp-neuro mailing list

35.  Open position in Applied Cognitive Science, Michigan Tech
       Due: 30 Nov 2012

Below is an advertisement for a (second) open position here at Michigan
Tech (rank of full, associate, or possibly advanced assistant).  Our
description is fairly broad, but we are very much interested in
researchers who do computational modeling in a ways that bridge basic
and applied domains.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you questions, and I'll be at the
SCiP and Psychonomics if anyone has questions.

Shane Mueller <shanem at>

*2012 Associate/Full Professor Faculty Search Advertisement*

The Department of Cognitive and Learning Sciences at Michigan
Technological University seeks applicants for a tenure-track Associate
or Full Professor of Psychology to begin Fall 2013. Advanced Assistant
professor candidates may also be considered. The successful candidate
will assume a leadership role in our rapidly growing Ph.D. program in
Applied Cognitive Science and Human Factors. Specialization should be in
human factors, applied cognitive science, or a closely related field. A
Ph.D. in psychology or related discipline is required.

Special consideration will be given to candidates with areas of
expertise that complement and broaden our Department's strengths in
Expert Performance, Decision Making, Computational Modeling,
Neuroergonomics, and User Interfaces.  The ideal candidate will bridge
basic and applied research, have a strong record of publications and
external funding, and will pursue interdisciplinary research
collaborations with MTU faculty in psychology and affiliated
programs. Typical teaching load is 2 (undergraduate and graduate)
courses per semester.

Michigan Tech, one of the state's four public research universities, is
ranked in the top tier of national universities according to the
U.S. News & World Report's "America's Best Colleges 2012." The
university is rated as one of the safest college campuses in the United
States. Twenty-five percent of incoming students ranked in the top 10
percent of their high school graduating class.

Michigan Tech is located in Houghton, named one of the 100 best small
towns in America for its world-class cultural events, community
resources and four-season recreation opportunities. This area is known
for natural beauty, pleasant summers and abundant snowfall. National
Geographic Adventure Magazine rates us as one of the top-ten outdoor
adventure spots in the US for our bike trails, Olympic-caliber cross
country ski trails and Lake Superior shoreline.

Full consideration will be given to applications received by Nov 30th,
2012.  Applications should be submitted online

Michigan Tech is an ADVANCE institution, one of a limited number of
universities in receipt of NSF funds in support of our commitment to
increase diversity and the participation and advancement of women in STEM.
The university is also in its sixth year of a strategic faculty hiring
initiative (see <>

We also have a Dual Career Program which assists departments with partner
orientation to the university and community and identification of possible
positions for partners (see <>

ACT-R-users mailing list

36.  PHD Studentships in Computational Cognitive Science, PSU
       Due: 15 Dec 2012

Up to three fully funded PhD studentships will be available in
computational cognition at the College of Information Sciences and
Technology, Penn State University, beginning 2013.  Research topics of
interest include

  - computational models of language processing,
  - cognitive models of heuristics and biases in decision-making, and
  - networked cognition and mixed human/agent systems.

We seek applicants with undergraduate or master's level degrees with
interest in theoretically motivated, but data-driven scientific inquiry.
Solid programming and communication skills are required.

Penn State's College of Information Sciences and Technology (IST) brings
together scientists in informatics.  Graduate students working in
computational cognition may anticipate interacting with researchers in
human-computer interaction, security, intelligence analysis, cyber law,
online business, and mobile computing.  The newly formed working group
for Computational Cognition collaborates with other local laboratories
at the college, such as Applied Cognitive Sciences (F.E. Ritter),
Intelligent Information Systems Research/CiteSeer (C. L. Giles), or
Intelligent Agents (J. Yen).

With its main campus located in beautiful, affordable and fun State
College, PA, Penn State is one of the largest tier-one research
universities in the United States.  IST attracts funding from the
National Science Foundation, the US Department of Defense as well as
from private industry.  The positions advertised here are college-funded
research and teaching assistantships, include tuition and stipends.

Informal inquiries: David Reitter, reitter at,
About the college:

Due date: December 15, 2012

37.  Tenure-track Positions in Human-Centered Computing, IU/PUI
       Due: 1 dec 2012

The Indiana University School of Informatics invites applications for
two tenured or tenure-track faculty positions in its new (as of July 1,
2013) Department of Human-Centered Computing. The appointment will begin
August 1, 2013 at the Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
(IUPUI) campus. Exceptional researchers are being sought to join our
new, fast-growing, dynamic department. Candidates must demonstrate an
outstanding scholarly record and excellent research credentials,
exhibited by original peer-reviewed publications in highly-selective
international venues, and a forward-looking, vigorous research agenda
that will secure competitive, external funding. While we are seeking
candidates in all areas of Human-Centered Computing, we are particularly
interested in those with strong research and teaching experience in one
or more of the following areas: Human Computer Interaction (HCI),
ubiquitous and pervasive computing; digital gaming theory, applications,
and simulations; interactive visualization and discovery environments
for "big data," especially in the health and life sciences.


* Ph.D. in an area such as human-centered computing, human-computer
  interaction, information science, computer science, communications,
  design, informatics, or related fields. Applicants must have completed
  their doctorate degree by the date of appointment.
* Demonstrated ability to develop a record of outstanding research
  productivity and high scholarly impact
* Demonstrated ability to secure external research funding
* Proven ability to exhibit effective teaching at the undergraduate 
and graduate level
* A strong commitment to teaching, mentoring, interdisciplinary
  research, and cultural diversity

The Department of Human-Centered Computing is home to a dynamic and
interdisciplinary group of 21 faculty members and over 500 students
across its Informatics, Media Arts & Science, and Human-Computer
Interaction programs. The Department offers a Bachelor of Science in
Informatics, a Bachelor and Master of Science in Media Arts and Science,
an Undergraduate Certificate, Graduate Certificate, and Master of
Science in Human-Computer Interaction, and a Ph.D. in Informatics,
Human-Computer Interaction Track. The faculty in the department conduct
groundbreaking research in the areas of emerging media technologies,
human-computer interaction design, ubiquitous computing, collaborative
decision-making, computer-mediated communication and cross-cultural
cognition, human-robot interaction and android science, and biomedical

For additional information about the Indiana University School of
Informatics, including degrees, course descriptions, plans of study and
faculty research, please see .

Submit PDF files containing (1) curriculum vita, (2) cover letter
explaining your interest in this position, (3) research statement and
philosophy of teaching, and (4) the names and contact information of
three references to:
  Teresa Stukey, Human Resources Coordinator
  informhr at

To ensure full consideration, please submit your application materials
by December 1, 2012. However, the position will remain open until
Davide Bolchini, Ph.D.    dbolchin at
Assistant Professor       1 (317) 278 5144
Director, Human-Computer Interaction Program
Indiana University School of Informatics at IUPUI
Informatics & Communications Technology Complex, IT 485


38.  PhD positions available at Penn State University, Psych
       Due: 1 dec 2012

Strongly motivated PhD candidates are invited to apply for Ph.D
candidacy in the Department of Psychology at Penn State University's
main campus in State College, PA. Applicants should ideally have
strong computer programming skills (e.g., two or more years of
experience programming in C, MatLab, Python, or equivalent) and a
background in psychology, neuroscience, cognitive science or physics
or biology.  Fluency in English is also required.

The research area will be some combination of visual attention,
computer vision, and computational neuroscience, with a likely
emphasis on understanding the temporal and spatial properties of
visual processing, broadly construed. You can read more about the work
in my lab at

Penn State main campus offers a diverse array of resources for
conducting research such as the SLEIC neuroimaging center:  There is also a diverse set of research
interests both within the psychology department, and across the campus
(e.g. Engineering:;
Neuroscience:,; Social:

Interested applicants should apply to the Psychology department at and should note that
the deadline for applications is December 1st.

Brad Wyble   bwyble at
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16801
Comp-neuro mailing list
Comp-neuro at

39.  PhD training opportunities at Georgia State University
       Due: 10 dec 2012

We are recruiting PhD applicants in the areas of computational and
mathematical neuroscience at Georgia State University's
interdisciplinary Neuroscience Institute, located in Atlanta, GA. We
have faculty strengths in dynamical systems modeling, neural rhythm
generation and circuits, neuroinformatics, neurophysics, neuromechanics,
and neuroimaging. See for more
details. Together with training across a broad range of neuroscience, we
offer a range of basic and advanced modeling courses that tie in with
applications from biophysics to behavior. Stipends are competitive and
guaranteed for students in good standing. Students should apply directly
to the Neuroscience Graduate Program, The application
deadline is Dec 10. Inquiries can be directed to any of the faculty
members, or to the Director for Graduate Studies, Dr. Laura Carruth.

Robert Clewley, Ph.D.  rob.clewley at
Assistant Professor     404-413-6420
Neuroscience Institute and Dep. of Mathematics & Statistics
Georgia State University
Atlanta, GA 30302, USA

Comp-neuro at

40.  Tenure Track Opening in HCDE at UWash
       Due: 31 dec 2012

The Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering at the University
of Washington has posted a revised tenure track faculty ad.

Tenure Track Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor of Human Centered
Design & Engineering

Position open, particular interest in visualization, social media, human
centered computing, big data, ubiquitous computing, CSCW, or interaction

The Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering
( at the University of Washington invites
applications for a full time tenure track Assistant, Associate, or Full
Professor. We are seeking a top caliber researcher and teacher to join
our growing and dynamic department. We are most interested in candidates
whose research is outstanding in quality and originality, although we
are especially interested in candidates with expertise in visualization,
social media, human centered computing, big data, ubiquitous computing,
CSCW, or interaction design. We are also interested in candidates who
engage critically with theory in their research. This faculty member
will be joining a growing interdisciplinary community of engineers,
social scientists, computer scientists, and humanities scholars at the
University of Washington.

We will consider candidates from a range of disciplinary backgrounds who
use innovative methodological, computational, or theoretical approaches
to address current challenges in human centered design and
engineering. HCDE is an interdisciplinary community that incorporates a
range of research traditions. More information about our department can
be found at The successful candidate is expected to
develop a substantial program of research including peer-reviewed
publications and external funding.

HCDE offers BS, MS, and PhD degrees. The candidate will teach
undergraduate and graduate courses and will supervise doctoral
dissertations. The yearly teaching load is three courses (one per
quarter) plus supervision of research groups. Teaching opportunities
will be based on current course offerings and the individual's areas of
scholarly expertise.

The successful candidate will join a vibrant faculty conducting
interdisciplinary research in human-computer interaction and the design
of sociotechnical systems. Current faculty research includes work in
CSCW, sociotechnical systems, HCI, computer-mediated communication,
ICTD, user research, emerging communication technologies, engineering
design, scientific collaboration, and engineering education. The
department collaborates with colleagues around campus, including
Computer Science and Engineering, the Information School, the eScience
Institute, and the School of Art. The faculty also routinely engage in
research projects with affiliates from the region's noted high-tech
industry. Seattle is home to many prominent technology companies, along
with a robust startup and global health community.

Appointment begins in autumn 2013, contingent on budgetary
approval. Review of applications will begin on December 31, 2012, and
will continue until the position is filled. PhD, or equivalent, in a
related field is required.  Exceptional candidates who are awaiting
conferral of their PhDs will also be considered at the Acting Assistant
Professor level.  To apply, the following materials should be sent to <>
hcdefac at (1) a letter of application, (2) a current cv, (3) a
statement of research and teaching goals, and (4) at least three letters
of recommendation. All materials should be addressed to Professor
Jennifer Turns, Search Committee Chair.

Jan Spyridakis
Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195


41. Two Tenure-track Assistant Professor Positions at UMBC, immediate

The Information Systems Department at UMBC invites applications for two
tenure-track faculty position at the Assistant Professor level in the
area of human-centered computing as well as the area of intelligent
information systems starting August 2013. Candidates must have earned a
PhD in Information Systems or a related field no later than August 2013.

For the human-centered computing position, the primary research areas of
interest are social computing, computer-supported cooperative work,
social informatics, interaction design, and usability.  For the
intelligent information systems position, individuals should be engaged
in artificial intelligence research that builds on state of the art work
in machine learning, statistical natural language processing,
personalization, mobile computing, knowledge representation, and
information extraction, are especially encouraged to apply. Secondary
research interests in Health IT or cybersecurity are desirable, but not
mandatory for both positions. Ideal candidates will be engaged in
research that spans two or more of these areas with preference given to
those who can collaborate with current faculty. Candidates for both
positions should have a strong potential for excellence in research, the
ability to develop and sustain an externally funded research program,
and the ability to contribute to our graduate and undergraduate teaching

The Department offers undergraduate degrees in Information Systems and
Business Technology Administration. Graduate degree programs, MS and
PhD, are offered in both Information Systems and Human-Centered
Computing, including an innovative online MS in IS program. Consistent
with the UMBC vision, the Department has excellent teaching facilities,
state-of-the-art laboratories, and outstanding technical support. UMBC's
Technology Center, Research Park, and Center for Entrepreneurship are
major indicators of active research and outreach. Further details on our
research, academic programs, and faculty can be found at and Members of
under-represented groups including women and minorities are especially
encouraged to apply.

Applications will not be reviewed until the following materials are
received: a cover letter, a one-page statement of teaching interests, a
one to two-page statement of research interests, one or more sample
research papers, and a CV. Applicants should also arrange to have three
letters of recommendation sent to the department as soon as
possible. Electronic submission of materials as PDF documents is
preferred. Electronic copies should be sent to bmorris at Copies
can also be sent to: Dr. Aryya Gangopadhyay, Chair of Faculty Search
Committee, Information Systems Department, UMBC, 1000 Hilltop Circle,
Baltimore, MD 21250-5398. For inquiries, please contact Barbara Morris
at (410) 455-3795 or bmorris at

Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until
the position is filled. This position is subject to the availability of

Shaun Kane <skane at UMBC.EDU>

41.  Postdoctoral Positions in Computational Cognitive Science
       Hongbin.Wang at

Postdoctoral Positions Available in Computational Cognitive Science

Two (2) post-doctoral research fellow positions are available in the
Computational Cognitive Science Laboratory (C2SL) of the UT Health,
School of Biomedical Informatics at Houston. Candidates will be
expected to work on a newly funded project to develop a biologically
inspired computational account for human trust and suspicion behavior
in cyberspace. Candidates with various backgrounds will be considered,
including computer science (AI or security), mathematics/engineering,
informatics, cognitive science/neuroscience, psychology or related
disciplines. Though an multidisciplinary background is preferred
candidates with a strong background in any single area will also be
considered. Ideal candidates should be able to think about real-world
problems in computational and quantitative terms, and are
self-motivated and eager to learn new ideas and techniques.

If interested, please contact Dr. Hongbin Wang, Professor, at
Hongbin.Wang at (Fax: 713-500-0360).

42.  Call for Papers: COSIT 2013,     papers due: 4 Mar 2013

First announcement for
11th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory, COSIT 2013
September 2-6, 2013, Scarborough, UK.

Spatial information theory is concerned with all aspects of space and
spatial environments as experienced and represented by humans and also
by other animals and artificial agents. The scope of the conference
includes both applications to specific domains and also the
development of general theories of space and spatial
information. Papers may address aspects of spatial information from
the viewpoint of any discipline including (but not limited to) the

    Cognitive, Perceptual, and Environmental Psychology
    Geography and Geoinformation Science
    Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Cognitive Science
    Mathematics, Logic, Philosophy and Ontology
    Engineering and Human Factors
    Cognitive Anthropology, Psycholinguistics and Linguistics
    Architecture, Planning, and Environmental Design

Papers will be selected through a rigorous review of full papers based
on relevance to the conference, scientific significance, novelty,
relation to previously published literature, clarity of presentation,
and interdisciplinary context. The proceedings will be published by
Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
series. Papers should not exceed 20 pages in the LNCS format.

Since 1993 the COSIT series has been one of the most important events
in this highly interdisciplinary area. An idea of the conference's
orientation can be gained from the previous COSIT proceedings
published by Springer-Verlag in the LNCS series. The following
(non-exclusive) topics are indicative of the fields of interest:

    activity-based models of spatial knowledge
    cognitive structure of spatial knowledge
    cognitive vision
    cooperative work with spatial information
    events and processes in geographic space and time
    incomplete or imprecise spatial knowledge
    knowledge representation for space and time
    languages of spatial relations
    naive geography/behavioral geography
    navigation and wayfinding, including robot navigation
    ontology of space
    presentation and communication of spatial information
    qualitative and commonsense spatial representation
    quality issues in geographic information
    semantics of geographic information
    social and cultural organization of space
    spatial and temporal language
    spatial aspects of social networks
    spatial data integration/interoperability
    spatial decision-support systems
    structure of geographic information
    theory and practice of spatial and temporal reasoning
    time in geographic information
    user-interface design/spatialization of interfaces
    virtual spaces

The conference will be held at the Royal Hotel, Scarborough, North
Yorkshire, UK. The town of Scarborough is a characterful Victorian
seaside resort on the East coast of England. There are good road and
rail links to the rest of the UK including a direct train service from
Manchester Airport which has flights from many international airports.

The conference will be preceded by a day of workshops and tutorials.
[these are also welcomed]

The doctoral colloquium, after the conference, provides a forum for
PhD students working on any aspect of spatial information.  Separate
calls for workshops and tutorials and for the doctoral colloquium will
be issued.

Important dates
    March 4,  2013 - Full paper submission
    April 20, 2013 - Notification of acceptance
    June 17,  2013 - Camera-Ready copy due
    September 2,   2013 - Workshops and Tutorials
    September 3-5, 2013 - Conference
    September 6,   2013 - Doctoral Colloquium

General Chairs
    Brandon Bennett, University of Leeds, UK
    Antony Galton, University of Exeter, UK

Program Chairs
    John Stell, University of Leeds, UK
    Thora Tenbrink, Bangor University, UK

Sponsorship Chair
    Zena Wood, University of Exeter, UK


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