Connectionists: First Indian Winter School and Conference on Computational Aspects of Neural Engineering
Rajesh Rao
rao at
Sat Nov 3 16:25:30 EDT 2012
We are pleased to announce the first Indian Winter School and
Conference on Computational Aspects of Neural Engineering (see
detailed schedule below).
For further information, please visit the website below.
Rajesh Rao (UW Seattle) and G. Rangarajan (IISc Bangalore)
First Indian Winter School and Conference on Computational Aspects of
Neural Engineering
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
(Sponsored by VI-MSS and NSF SAVI)
School: December 12-19
Conference: December 20-21
Organizers: Rajesh Rao (UW Seattle), G. Rangarajan (IISc Bangalore)
Dec 12 Wed Day 1: Course Intro and Intro to Neuroscience
9:00-10:15am: Course Intro (Rajesh Rao & Govindan Rangarajan)
10:30-noon: Cellular neuroscience: neurons, spikes, synapses,
plasticity (IISc faculty)
2-5pm: Systems neuroscience: Brain regions, functional
specialization, motor control (IISc)
Dec 13 Thu Day 2: Recording, Stimulation, and Signal Processing
9:00-10:15am: Recording/Stimulation techniques: Microelectrodes, EEG,
10:30-noon: Signal Processing: Fourier analysis, wavelets, PCA, ICA (IISc)
2-5pm: Lab: Intro to EEG data, basic signal processing (P. Brunner
and J. Wander)
Dec 14 Fri Day 3: Machine Learning, Electroencephalographic (EEG) BCIs
9-10am: Intro to machine learning and statistical inference (IISc)
10:15-noon: Regression, classification algorithms (IISc)
2-5pm: Intro, Principles and Survey of EEG BCIs (Peter Brunner)
Dec 15 Sat Day 4: ECoG, EEG BCI lab
9:00-noon: Electrocorticography (ECoG): Intro and Examples (Nitish Thakor)
2-5pm: Lab: EEG BCI2000 demos (Brunner and Wander)
Dec 15 Evening: Special Dinner for Winter School Speakers and Attendees
Dec 16 Sun Day 5: Off day
Dec 17 Mon Day 6: Electrocorticographic (ECoG) BCIs
9:00-noon: ECoG BCIs: Intro, Principles, Examples (Jeff Ojemann)
2-5pm: Lab: ECoG BCIs (Wander, Brunner)
Dec 18 Tue Day 7: Intracortical BCIs
9am-noon: Intracortical BCIs Part I: Introduction, Principles,
Examples (John Donoghue)
2-5pm: Intracortical BCIs Part II: Decoding Techniques, Examples
(Wilson Truccolo)
Dec 19 Wed Day 8: Applications, Ethics & Conclusion
9:00-noon: Applications, Ethics, Conclusion (Rajesh Rao)
End of Winter School
4pm: Public lecture at IISc by John Donoghue
Dec 20-21 Thu-Fri: Conference on Computational Aspects of Neural
Engineering (Talks by all invited lecturers from school as well as
other researchers)
Dec 20 evening: Conference Dinner
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