Connectionists: CFP: ANNPR 2012 (Trento, Italy) trentin at
Wed Feb 15 08:49:46 EST 2012

        ANNPR 2012

5th INNS IAPR TC3 GIRPR International Workshop on
Artificial Neural Networks in Pattern Recognition

        September 17 - 19, 2012
        Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy

        *** Call for Papers ***

We are pleased to announce that the 5th INNS
IAPR TC3 GIRPR International Workshop on
Artificial Neural Networks in Pattern
Recognition will be held at Fondazione Bruno
Kessler (FBK), Trento, Italy. ANNPR 2012 follows
the success of ANNPR 2003 (Florence), ANNPR 2006
(Ulm), ANNPR 2008 (Paris), and ANNPR 2010
(Cairo). This 5th ANNPR workshop will act as a
major forum for international researchers and
practitioners working in all areas of neural
network- and machine learning-based pattern
recognition to present and discuss the latest
research, results, and ideas in these areas.

This year the workshop received the endorsement
from  the International Neural Network Society
(INNS), from the International Association for
Pattern Recognition (IAPR),  from the Technical
Committees 3 (TC3) of IAPR ("Neural  Networks &
Computational Intelligence"), and from GIRPR
(Gruppo Italiano Ricercatori in Pattern

Papers are solicited dealing with neural
networks, machine learning and pattern
recognition which emphasize methodological
issues possibly arising in applications.


Methodological Issues
- Supervised learning
- Unsupervised learning
- Combination of supervised and unsupervised
- Feedforward, recurrent, and competitive neural
- Kernel machines
- Hierarchical modular architectures and hybrid
- Combination of neural networks and Hidden
Markov models
- Multiple classifier systems and ensemble methods
- Probabilistic graphical models
- Kernel methods
- Deep architectures

Applications in Pattern Recognition
- Image processing and segmentation
- Sensor-fusion and multi-modal processing
- Feature extraction, dimension reduction
- Clustering and vector quantization
- Speech and speaker recognition
- Data, text, and web mining
- Bioinformatics/Cheminformatics

Paper Submission:

Potential participants should submit a paper
describing their work in one of the areas
described above. Proceedings will be published
as a volume in the Springer LNAI, maximum paper
length is 12 pages in LNCS/LNAI format.
Instructions for authors, LaTeX templates, etc.
are available at the Springer LNCS/LNAI
web-site. Submission of a paper constitutes a
commitment that, if accepted, one or more
authors will attend the workshop. On-line
submission via EasyChair will be made available
on the web-site of the workshop
( timely.

Special Sessions:

Fellow scientists wishing to organize a special
session are invited to submit a proposal to the
ANNPR 2012 Chairs (or, to annpr2012 at
Proposals should include the session title and a
list of topics covered by the session. Three to
six papers will be required for a special
session to take place. Once the special session
proposal has been approved by the ANNPR 2012
Chairs, the session organizers are expected to
carry out the review process for the papers
submitted to their session. Proposals must be
received by March 8, 2012.

Important Dates:

May  6,  2012 - Deadline for electronic paper
June 3,  2012 - Notification of paper acceptance
June 17, 2012 - Deadline for final, camera-ready
June 17, 2012 - Deadline for Early Registration

Contacts and Further Info:

annpr2012 at

General Chairs:

Nadia Mana
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy

Friedhelm Schwenker
University of Ulm, Institute of Neural
Information Processing, Germany

Edmondo Trentin
Università di Siena, Dip. di Ingegneria dell'
Informazione, Italy

Local Organization Chairs:

Oswald Lanz
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy

Stefano Messelodi
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy

Program Committee:

Shigeo Abe, Japan
Amir Atiya, Egypt
Erwin Bakker, The Netherlands
Yoshua Bengio, Canada
Ludovic Denoyer, France
Neamat El Gayar, Canada
Antonino Freno, France
Markus Hagenbuchner, Australia
Barbara Hammer, Germany
Tom Heskes, The Netherlands
Lakhmi Jain, Australia
Nik Kasabov, New Zealand
Hans A. Kestler, Germany
Oswald Lanz, Italy
Marco Loog, The Netherlands
Simone Marinai, Italy
Stefano Messelodi, Italy
Heiko Neumann, Germany
Erkki Oja, Finland
Günther Palm, Germany
Lionel Prevost, France
Raul Rojas, Germany
Stefan Scherer, USA
Alessandro Sperduti, Italy
Ah-Chung Tsoi, Macau
Ian Witten, New Zealand

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