Connectionists: INNS Award Nominations

Professor Ron Sun rsun at
Mon Apr 2 15:55:52 EDT 2012

> From: Linda Potchoiba <lpotchoiba at>
> Date: April 2, 2012 3:16:38 PM EDT
> The International Neural Network Society's Awards Program is  
> established to recognize individuals who have made outstanding  
> contributions in the field of Neural Networks.  Up to three awards,  
> at most one in each category, are presented annually to senior,  
> highly accomplished researchers for outstanding contributions made  
> in the field of Neural Networks.
> The Hebb, Helmholtz and Gabor Awards:
> The Hebb Award - recognizes achievement in biological learning.
> The Helmholtz Award - recognizes achievement in sensation/perception.
> The Gabor Award - recognizes achievement in engineering/application.
> Young Investigator Awards:
> Up to two awards are presented annually to individuals with no more  
> than five years postdoctoral experience and who are under forty  
> years of age, for significant contributions in the field of Neural  
> Networks.
> Nominations:
> 1. The Awards Committee should receive nominations of no more than  
> two pages in length, specifying:
> -The award category (Hebb, Helmholtz, Gabor, or Young Investigator)  
> for which the candidate is being nominated.
> -The reasons for which the nominee should be considered for the award.
> -A list of at least five of the nominee's important and published  
> papers.
> 2. The curriculum vitae of both the nominee and the nominator must  
> be included with the nomination, including the name, address,  
> position/title, phone, fax, and e-mail address for both the nominee  
> and nominator.
> 3. The nominator must be an INNS member in good standing. Nominees  
> do not have to be INNS members. If an award recipient is not an INNS  
> member, they shall receive a free one-year INNS membership.
> 4. Nominators may not nominate themselves or their family members.
> 5. Individuals may not receive the same INNS Award more than once

> All nominations will be considered by the Awards Committee and  
> selected ones forwarded to the INNS Board of Governors, along with  
> the Committee's recommendations for award recipients. Voting shall  
> be performed by the entire BoG.
> Please email the 2013 nominations along with their attachments  
> directly to the chair of the Awards Committee at leonid at 
> , with a copy to the Secretary of the Society at jonathan at 
>  by June 1, 2012.  Please use the following subject line in the  
> email: INNS award nomination.
> You may view this information at (under "Awards  
> Program").

Professor Ron Sun
President, International Neural Network Society

Cognitive Science Department
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
110 Eighth Street, Carnegie 302A
Troy, NY 12180, USA

phone: 518-276-3409
fax:   518-276-3017
email: dr.ron.sun [AT]

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