Connectionists: CFP: 3rd Int. Workshop on Human Behavior Understanding (HBU'2012) at IROS 2012
salah at
Wed Jun 20 11:23:28 EDT 2012
Call for Papers: 3rd Int. Workshop on Human Behavior Understanding (HBU'2012)
to be held in conjunction with IROS'2012, 7 October, Algarve, Portugal
- apologies for cross posting -
Short Description:
The Third Workshop on Human Behavior Understanding, organized as a satellite to
IROS'2012, will gather researchers dealing with the problem of computational
modeling and understanding of human behavior under its multiple facets
(expression of emotions, display of relational attitudes, performance of
individual or joint actions, imitation, etc.), with particular attention to
implications in robotics, including additional resource and robustness
constraints of robotic platforms, social aspects of human-robot interaction,
and developmental approaches to robotics.
The HBU Workshops, previously organized as satellite to ICPR and AMI
Conferences, have a unique aspect of fostering cross-pollination of different
disciplines, bringing together researchers of robotics, HCI, artificial
intelligence, pattern recognition, interaction design, ambient intelligence,
psychology. The diversity of human behavior, the richness of multi-modal data
that arises from its analysis, and the multitude of applications that demand
rapid progress in this area ensure that the HBU Workshops provide a timely and
relevant discussion and dissemination platform.
The covered topics include, among others:
Autonomous mental development
Behavioral biometrics
Benchmarking studies on novel databases
Facial, gestural and voice-based affect recognition for robotics
Human motion analysis and action recognition
Human-robot interaction
Imitation learning (learning from demonstration)
Mathematical description and integration of contextual information
New feature selection and extraction methods
Novel sensors (e.g. RGB-D cameras)
Pattern discovery
Robots and smart environments
Sign-language recognition
Social behavior analysis & modeling, multimodal behavior patterns
Temporal patterns
Submissions must represent original material. Papers are accepted for review
with the understanding that the same work has been neither submitted to, nor
published in, another journal or conference. All manuscripts will undergo a
rigorous review process by the members of the program committee. The
submissions will be up to 12 pages, Lecture Notes in Computer Science style.
The proceedings of HBU 2010 and HBU 2011 were published as a book in Springer
Verlag's LNCS Series. LNCS approval is pending for HBU 2012. Submission and
reviewing are handled via the EasyChair system.
You can submit a paper now at:
Important Dates:
1 July 2012: Submission deadline for full papers
25 July 2012: Notification of acceptance
7 August 2012: Camera-ready paper
7 October: Full day Workshop at IROS’12
Invited Keynotes:
François Bremond (INRIA), "Scene Understanding and Assisted Living"
Erol Sahin (METU), "Affordances and Concepts"
Organizing Committee:
Albert Ali Salah, Bogazici University, Turkey.
Javier Ruiz-del-Solar, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
Cetin Mericli, Carnegie Mellon University, USA.
Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, INRIA, France.
Program Committee:
Levent Akin, Bogazici University, Turkey.
Brenna Argall, Northwestern University, USA.
Kai Arras, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg, Germany.
Sven Behnke, University Bonn, Germany.
Tony Belpaeme, University of Plymouth, UK.
François Bremond, INRIA, France.
Ginevra Castellano, University Birmingham, UK.
Kerstin Dautenhahn, University Hertfordshire, UK.
Ozlem Durmaz Incel, Bogazici University, Turkey.
Vanessa Evers, University of Twente, The Netherlands.
Ian Fasel, University of Arizona, USA.
Michael Goodrich, Brigham Young University, USA.
Verena Hafner, Humboldt-University Berlin, Germany
Luca Iocchi, Roma University, Italy.
Hatice Kose, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey.
Ben Krose, University of Amsterdam & Hogeschool van Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Manuel Lopes, INRIA, France.
Tekin Meriçli, Bogazici University, Turkey.
Yukie Nagai, Osaka University, Japan.
Mark Neerincx, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
Catherine Pelachaud, TELECOM-ParisTech, France.
Dennis Reidsma, University of Twente, The Netherlands.
Erol Sahin, Middle East Technical University, Turkey.
Komei Sugiura, NICT, Japan.
Leila Takayama, Willow Garage, USA.
Adriana Tapus, ENSTA-ParisTech, France.
Tijn van der Zant, University Groningen, The Netherlands.
Manuela Veloso, Carnegie Mellon University, USA.
Rodrigo Verschae, AMTC-Chile, Chile.
Juan Wachs, Purdue University, USA.
Zeynep Yucel, ATR, Japan.
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