Connectionists: Postdoctoral position

Yousif, Nada n.yousif at
Thu Sep 8 09:10:47 EDT 2011

[post on behalf of Joern Diedrichsen j.diedrichsen at<mailto:j.diedrichsen at>]

The Motor Control Group in the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience (PI: Joern Diedrichsen) has an open postdoctoral position for the project "Learning and recovery of skilled finger movements", funded for 36 month by the Wellcome Trust. The goal of the project is to use the multivariate analysis of fMRI activity patterns to understand the acquisition (and re-acquisition) of skilled motor behaviours. Ideally, the postholder has a strong background (or strong will to acquire it) in fMRI, computational neuroscience, and motor control / learning.

Closing date for applications is the 4th of October.

More about the lab:
For further details about the vacancy and how to apply on line please go to and search on Reference Number 1206249.

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