Connectionists: PhD/Postdoc position within ERC-Advance Investigators Grant" The merging of the senses: understanding multisensory experience". (Peter König, University Osnabrück )

Peter König pkoenig at
Sun Sep 25 06:09:42 EDT 2011

The research group for Neurobiopsychology (Prof. Dr. Peter König) at the 
Institute of Cognitive Science invites applications for the following 

a) 1 Researcher (Postdoc level) (Salary level according to E 13 TV-L, 100%)
b) 3 Researchers (Salary level according to E 13 TV-L, 50%)

to be filled at earliest practicable date for a period of 3 years each.

The positions involve research within the ERC Advanced Investigators 
Grant "The merging of the senses: understanding multisensory experience" 
(jointly awarded with Prof. Dr. Andreas K Engel, University Clinics 
Hamburg Eppendorf) that is running for a total of 5 years. They focus on 
processing of multimodal sensory information and sensorimotor 
integration under natural conditions. This includes behavioral 
measurement, psychophysical methods, physiological measurements (EEG, 
MEG, TMS), methods of sensory augmentation, mathematical modeling, 
computer simulations and brain-computer interfaces. Furthermore, the 
position involves participation in teaching Cognitive Science courses. 
The position allows for further qualification.

Employment prerequisites:
For a) Candidates are expected to have a scientific university degree, a 
PhD, a good research record in at least one of the areas listed above as 
well as a good command of the English language.
For b) Candidates are expected to have a scientific university degree, a 
good research record in at least one of the areas listed above as well 
as a good command of the English language

The University of Osnabrück strives for an increase in the number of 
women in academic employment. Women are therefore especially encouraged 
to apply and will be preferentially considered under the condition of 
equal qualification. Disabled candidates with equivalent qualification 
will be given a preference.

Applications with the usual documentation should be submitted no later 
than October 14th, 2011 to the Director of the Institute of Cognitive 
Science, University of Osnabrück, Albrechtstraße 28, 49076 Osnabrück. 
Further information can be obtained from Prof. Dr. Peter König, 
(pkoenig at uni-

Prof. Dr. Peter König
Institute of Cognitive Science
University Osnabrück
Albrechtstr. 28
49076 Osnabrück

+49 541 969 2399

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