Connectionists: Call for Symposia ECVP 2013
ECVP 2013
contact2013 at
Wed Nov 7 10:13:39 EST 2012
*Call for Symposia ECVP 2013*
The 36th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP) will take place
in Bremen, Germany, from August 25th to August 29th 2013. The special
focus of the conference in 2013 will be Computational Neuroscience.
ECVP features a number of user-organized symposia that provide a broad,
but coherent overview about the state-of-the-art of a given topic. We
highly encourage submissions of symposium proposals until December 31st
2012. We particularly also like to motivate young investigators to take
the chance of organizing a symposium at this particularly pleasant and
important conference.
Symposia will have a total length of 2 hours. Individual talks should
relate to each other and should be suited to also provoke discussion,
but number and length of individual talks may be freely chosen. Symposia
should be introduced by the organizer or another selected speaker to
motivate both the general framework of the topic and the symposium's
outline to the audience, and ideally should have a summary or prepared
discussion at the end. Symposia are particularly beneficial if they aim
at a diversity of ideas and people and should not restrict on single
groups or 'schools'.
To keep registration fees at a reasonable and low level, there is
traditionally no extra financial support for symposia. Speakers are
expected to register as normal participants to the conference.
If you submit a proposal, please mail to symp2013 at and
Organizer's address with affiliation, email and phone number.
The title of the proposed symposium and (not more than) one page
that should clearly state the motivation, the aim and recurrent
theme of the symposium.
List of speakers and the topic of contribution, and mention of
whether they were contacted, have accepted, etc.
All proposals will be reviewed by the program committee. Notification of
symposium acceptance will be sent by January. You can find additional
information at
In case of acceptance we will need:
Summary of symposium (200 words) for use in printed material.
List of agreed speakers, affiliations, email and mailing addresses.
Temporal structure of the symposium with exact sequence of talks.
Include time for discussion and questions.
Abstracts of individual talks (each 200 words)
Special requests (audio-video, etc.)
Best regards and awaiting many interesting proposals,
ECVP 2013 team,
Udo Ernst | Cathleen Grimsen | Detlef Wegener | Agnes Janssen
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