Connectionists: CogModel notes: ICCM12/BRIMS12+SI/Misc/Jobs // for Forwarding
Frank Ritter
frank.ritter at
Thu Nov 24 14:41:01 EST 2011
[please consider sending this out to your members, or the parts that
are appropriate.
-FER ps. happy thanksgiving]
This is based on the International Cognitive Modeling Conference
mailing list that I maintain. I forward messages about twice a year.
(this is the third one for ICCM 2012 though.)
The first announcement is driving this email --
the deadline for papers for ICCM 2012 in Berlin is coming up.
If you would like to be removed, please just let me know. I maintain
it by hand to keep it small.
Frank Ritter frank.e.ritter at
1. ICCM 2012, Berlin, 12-15 April 2012, due 15 dec 2011
2. ICCM 2012 tutorials call, Berlin, 12 April 2012, due 3 dec 11
3. Special issue of Comp & Math Org Theory from BRIMS 2010
4. Abstract-lite software for visualizing traces
5. Cogsci 2011 Conference recordings
6. Twitter account for HCI Bibliography!/HCIBibliography
7. ACM SigCHI survey on HCI education
8. Funding Opportunities for Promoting AI Research (DEADLINE: 02:12:2011)
9. New ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems Debuts
10. Discount for book: In order to learn Promo CodE:30382
11. New home for the CLARION Cognitive Architecture Project & Library
12. 2 assistant professor positions at Penn State IST
13. Postdoctoral Position in Human Robot Interaction
14. Penn State Center for Language Science neuroscience postdoc position
pirepostdoc at, due 1 dec 2011
15. 15 PhD studentships in Neuroinformatics and Computational Neuroscience
16. PhD position, Hunter College
17. Faculty Applications in Innovative Research Methods, PSU
18. RA position at European Centre for Soft Computing
19. Post-doc at USC with Rosenbloom
20. Faculty Positions in Psychology at UMass Lowell for Fall 2012
21. Fully funded PhD position in Groningen
22. Defense Threat Reduction Agency Post Doc Program Announcement
23. 5 Tenure Track Positions at all levels in Game Design at Northeastern U.
24. Weekly AISB opportunities bulletin (4/nov/11)
(more jobs, and such)
1. ICCM 2012, Berlin, Germany, 12-15 April 2012, due 15 dec 2011
The conference will be held from 13 to 15 April 2012 in Berlin at the
Technische Universitat Berlin (Berlin Institute of Technology
(TU/Berlin)). The conference web page is htpp://
The International Conference on Cognitive Modeling (ICCM) is the
premier conference for research on computational models and
computation-based theories of human behavior. ICCM is a forum for
presenting, discussing, and evaluating the complete spectrum of
cognitive modeling approaches, including connectionism, symbolic
modeling, dynamical systems, Bayesian modeling, and cognitive
architectures. ICCM includes basic and applied research, across a wide
variety of domains, ranging from low-level perception and attention to
higher-level problem-solving and learning.
ICCM 2012 will be held in Berlin, Germany, on the campus of
the Technische Universitat Berlin. The main conference will be held
April 13-15, 2012 and the tutorials will be held April 12, 2012. We
hope to see you in Berlin,
The chairs are:
"Nele Russwinkel" <nele.russwinkel at>,
"Uwe Drewitz" <uwe.drewitz at>,
"Hedderik van Rijn" <hedderik at>,
"Jeronimo Dzaak" <jeronimo.dzaack at>
A link to the online submission system will be provided on this page
starting November 21st.
Three types of submissions are possible:
Papers: refereed papers of up to 6 pages. If a submission is accepted
to be published as a paper, the paper will be presented at the
conference either as a talk or as a poster. (Due December 15, 2011)
Posters: refereed poster abstracts of up to 2 pages. If accepted, the
corresponding poster will be presented at the conference in a
dedicated poster session. (Due February 21, 2012)
Symposium Proposals: The 6 page submission for a symposium should
consist of an introduction to the topic of the symposium by the
organizer(s), and one extended abstract per presenter. (Due December
15, 2011)
2. ICCM 2012 tutorials call, Berlin, Germany, 12 April 2012, due 3 dec 11
The Tutorials program at the International Conference on Cognitive
Modeling (ICCM) 2012 will be held on 12 April 2012. It will provide
conference participants with the opportunity to gain new insights,
knowledge, and skills from a broad range of areas in the field of
cognitive modeling. Tutorial topics will be presented in a taught
format and are likely to range from practical guidelines to
theoretical issues or software. Tutorials at ICCM have been held many
times before, and this year's program will be modelled after them and
after the series held at the Cognitive Science Conference.
If you are interested, please see the web site for more details, or
contact the tutorials chair, Frank.Ritter at
3. BRIMS 2012, 12-15 March 2012, submission deadline December 14, 2011
You are invited to participate in the 21st Conference on Behavior
Representation in Modeling and Simulation (BRIMS), to be held at the
Amelia Island Plantation, Amelia Island, Florida (near the Georgia /
Florida border). BRIMS enables modeling and simulation research
scientists, engineers, and technical communities across disciplines to
meet, share ideas, identify capability gaps, discuss cutting-edge
research directions, highlight promising technologies, and showcase
the state-of-the-art in Department of Defense related
applications. The BRIMS Conference will consist of many exciting
elements in 2012, including special topic areas, technical paper
sessions, special symposia/panel discussions, and government
laboratory sponsor sessions.
Highlights of BRIMS 2012 will include a fantastic lineup of keynote
speakers spanning cognitive modeling, sociocultural modeling, and
network science.
The BRIMS Executive Committee invites papers, posters, demos,
symposia, panel discussions, and tutorials on topics related to the
representation of individuals, groups, teams and organizations in
models and simulations. All submissions are peer-reviewed (see for additional details on submission types).
KEY DATES: [estimated]
All submissions due: December 14, 2011
Tutorial Acceptance: 31 Jan 2012
Authors Notification 31 Jan 2012
Final version due: 18 Feb 2012
Tutorials: 12 March 2011
BRIMS 2010 Opens: 13 March 2011
William Kennedy (George Mason University)
Bradley Best (Adaptive Cognitive Systems)
Robert St. Amant (North Carolina State University)
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the BRIMS 2012
Conference Chair, Dr. Tiffany Jastrzembski
(tiffany.jastrzembski at
3. Special issue of Comp & Math Org Theory from BRIMS 2010
Kennedy, G. W., Ritter, F. E., & Best, B. J. (2011). Behavioral
representation in modeling and simulation introduction to CMOT special
issue--BRiMS 2010. Computational Mathematical and Organizational
Theory, 17, 225-228.
Four papers:
Jones, R., Connors, E. S., Mossey, M. E., Hyatt, J. R., Hansen, N.J.,
& Endsley, M. R. (2011). Using fuzzy cognitive mapping techniques to
model situation awareness for army infantry platoon leaders,
Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory.
Jungkunz, P. & Darken, C. J. (2011). A computational model for human
eye-movements in military simulations. Computational and
Mathematical Organization Theory.
Moore, L. R. (2011). Cognitive model exploration and optimization: A
new challenge for computer science. Computational and Mathematical
Organization Theory.
Mueller, S. G., Simpkins, B., Anno, G., Fallon, C. K., Price, O., &
McClellan, G. E. (2011). Adapting the task-taxon-task methodology
to model the impact of chemical protective gear, Computational and
Mathematical Organization Theory.
4. Abstract-lite software for visualizing traces
We are pleased to announce that Abstract-Lite is now available online
for your free use:
Abstract-Lite offers an interactive interface to visualize your
activity traces.
It is a simpler version of ABSTRACT that you can freely use online.
Abstract-Lite can display your traces in real time.
A full documentation is available through the Help menu.
Examples of traces can be seen in the blog, for instance here:
Abstract-Lite was developed by Pierre-Yves Ronot as part of his masters
thesis. It is part of the ABSTRACT project
( and the IDEAL project
Please, feel free to give it a try. We are very interested in comments
you might have.
Olivier and Pierre-Yves
Dr Olivier Georgeon, ANR-RPDOC fellow
Laboratoire LIRIS / UMR 5205
Universite Claude Bernard Lyon1
Batiment Nautibus
8, boulevard Niels Bohr
69622 Villeurbanne Cedex
Office: +33 4 72 04 63 30 Cell: +33 6 88 10 68 59
5. Cogsci 2011 Conference recordings
I'm writing to let you know that The Science Network has posted talks
by and interviews with some famous cognitive psychologists, recorded
at the 2011 conference of the Cognitive Science Society. The
recordings include
Anjan Chatterjee, Judea Pearl (a leader in developing Bayesian nets) ,
Barbara Landau, Noam Chomsky, Elissa Newport, Steve Sloman, Leonard
Talmy, Art Markman, and others. Similar recordings from the 2010
meeting are at:
6. Twitter account for HCI Bibliography!/HCIBibliography
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2011 12:50:49 -0400
From: Gary Perlman <perlman at ACM.ORG>
Subject: HCI Bibliography on Twitter
To let people know when new material is added to the HCI Bibliography
(, I created a Twitter account: HCIBibliography. For
2010, 46 conference proceedings and 18 journal volumes were released,
so followers should expect about a tweet a week, although they would
tend to come in spurts, especially at the end of the calendar year.!/HCIBibliography
Hosted by ACM SIGCHI since 1998, the HCI Bibliography is a free-access
bibliography on Human-Computer Interaction, with over 60,000 records
in a searchable database. HCIBIB.ORG is also one of the premier
portals to high-quality information on the development of usable and
accessible software and Web-based systems.
7. ACM SigCHI survey on HCI education
Anne Bowser, Jennifer Preece and Elizabeth Churchill are looking for
survey participants who consider the research and practice of
Interaction Design and/or Human Computer Interaction (HCI) to be
critical and central to their work. If this sounds like you, please
take their survey:
This survey, done for the ACM SigCHI special project on HCI education
needs, is grounded in previous research. Between March and August of
2011, exploratory research was conducted with 177 survey participants
and 52 interview participants. Data from this exploratory research was
iteratively coded to identify overarching themes for further
exploration. These themes generated the questions in the survey.
The survey is broken down into five sections that are each one page in
length. The first section covers traditional and emerging subjects in
HCI. The second section covers topics and areas of
application. Questions on design research methods and empirical
research methods compose the third section. The fourth section lists
five challenges to HCI Education that were identified in the
exploratory research, and asks you to asses their significance. The
fifth and final section deals with demographics.
Survey results will be posted to and
emailed to participants who provide an email address. If you wish to
be a further participant in this research, you will have the
opportunity to request a follow-up interview at the end of the survey.
Thanks again for your help!
Elizabeth F. Churchill, VP ACM SigCHI
Jenny Preece, Adjunct Chair for Education, ACM SigCHI
Anne Bowser, Research Assistant, ACM SigCHI
8. Funding Opportunities for Promoting AI Research (DEADLINE: 02:12:2011)
## Background ## [abridged]
The operation of the Editorial Board is supported financially through
an arrangement with AIJ's publisher, Elsevier. Through this
arrangement, the AIJ editorial board is in the unique position of
being able to make available substantial funds, (of the order of
175,000 Euros per annum), to support the promotion and dissemination
of AI research. These funds are made available through a series of
competitive open calls. This document relates to the fifth call for
funding, with a deadline of December 2, 2011.
## What are the goals of this funding? ##
In providing this funding, AIJ aims to:
* promote & raise awareness of AI research & practice;
* encourage the timely and widespread dissemination of AI research
results, techniques, and tools;
* promote interaction and exchange of ideas between AI researchers,
practitioners, and students;
* promote the exploitation of AI research results, techniques, and
We strongly encourage the submission of proposals for activities that
are fundamentally new, and likely to lead to the establishment of a
new research community or new direction for AI research.
## What activities will AIJ consider funding? ##
Broadly speaking, any activity that achieves the goals described
above. For example:
* student travel scholarships for a conference or workshop;
* funds for an invited speaker to present at a conference or workshop;
* funds to support a web site to disseminate proceedings of an AI
related conference or workshop;
* start up funds for a workshop in a promising new area of research;
* funding to organise a summer school on some aspect of AI.
This list is absolutely not intended to be exhaustive, and we strongly
encourage you to consider innovative ways in which the goals set out
above can be achieved.
## What activities does AIJ prefer not to fund? ##
* We prefer not to fund individuals. By preference, requests will
come from organisations such as a foundation, charitable body, or
the organising committee of an event. AIJ does not exclude the
possibility of funding individuals, but this is likely to be
exceptional. Note that AIJ will not support individual requests
for travel funds.
* We prefer not to fund research projects. Research projects
involving staffing costs would probably not, in our view, be a
cost effective use of the funds.
* We won't fund duplicate activities. For example, if there is
already an established, successful, and well-regarded conference in
the area of X, then in all likelihood we would not provide seed
funds to set up a duplicate, competitor conference.
* We prefer not to fund activities where alternative sources of
funding are readily available.
* Activities are funded on a not-for-private-profit basis.
There is no hard and fast rule about how much you can ask for: you
should ask for what you need to make your activity successful.
However, here are some broad principles; as ever, these are only
guidelines. First, if you are applying on behalf of a large (> 80
participants), successful, and scientifically strong conference, then
please bear in mind that several such conferences applied for funding
for (e.g.) student travel grants and invited speakers in the December
2009 round of AIJ funding, and typically received Euro 7000 each.
Although, as always, there may be exceptions to this, it may be
helpful to use this amount as a guideline. Note that we would be
reluctant to spend more than Euro 35K on an individual activity.
Proposals may include the possibility of AIJ underwriting an activity
(to an agreed limit) in the event of a loss. Finally, we urge you to
investigate whether it is possible to "leverage? AIJ funding, for
example by obtaining matched funding from elsewhere. In this case, the
value of every euro spent by AIJ is effectively doubled, which makes
for a compelling funding case.
## Important Note for Summer 2012 Events ##
If you are seek funding for an event taking place in Summer 2012, then
you should apply for funding under *this* call.
## How can I bid for funds? ##
A proposal should contain the following sections:
* What? Describe exactly what activity funding is requested for.
Please note that AIJ funds specific activities. For example, "we
request funds to support a conference on X? is not a specific
request, while "we request travel funds to bring invited speaker X
to conference Y" is a specific request. Provide any contextual
information that you think is relevant.
* How Much? A (high level) budget, in Euros, which: clearly states
the amount requested; provides details of the use of requested
funds; describes how the requested amount fits into an overall
budget for the activity/event; and clearly states what will happen
to funds in the event of a surplus. NB: Please give all costs in EUROS.
* Why? Brief justification for funding; note that priority will be
given to activities for which no alternative funds are available.
Who? Describe who will benefit from the proposed activity.
* When? Dates of the proposed activity, and date by which funding
would be needed.
* Where? Location of the proposed activity.
* Contact details. Name, affiliation, contact details for the
responsible party (postal address, email, telephone number, fax),
web address of event if available.
Proposals should under no circumstances exceed more than two pages in
total. Proposals should be submitted in PDF via the EasyChair web
review system at the folowing URL:
## How will proposals be evaluated? ##
We anticipate issuing calls for proposals approximately two or three
times per annum, with DECEMBER 2, 2011 being the deadline for this
call. Further calls will be issued later ? watch the AIJ web site for
details ( The AIJ sponsorship committee will
assess proposals on the basis of:
* scientific quality of proposed activities;
* likely level of impact on the international AI community;
* cost effectiveness/value for money.
If a proposal is approved for funding, then please be aware it may
take time to transfer funds: if you are bidding for funds to support
an event, then we suggest your proposal should be submitted at least 6
months before the event takes place.
Where a proposal is felt to have merit but is not fundable in its
submitted form, we may return to bidders to discuss possible
modifications; where this is felt to be necessary, we will try to do
this practicably and expeditiously. A summary of successful proposals
will be made publicly available on the AIJ website.
9. New ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems Debuts
The first issue of ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems
(TiiS) ( debuted in ACM's Digital Library on
November 1, making it the 34th title to appear in ACM's Transactions
series of well-regarded publications. TiiS publishes research on the
design, realization, or evaluation of interactive systems that
incorporate some form of machine intelligence. Applications include
user interface technologies; recommender systems and information
retrieval; automated usability testing; human-robot interaction;
semantic technologies; gaming; and mobile and ubiquitous computing.
The journal explores ways that artificial and human intelligence work
together; challenges to usability and acceptability raised by
incorporation of intelligence in interactive systems; strategies that
effectively meet these challenges; and methodologies for research,
design, and evaluation of interactive intelligent systems.
Planned special issues will address Interaction with Smart Objects;
Human Decision Making and Recommender Systems; and Interactive
Computational Visual Analytics. The Editors-in-Chief are Anthony
Jameson, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI),
and John Riedl, University of Minnesota.
See the first issue's table of contents in the Digital Library at
10. Discount for book: In order to learn Promo CodE:30382
In order to learn: How the Sequence of Topics Influences Learning
edited by Frank E. Ritter, Josef Nerb, Erno Lehtinen and Timothy M. O'Shea
Order affects the results you get: Different orders of presenting
material can lead to qualitatively and quantitatively different
learning outcomes. These differences occur in both natural and
artificial learning systems. In Order to Learn shows how order effects
are crucial in human learning, instructional design, machine learning,
and both symbolic and connectionist cognitive models. Each chapter
explains a different aspect of how the order in which material is
presented can strongly influence what is learned by humans and
theoretical models of learning in a variety of domains. In addition to
data, models are provided that predict and describe order effects and
analyze how and when they will occur. The introductory and concluding
chapters compile suggestions for improving learning through better
sequences of learning materials, including how to take advantage of
order effects that encourage learning and how to avoid order effects
that discourage learning. Each chapter also highlights questions
that may inspire further research. Taken together, these chapters show
how order effects in different areas can and do inform each other. In
Order to Learn will be of interest to researchers and students in
cognitive science, education, machine learning.
Frank Ritter helped start the College of Information Sciences and
Technology at Penn State, and is affiliated with the psychology,
computer science and engineering departments. He also helped start the
International Conference on Cognitive Modeling and the tutorial series
at the Cognitive Science Conference. He was a Fulbright Scholar at the
Technische Universitat Chemnitz in 2005.
Josef Nerb is Professor of Educational Psychology at the University of
Education in Freiburg, Germany, where he also serves as a Vice Dean
for teaching and learning. He earned his Ph.D. at the University of
Freiburg and did a post-doc at the University of Waterloo, Canada,
supported by an Alexander von Humboldt Foundation fellowship.
Erno Lehtinen is Vice rector and former Dean of the School of
Education at Turku University, where he is a professor of
education. He is a past president of the European Association for
Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI).
Tim O'Shea is the Principal (President) of the University of
Edinburgh. Previously he was Master of Birkbeck College, and professor
of information technology and education at the Open University.
"...a detailed book on the role of order in learning. Authors deal
with the main goal of showing the relevance of the sequence of
information, topics, procedures, etc. in learning. The book is very
well organized and it comes from a research program involving five
work groups all interested in learning, and the influence of 'order'
on learning... A great effort has been put into guiding the reader
through the contents of the book in a gentle and effective
manner....I would suggest this book to researchers interested in the
topic of learning and teaching because it develops an original and
uncommon point of view that could be difficult to find in more general
educational literature; it also provides a valuable resource to
reflect on the role of order in learning and teaching practice."--
Paola Palladino as reviewed in Infant and Child Development
July 2007 * 256 pp. 9780195178845 * Hardback * $80.00 discounted to $64.00
Promo CodE:30382
4 EAsy WAys To ordEr
* Phone: 800.451.7556 * Fax: 919.677.1303 * Web:
* Mail: Oxford University Press. Order Dept., 2001 Evans Road, Cary, NC, 27513
11. New home for the CLARION Cognitive Architecture Project & Library
From: CLARION Support < at>
Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2011 23:28:07 -0500
Subject: Announcement: New home for the CLARION Cognitive
Architecture Project & the new CLARION Library, version (beta)
We are very excited to announce the new home for the CLARION Cognitive
Architecture Project as well as the beta release of the CLARION
Library (version; an exciting new implementation of the
CLARION theory.
To access the new website (and download the new software release)
This new website is intended to serve as an update to the previous
project page (hosted on Ron Sun's website). Furthermore, we have added
a series of new features to help cultivate the burgeoning CLARION
community (including a support forum, bug tracker, and feature request
message board).
Please take some time to explore the new home for the CLARION
Cognitive Architecture Project. In addition, we encourage you to share
this information with anyone else you think may be interest.
We hope you enjoy our new website and the exciting new implementation
of the CLARION Library.
The CLARION Support Team at
12. 2 assistant professor positions at Penn State IST
The College of Information Sciences and Technology at The Pennsylvania
State University is a college focused on multidisciplinary research
and teaching for the 21st century. To learn more about our structure,
vision, mission, goals, faculty and students, please go to We are searching to fill multiple positions in our
ranks for tenure track faculty members who will assist our college in
attaining its goals in education, community, and research. We seek
applicants who show clear evidence they will become premier teachers
and leading scholars in their fields. Applications from those who seek
to be a part of a vibrant, civil, and diverse academic community,
pursue research, and teach in any areas of the information sciences
are welcome.
The college has strengths in six key areas including: (1)
computational informatics and science, (2) organizational informatics,
(3) social policy, economics and informatics, (4) human-computer
interaction, (5) cognition and networked intelligent systems and (6)
security, privacy and informatics. Qualified candidates are invited to
send their curriculum vitae, summary of research and teaching plans,
as well as the contact information of four persons who will write
letters of recommendation to
For questions please contact: Dr. Lynette Kvasny, Faculty Search
Committee Chair, 329C IST Bldg., College of Information Sciences and
Technology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
16802-6823. Review of applications will begin on November 1 and
continue until the positions are filled. Penn State is committed to
affirmative action, equal opportunity and the diversity of its
13. Postdoctoral Position in Human Robot Interaction
Postdoctoral Position in Human Robot Interaction
The School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar
invites applications for a postdoctoral fellow positions in NLP/Human
Robot Interaction. The position will be based on the Qatar campus
within the Qri8 Robotics lab, which includes collaboration with the
Pittsburgh campus and potential travel between the two. The research
will be conducted under the supervision of Prof. Majd
F. Sakr. Candidates are also encouraged to explore research ideas on
top and beyond the project description. The position provides
significant opportunities for professional development.
The project involves enhancing the nature of interactions, within a
multicultural environment, with a bi-lingual Robot
Receptionist. Applicants are expected to have an understanding of:
? Good math background (probability/statistics)
? Semantic language parsing and user interaction modeling
? Ability to write, maintain and debug clean code; preferably in C, C++,
and Python, in a Linux enviornment
Basically, most of these keywords should mean something to you:
supervised/unsupervised learning, chunking and parsing, IPC/sockets,
Stanford parser, named-entity detection, Linguistic Data Consortium,
C++/STL/Boost, WordNet, tcpdump, netcat, anophora resolution.
We want an NLP star who can do 1) the bi-lingual aspects (standard
arabic, english) 2) develop the treebanks/corpora to grow and train
the new version of the parsing/machine learning tools. 3) Candidate can
help with culture-specific language models for semantic disambiguation
and 4) Write code.
This posting will stay open until filled. Early expressions of
interest are encouraged.
14. Penn State Center for Language Science neuroscience postdoc position
pirepostdoc at, due 1 dec 2011
The Center for Language Science (CLS) at Pennsylvania State University
( invites applications for an anticipated
postdoctoral position. We are seeking a candidate who has extensive
language neuroscience experience, particularly with fMRI methods, and
who would like to develop expertise on bilingual language
processing. The position will include interaction with CLS faculty and
students and the larger Penn State neuroscience community (see and towards developing
fMRI expertise among students and faculty and creating potential
collaborative projects. The successful candidate will benefit from a
highly interactive group of faculty whose interests include bilingual
language processing, second language acquisition in children and
adults, and language contact. Applicants with interests in these
topics and with an interest in extending their expertise within
experimental psycholinguistics and cognitive neuroscience are
particularly welcome to apply. There is no expectation that applicants
will have had prior experience in research on bilingualism but
previous fMRI expertise is critical.
The CLS is home to a cross-disciplinary research program that includes
a new NSF training program, Partnerships for International Research
and Education (PIRE): Bilingualism, mind, and brain: An
interdisciplinary program in cognitive psychology, linguistics, and
cognitive neuroscience. The program provides training in research on
bilingualism that includes an international perspective and that
exploits opportunities for collaborative research conducted with one
of our international partner sites in the UK (Bangor, Wales), Germany
(Leipzig), Spain (Granada and Tarragona), The Netherlands (Nijmegen),
Sweden (Lund) and China (Hong Kong and Beijing) and in conjunction
with our two domestic partner sites at Haskins Labs and the VL2
Science of Learning Center at Gallaudet University. The successful
postdoctoral candidate will have an opportunity to engage in
collaborative research within the Center's international network.
Questions about faculty research interests may be directed to relevant
core training faculty: Psychology: Judith Kroll, Ping Li, Janet van
Hell, and Dan Weiss; Spanish: Rena Torres Cacoullos, Giuli Dussias,
Chip Gerfen, John Lipski, and Karen Miller; Linguistics: Nola
Stephens; Communication Sciences and Disorders: Carol Miller; German:
Carrie Jackson, Mike Putnam, and Richard Page. Administrative
questions can be directed to the Director of the Center for Language
Science, Judith Kroll: jfk7 at More information about the
Center for Language Science (CLS), about the PIRE program, and faculty
research programs can be found at or
The initial appointment will be for one year, with a strong
possibility of renewal for the next year. Salary and benefits follow
NSF/NIH guidelines. The search is open to all eligible candidates
regardless of citizenship. Applicants should send a CV, several
reprints or preprints, and a statement of research interests. This
statement should indicate two or more core faculty members as likely
primary and secondary mentors and should describe the candidate's
goals for research and training during a postdoctoral position,
including previous fMRI experience and directions in which the
candidate would like to develop his/her expertise in the language
science of bilingualism. Applicants should also provide names of three
recommenders and arrange for letters of recommendation to be sent
Application materials should be sent electronically to
pirepostdoc at For fullest consideration, all materials
should be received by December 1, 2011. The appointment can begin any
time between February 1, 2012 and June 1, 2012. We encourage
applications from individuals of diverse backgrounds. Penn State is
committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity and the diversity
of its workforce.
Judith Kroll
Distinguished Professor of Psychology, Linguistics, and Women's Studies
Director, Center for Language Science (
Department of Psychology
Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802 USA
Phone in Thomas Office: 814-863-0126 E-mail: jfk7 at
15. 15 PhD studentships in Neuroinformatics and Computational Neuroscience
[this mailing list, comp-neuro, continues to have more interesting
announcements than I think I can forward, this is just a
representative announcement, albeit a large announcement.]
Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2011 10:56:43 +0000
From: "James A. Bednar" <jbednar at>
Subject: [Comp-neuro] 15 PhD studentships in Neuroinformatics and
Computational Neuroscience
2012-2013 applications for fully-funded PhD studentships at the
University of Edinburgh Doctoral Training Centre (DTC) in
Neuroinformatics and Computational Neuroscience are now being
considered. The DTC is a world-class centre for research at the
interface between neuroscience and the engineering, computational, and
physical sciences.
Our four-year programme is ideal for students with strong
computational and analytical skills who want to employ cutting-edge
methodology to advance research in neuroscience and related fields, or
to apply ideas from neuroscience to computational problems. The first
year consists of courses in neuroscience and informatics, as well as
lab projects. This is followed by a three-year PhD project done in
collaboration with one of the many departments and institutes
affiliated with the DTC.
Current DTC PhD topics fall into five main areas:
* Computational neuroscience: Using analytical and computational
models, potentially supplemented with experiments, to gain
quantitative understanding of the nervous system. Many projects
focus on the development and function of sensory and motor systems
in animals, including neural coding, learning, and memory.
* Biomedical imaging algorithms and tools: Using advanced data
analysis techniques, such as machine learning and Bayesian
approaches, for imaging-based diagnosis and research.
* Cognitive science: Studying human cognitive processes and analysing
them in computational terms.
* Neuromorphic engineering: Using insights from neuroscience to help
build better hardware, such as neuromorphic VLSI circuits and robots
that perform robustly under natural conditions.
* Software systems and applications: Using discoveries from
neuroscience to develop software that can handle real-world data,
such as video, audio, or speech.
Other related areas of research are also encouraged. Edinburgh has
a large, world-class research community in these areas and leads the
UK in creating a coherent programme in neuroinformatics and
computational neuroscience. Edinburgh has often been voted 'best place
to live in Britain', and has many exciting cultural and student
Students with a strong background in computer science, mathematics,
physics, or engineering are particularly encouraged to apply. Highly
motivated students with other backgrounds will also be considered.
15 full studentships (including stipend of 14,215-17,326 UK
pounds/year) are available to EU citizens who have been residing in
the UK for the past three years (whether for work or for education);
see the web site (below) for full details. Other applicants can be
accepted if they provide their own funding, typically via a
scholarship from their country of origin.
Further information and application forms can be obtained from:
For full consideration for entry in September 2012, the deadline for
complete applications is December 16th, 2011.
16. PhD position, Hunter College
Susan Epstein at Hunter College has a RA position available for
someone doing a PhD at Hunter College in cognitive science. Find and
contact her if you are interested.
Susan L. Epstein
Professor of Computer Science
Hunter College and The Graduate Center of The City University of New York
695 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10065
212-772-5210 (office) 212-772-5213 (department)
17. Faculty Applications in Innovative Research Methods, PSU
Posted on Nov 08, 2011
The Social Science Research Institute (SSRI) and the Colleges of
Agricultural Sciences, Education, Health and Human Development, and
the Liberal Arts announce 3-4 open rank, tenure track positions aimed
at building on Penn State's existing strengths in innovative and
interdisciplinary social science research. We seek colleagues with
exceptional records of interdisciplinary collaborative research whose
work focuses on the development or application of novel research
methodologies, including research design, measurement, data
collection, and data analysis. Penn State has substantial capacity in
many domains pertaining to research methods, such as quantitative
analysis of human development and of demographic and social change,
design, implementation and evaluation of education and preventive
intervention programs, survey methods, and social network and spatial
analysis. Penn State faculty are also engaged in interdisciplinary
collaborations to develop new methods in such areas as the integration
of biomarker and behavioral data, analysis of neuro-imaging data, and
person-intensive, dynamic, and ambulatory research design, data
collection, and analysis.
To capitalize on these strengths and foster new synergies, we seek
candidates with strong publication and external funding histories
along with demonstrated teaching and graduate mentorship
proficiency. Preference will be given to candidates with collaboration
and leadership potential in one or more substantive areas of strength
in the social and behavioral sciences at Penn State, including:
(1) social and demographic change,
(2) biological bases of behavior, health and development, and/or
(3) prevention, intervention, and education programming for promoting
development and well-being in children, youth and families.
Successful candidates will join the faculty of the department within
the Colleges of Agricultural Sciences, Education, Health and Human
Development, or the Liberal Arts that provides the best fit to their
research and teaching interests. We anticipate cross departmental and
cross college appointments.
Review of applications and nominations will begin immediately and will
be accepted until the positions are filled. Women and members of
under-represented groups are especially encouraged to apply. Penn
State is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity and the
diversity of its workforce. To apply, please send a cover letter
describing research interests and experiences, curriculum vitae, names
of three references and supporting materials (e.g., reprints,
Email: dlp18 at; Note: Please include Innovative Methods Search
in the subject line.
18. RA position at European Centre for Soft Computing
Research assistant position in the Research Unit for Intelligent Data
Analysis and Graphical Models at the European Centre for Soft
From: "Roberto Moran" <roberto.moran at>
To: <cognition_affect at>
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2011 16:33:10 +0200
Reference: ECSC_Offer_2011_IDA_01
Type: Research Assistant
Research Unit: Intelligent Data Analysis and Graphical Models
Topic: Soft methods in probability and statistics
Description: The candidate will engage in basic research within the
field of statistics with imprecise data or the field of
copulas. Additionally, the candidate will collaborate in applied
projects within the field of intelligent data analysis.
Required academic degree: Master (or Licenciado) in Mathematics,
Statistics, or similar
* Good knowledge and interest in probability theory and statistics
(preferrably also in copulas or statistics with imprecise data)
* Good programming skills, experience in data mining with R,
preferrably basic Latex knowledge
* Fluent English (written and spoken)
* good inter-personal and analytic skills, ability to concisely
formulate and pursue ideas
Salary: gross salary approximately 18k?
Send: CV and Cover Letter to position1 at
Application period: 17.10.2011 - 04.12.2011
Roberto Moran Ramallal
Project Management Department
European Centre for Soft Computing
C/ Gonzalo Gutierrez Quiros, s/n
Edificio de Investigacion, 3? Planta (Campus de Mieres-Universidad de Oviedo)
33600 Mieres, Asturias
Tlf +34 985 456 545
19. Post-doc at USC with Rosenbloom
from Paul Rosenbloom <rosenbloom at>
I'm looking for a researcher with a PhD in computer science, cognitive
science, or a related discipline who is knowledgable in artificial
intelligence and comfortable with both mathematics and programming to
work with me at USC's Institute for Creative Technologies
( on a project that is developing a new
cognitive/virtual-human architecture based on graphical models. The
individua should have a background and/or interest in learning about
cognitive architectures, virtual humans, and graphical models.
Experience in particular topics such as robotics, machine learning,
speech, and natural language would also be a plus. This can be either
a short-term postdoc or a more permanent research position, depending
on the individual.
20. Faculty Positions in Psychology at UMass Lowell for Fall 2012
Fwd: [DIV35ANNOUNCE] Faculty Positions in Psychology at UMass Lowell
for Fall 2012
The Department of Psychology at UMass Lowell will have 2 new faculty
positions for Fall 2012. Please encourage your friends, colleagues,
and students (who will be graduating soon) to apply and please forward
to those who might be interested. I have pasted the ads below as well
as included them as attachment. Thanks and my apology for
The University of Massachusetts Lowell Department of Psychology
invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the
Assistant or Associate Professor rank in Cognitive Psychology or
Social Cognition for September 2012.
Applicants must: hold a Ph.D. in Psychology (or equivalent) at time of
hire, be involved in an active program of research, and have a
relevant record of publication. Preference will be given to candidates
who have successful experience in: teaching, grant procurement, and
the involvement of students in research.
The Search Committee will begin reviewing applications immediately and
continue until the position is filled. However, the position may close
when an adequate number of qualified applications are
received. Applications must be submitted electronically via the link
at (click on 'Faculty Positions' and select
position title). The application must include a cover letter, vita,
statements of teaching philosophy and research interests;
representative reprints and teaching evaluations may be included if
available. Candidates must also arrange for at least three letters of
recommendation. At least one of these letters must be from an
individual familiar with the candidate's research and with expertise
in that area. For questions regarding status of the search, contact
the chair of the search committee, Professor Ivy_Ho at Thank you
for considering the University of Massachusetts Lowell as an employer
of choice. We look forward to receiving your application.
The Department has strong ties to the community of Lowell, a mid-sized
city with a large and diverse immigrant population located 25 miles
northwest of Boston. Information about the Department is available at
The University of Massachusetts Lowell Department of Psychology
invites applications for a faculty position at the Assistant or
Associate Professor rank in Cultural or Cross-Cultural Psychology, for
September 2012.
Applicants must: hold a Ph.D. in Psychology (or equivalent) at time of
hire, be involved in an active program of research that has a strong
international focus, and have a relevant record of
publication. Preference will be given to candidates who have
successful experience in: teaching, grant procurement, and the
involvement of students in research.
The Search Committee will begin reviewing applications immediately and
continue until the position is filled. However, the position may close
when an adequate number of qualified applications are
received. Applications must be submitted electronically via the link
at (click on 'Faculty Positions' and select
position title). The application must include a cover letter, vita,
statements of teaching philosophy and research interests;
representative reprints and teaching evaluations may be included if
available. Candidates must also arrange for at least three letters of
recommendation. At least one of these letters must be from an
individual familiar with the candidate's research and with expertise
in that area. For questions regarding status of the search, contact
the chair of the search committee, Professor
Andrew_Hostetler at Thank you for considering the University of
Massachusetts Lowell as an employer of choice. We look forward to
receiving your application.
The Department has strong ties to the community of Lowell, a mid-sized
city with a large and diverse immigrant population located 25 miles
northwest of Boston. Information about the Department is available at
Khanh T. Dinh, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychology
Director, UMass Lowell - Vietnam Partnerships
University of Massachusetts Lowell
Department of Psychology
870 Broadway Street
Lowell, MA 01854 Phone: 978-934-3916 khanh_dinh at
21. Fully funded PhD position in Groningen
From: Niels Taatgen <n.a.taatgen at>
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2011 15:18:17 +0200
To: comp-neuro at
Subject: [Comp-neuro] Fully funded PhD position in Groningen
PhD position Cognitive Modeling group (1,0 fte) (211167)
The Cognitive Modeling group is part of the ALICE research institute
of the Department of Artificial Intelligence. The group has a
world-class reputation in cognitive modeling, largely based on the
ACT-R architecture. The PhD student will carry out his or her research
within this group, but will also participate in the Graduate School of
Science of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, and the
School of Behavioral and Cognitive Neurosciences.
Job description
This project will be part of a larger 5-year project "Towards safe and
productive multitasking" that is funded by the European Research
Council. The project as a whole will involve several research
methodologies: human experimentation, fMRI research, computational
cognitive modeling and the construction of applications that support
multitasking. The team for this project will consist of two PhD
students, a postdoc, and the primary investigator. The PhD student's
role will consist of carrying out a subset of the tasks with a focus
on sequential multitasking: how do people switch from one task to
another, what motivates them to do so, and what are the costs and/or
benefits of multitasking.
On request, we can also send you the full workplan for the ERC
project. In that case, and for other questions, please contact
Prof. Niels Taatgen.
A successful candidate has a Master's degree in Cognitive Science,
Cognitive Neuroscience, Experimental Psychology, Artificial
Intelligence or a related field, and has programming
skills. Experience in running behavioral and/or fMRI experiments, or
in modeling of cognition, is an advantage.
Conditions of employment
The University of Groningen offers a salary of ? 2,042 gross per month
in the first year up to a maximum of 2,612 gross per month in the
final year. The appointment is for a period of four years, which
should be finished with a PhD examination. The full time appointment
is temporary for 1.5 years with the perspective of prolongation for
another 2.5 years. After the first year, there will be an evaluation
of the feasibility of successful completion of the PhD thesis within
the next three years. A training programme within the Graduate School
of Science is part of the agreement. You and your supervisor will make
up a plan for additional education and supervising that is specific to
your needs.
How to apply:
Send a cover letter (with professional goals and a statement of
interest), a curriculum vitae and two letters of recommendation (PDF
format) to the job application portal before November 18th, 2011,
although applications received after the deadline may be considered.
Starting date: as soon as possible.
For information you can contact:
Prof. Niels Taatgen, n.a.taatgen at
Additional information
Job portal:
22. Defense Threat Reduction Agency Post Doc Program Announcement
[I think that #3 is filed, and that #* indicates another position below]
Currently Department of Defense's DTRA is interested in applicants for
five Post PhD Fellows positions in DTRA Basic Research Thrust Areas &
Technical Writer/Graphic Designer):
(1) Science of WMD Sensing and Recognition: The basic science of WMD
sensing and recognition is the fundamental understanding of
materials that demonstrate measurable changes when stimulated by
radiation or particles from WMD in the environment. This research
thrust involves exploration and exploitation of interactions
between materials and various photons, molecules, nuclear
radiation and/or particles. These interactions and the specific
form of recognition they provide are used for subsequent
generation of information that provides knowledge of the presence,
identity, and/or quantity of material or energy in the environment
that may be significant.
(2) Cognitive and Information Science: The basic science of cognitive
and information science results from the convergence of computer,
information, mathematical, network, cognitive, and social
science. This research thrust expands our understanding of
physical and social networks and advances knowledge of adversarial
intent with respect to the acquisition, proliferation, and
potential use of WMD. The methods may include analytical,
computational or numerical, or experimental means to integrate
knowledge across disciplines and improve rapid processing of
intelligence and dissemination of information. New focus area of
computer science and artificial intelligence.
(4) Science to Defeat WMD: Basic science to defeat WMD involves
furthering the understanding of explosives, their detonation and
problems associated with accessing the target WMDs. This research
thrust includes the creation of new energetic molecules/materials
that enhance the defeat of WMDs, the improvement of modeling, and
simulation of these materials and various phenomena that affect
success and estimate the impact of defeat actions, and
investigation of novel methods that may yield order-of-magnitude
improvements in energy and energy release rate.
(5) Science to Secure WMD: Basic science to support securing WMD
includes: (a) environmentally responsible innovative processes to
neutralize chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, or
explosive (CBRNE) materials and components; (b) discovery of
revolutionary means to secure components and weapons; and (c)
studies of scientific principles that lead to novel physical or
other tags and methods to monitor compliance and disrupt
proliferation pathways. The identification of basic phenomena that
provide verifiable controls on materials and systems also helps
arms control.
(*) Technical writer/graphic designer to plan, analyze, and create
solutions to communications problems in collaboration with team
members representing a number of disciplines. The technical
writer/designer will work with subject matter experts (SMEs) to
determine specific content and identify goals for successful
communication product development. Strategic communication tools
are expected to present complex information in both print and
electronic formats such that technical and non-technical end users
are considered. Communications products will include, but are not
limited to, technical newsletters, specialized brochures, annual
reports, and web pages.
Further Detail
For qualified candidate, this opportunity would provide the following
to a US citizen, capable of obtaining a security clearance at the
Secret level, to spend one year working at DTRA (Fort Belvior):
* $71,663 annual salary
* $1,000 monthly living allowance
* Domestic Travel allowance
* Potential funding for additional academic degrees
Background of Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship Program
The objective of this fellowship program is to establish and sustain a
long-term process through which the University Strategic Partners
(USP) will develop and execute a Post- Doctoral Research Fellowship
Program to address critical scientific, technology and engineering
needs for reducing the threat from Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD).
This project will enable DTRA to utilize mission-critical expertise
possessed by highly qualified faculty and graduate students (nearing
completion of their degree) who hold doctoral or terminal professional
degrees in relevant scientific, technical and engineering
disciplines. Post-Doctoral / Masters Fellows will be selected based
upon their responsive ability to enhance the joint DTRA-Strategic
Partnership mission requirements. Key science and technology skills
include: nuclear and radiation physics; weapons engineering;
structural, electrical and mechanical engineering; broad-based
nano-technological engineering and applications; weapons effects and
system response technologies; physics, chemistry and biological
sciences related to detection, characterization and destruction of WMD
materials; medical and pharmaceutical sciences; information
technology, modeling, data visualization and advanced computational
sciences; social, adversarial and behavioral modeling, science and
analysis. Post-Doctoral / Masters Research Fellows will be assigned
to DTRA's Research and Development and subsequently detailed to
perform such duties as may be required among the various agency
Enterprises, Directorates and Offices which are typically reviewing
research proposals and white papers.
*Contact Jan Mahar Sturdevant (jbm18 at for more details such as
the Recruitment Letter and the Application.
23. 5 Tenure Track Positions at all levels in Game Design at Northeastern U.
[many games are an application area for cognitive models and architectures]
Northeastern University is seeking multiple tenure track faculty for
positions in Game Design and Interactive Media within the College of
Arts, Media and Design starting September 1, 2012. Positions will be
filled at the assistant, associate or full professor rank depending on
the qualifications of the candidate. Northeastern may also consider a
multidisciplinary 'cluster hire' where several candidates elect to
form a team which proposes an innovative and translational research
direction responding to one or more of these positions.
1. Game Design/Interactive Media and Animation: Animation is
fundamental to Game Design/Interactive Media to simulate the
physical and kinetic properties of characters, objects and contexts
in motion, in space, and in time. The simulation of environments
requires sophisticated research into motion, lighting, surfaces and
perspective. The simulation of characters requires creating
expressive and accurate facial and body-motion qualities. This
requires interdisciplinary research into physiology, kinesiology
and psychology. Core features and technologies of virtually all the
current top commercial game projects are based on such simulation.
2. Game Design/Interactive Media and Games Usability: Games Usability
focuses on how users interact with games and media to facilitate
and optimize user interface, including usability analysis, user
experience, and behavioral trends. Games usability research is a
specialized growth area that includes research, such as analysis of
gameplay temporal data collected from real players to deduce
behavioral trends (large data analysis). This area may take
advantage of existing methodologies within CCIS and leverage new
interdisciplinary collaborations with Psychology and the behavioral
3. Game Design/Interactive Media and Social and Cooperative Games:
Social and cooperative games is a major trend in Game
Design/Interactive Media whereby users are connected globally and
can interact as individuals in a virtual crowd. Social and
cooperative gaming is a major trend for current and future growth
for the game industry, and an area that may stimulate significant
research that requires interdisciplinary skills and
partnership. Research and education on social and cooperative games
is needed and coherent with Northeastern?s capacity for
interdisciplinary work. This field could benefit from
interdisciplinary collaboration with other colleges, especially the
social sciences.
4. Game Design/Interactive Media and Arts Industry and
Entrepreneurship: Arts Industry and Entrepreneurship is critical to
harnessing the social and economic power of Game Design/Interactive
Media as the future medium of social and commercial
connectivity. Production management, media development and
cross-discipline project opportunities are critical areas in this
rapidly changing field.
5. Game Design/Interactive Media and Core Design and Development: Core
Design and Development is a joint hire with the CCIS. Building on
the foundation of interdisciplinary undergraduate degrees in game
design and interactive media, the successful candidate will play a
central role in creating innovative programmatic efforts that
combine a deep knowledge of the artistic and computing disciplines,
and will advance our research and educational agenda. This search
has already been posted as Requisition Number 114350. Go
to: or
We expect successful candidates to demonstrate a strong commitment to
teaching and an excellent record in research/scholarship in any of the
core areas listed above. Should possess experience with applications
in areas such as interactive narratives, social games, health games,
mobile games, or educational games. Applicants must have a terminal
degree of either a PhD in related areas, or an MFA in game design or
related areas.
Additional Information
Northeastern University is a national research university in the heart
of Boston and world leader in experiential learning. In the past few
years, Northeastern University has made a major commitment to
interdisciplinary education and research in select fields with the
goal of achieving international leadership in these fields. The Game
Design and Interactive Media program is one of the areas selected for
growth and is being developed as a joint effort between the colleges
of Arts, Media and Design and others including the Computer and
Information Science, the College of Business Administration, and the
College of Social Science and Humanities. We seek tenure track faculty
members who can play a major role in shaping the research and academic
goals for our programmatic efforts in Game Design and Interactive
Media. In particular, we seek five hires strategically selected to
project this field beyond a focus on entertainment to redefine how we
receive, disseminate and interact with information in a non-linear,
user-generated environment.
How To Apply
To apply, visit the College of Arts, Media and Design website at:
and click on the Faculty Positions button. Job code: 114408
Applications should include:
- Cover letter expressing interest
- Applicant's CV
- Research statement
- Teaching statement
- Names and addresses of 3-6 references
Full consideration will be given to applications received by December 30, 2011
For questions about the search or to submit external references,
please call the search committee co-chairs, Terrence Masson and Magy
Seif El-Nasr at: 617-373-7645 or 617-373-3928, or email us
at terrence.masson at or magy at
24. Weekly AISB opportunities bulletin (4/nov/11)
[There were a large number of good things in here, and I encourage you
to join AISB particlarly if you are in or have ties to the UK]
From: "Koutsantoni, Katerina" <katerina.koutsantoni at>
To: "admin11 at" <admin11 at>
Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2011 14:50:23 +0000
Subject: Weekly AISB opportunities bulletin (4/11/11)
Dear AISB members
This is the AISB opportunities bulletin for 4/11/2011
1. University Lectureship in Formal and Philosophical Logic, UK
(DEADLINE: 24:11:2011)
2. Scientific Junior Researchers positions related to logic, formal
methods and ontologies, GERMANY
3. Two PhD student positions (including formal epistemology or
logic),THE NETHERLANDS (DEADLINE: 16:11:2011)
4. PhD studentship in Social Robotics for Robot Home Companions
(University of Hertfordshire), UK (DEADLINE: 14:11:2011)
5. PhD studentships at the University of Nottingham (DEADLINE: 18:01:2012)
6. W3 Professorship in Theoretical Philosophy, Konstanz (Germany)
(DEADLINE: 30:11:2011)
20-24, 2012, SPAIN
1. University Lectureship in Formal and Philosophical Logic, UK
(DEADLINE: 24:11:2011)
University Lectureship, University of Oxford, and Tutorial Fellowship
in Philosophy, Pembroke College
The Faculty of Philosophy and Pembroke College propose to appoint to a
University Lecturership (CUF) in Philosophy, in association with a
Tutorial Fellowship, with effect from 1 September 2012, or as soon as
possible thereafter.
The Area of Specialisation for this post is Formal and Philosophical
Logic. The successful candidate must be able to provide research-led
teaching and supervision in these areas at all levels, undergraduate
and graduate. An interest in Philosophy of Mathematics or Philosophy
of Language will be welcome, but is not required. Applications from
candidates whose work complements the research and teaching of the
Faculty will be especially welcome. The successful candidate will also
be expected to provide teaching for the College, in the form of
tutorials, on a range of introductory (i.e., first-year) and advanced
(i.e., second-year and beyond) Philosophy subjects for undergraduates.
Candidates should refer to the further particulars for full details of
the teaching requirements for this post. Candidates should have
received the degree of PhD by 1 September 2012, or at least have
submitted a completed doctoral dissertation for examination by that
date, but candidates who do not meet this requirement may be
considered if they have attained a comparable level of
publication. The successful candidate must demonstrate a research
record of international standing appropriate to the stage of his or
her career; the ability to deliver excellent tutorial teaching and to
give lectures and classes; the ability to act as an examiner; the
ability to supervise graduate students; and a willingness to undertake
administration and pastoral responsibilities on behalf of both the
College and the University.
The combined College and University salary for this post will be on a
scale from ?42,733 to ?57,431 (as from 1 August 2010) per annum.
Additional College allowances are available as set out in the further
particulars. The postholder will have an office in Pembroke College.
Further particulars, including details of how to apply, are available
Applications must be submitted by email to the Administrator of the
Philosophy Faculty no later than 12.00 noon on 24 November 2011.
The University of Oxford and Pembroke College are Equal
Opportunities Employers
2. Scientific Junior Researchers positions related to logic, formal
methods and ontologies, GERMANY
The DFKI research department Safe and Secure Cognitive Systems in
Bremen, Germany, currently has several vacancies in projects related
to logic, formal methods, and ontologies, see
Lutz Schroder
Prof. Dr. Lutz Schroder
Senior Researcher
DFKI Bremen
Safe and Secure Cognitive Systems
Cartesium, Enrique-Schmidt-Str. 5
D-28359 Bremen
phone: (+49) 421-218-64216
mail: Lutz.Schroeder at
3. Two PhD student positions (including formal epistemology or
(DEADLINE: 16:11:2011)
at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Groningen, the
Netherlands. Deadline for applications: November 16.
Applications are open for research in any of the four principal
research areas of the Faculty: History of philosophy, Ethics,
Theoretical philosophy, and Practical philosophy.
The University of Groningen offers a salary that will range between ?
2,042 gross per month in the first year up to a maximum of ? 2,612
gross per month in the fourth year. The PhD position is for a period
of four years, starting on January 1, 2012 and conditional on a
positive evaluation after one year.
Applications for should consist of:
- An application letter with motivation
- Curriculum vitae, including academic qualifications, grades, a list
of publications if applicable, and the name and contact details of a
- A research proposal (maximum 1500 words) that includes research
questions, methodology and research plan.
Suitable candidates have, or will soon have completed, an M.A. or an
M.Sc. in philosophy, can play an active role in the research community
of the Faculty of Philosophy and are fluent in English.
Information about how to apply can be found at:
Since its foundation in 1614, the University of Groningen has enjoyed
an international reputation as a dynamic and innovative center of
higher education. The Faculty of Philosophy is a rich and lively
community of excellent lecturers and researchers. The faculty has an
excellent reputation, both in research and in teaching, and has a
strong international orientation.
For more information about the faculty see:
Dr. J.W. Romeijn
University of Groningen
Faculty of Philosophy
Oude Boteringestraat 52, 9712 GL, Groningen The Netherlands
+31 50 3636 148
4. PhD studentship in Social Robotics for Robot Home Companions
(University of Hertfordshire), UK
(DEADLINE: 14:11:2011)
Social Robotics for Robot Home Companions
Adaptive Systems Research Group
Science and Technology Research Institute
University of Hertfordshire
Human-Robot Interaction is a quickly growing research area with a
number of applications in assistive technology and service
robotics. The research team at University of Hertfordshire led by
Prof. Dautenhahn is involved in two European projects relevant to the
field of robot home companions, namely LIREC ( and
ACCOMPANY. A key research issue relevant to both projects concerns the
adaptation of the robot's behaviour e.g. to the individual needs and
preferences of the person. A personalized robot companion needs to
know its users, and be able to adapt in long-term interaction.
The PhD project will focus of the topic of social awareness and
adaptation, i.e. will develop the robot's ability to interact with its
users, and to learn socially by observing and analyzing the
interaction. Such research is strongly inspired by biology and
psychology concerning the way how humans and other animals learn from
each other by observation, interaction and communication. The group
has a strong track record in the area of human-robot interaction,
imitation and social learning. The PhD student will develop new social
learning and adaptation algorithms, as well as participate in the
preparation, implementation and analysis of human-robot interaction
The PhD student will be part of a larger research team consisting of
researchers working in the above mentioned European projects, as well
as other research group members. The PhD student will have the
opportunity to work with state of the art home companion robots,
including the Care-O-bot(R) 3 robot.
Applicants are required to have a strong first degree or Master's
degree in Computer Science, Robotics or a related area relevant to the
project. The applicant must have demonstrated the ability to plan,
implement and document a research project (e.g. MSc or final year
project) in an area relevant to this studentship. The applicant must
have demonstrated significant knowledge and skills in the area of
machine learning/Artificial Intelligence. An additional background in
human-computer interaction, cognitive science or psychology is
desirable. Excellent programming skills are essential and the ability
to interface robot sensors and develop software on robots is a
necessary requirement of this studentship, as well as a general
interest in interdisciplinary research and willingness to collaborate
with researchers from other disciplines. The ideal candidate will be
self-motivated with good writing and communication skills. The PhD
will be supervised by Prof. Kerstin Dautenhahn
(K.Dautenhahn at, whom interested candidates are invited to
contact via email in the first instance.
Successful candidates are eligible for a research studentship award
from the University (approximately ?13,600 per annum bursary plus the
payment of the standard UK student fees).
Research in Computer Science at the University of Hertfordshire has
been recognized as excellent by the latest Research Assessment
Exercise, with 55% of the research submitted being rated as world
leading or internationally excellent. The Science and Technology
Research Institute provides a very stimulating environment, offering a
large number of specialized and interdisciplinary seminars as well as
general training opportunities. The University of Hertfordshire is
situated in Hatfield, just north of London.
Application forms
should be returned to Mrs Lorraine Nicholls, Research Student
Administrator, STRI, University of Hertfordshire, College Lane,
Hatfield, Herts, AL10 9AB, Tel: 01707 286083, l.nicholls @ The short-listing process will begin on 14 November2011,
interviews will be held early in December 2011.
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Dautenhahn
Professor of Artificial Intelligence
Adaptive Systems Research Group
The University of Hertfordshire, School of Computer Science
College Lane, Hatfield, Hertfordshire AL10 9AB, United Kingdom
K.Dautenhahn at Tel: +44-1707-284-333
5. PhD studentships at the University of Nottingham
(DEADLINE: 18:01:2012)
PhD studentships at the University of Nottingham
The Digital Economy promises to transform the ways in which we work,
shop, travel, learn, socialise and play. It is transforming many
aspects of society, particularly with regard to technology and
provides research challenges in both technical and social areas,
Ubiquitous Computing - where millions of computers are embedded in
the world around us;
Location-Aware Computing - taking advantage of knowing the
geographical position of these fixed or mobile computing and
communications devices. Pervasive Data with a vast amount of data
generated and captured on processes, products and people, the
potential for gathering information from this data is huge but
subject to the availability and development of algorithms and
infrastructure able to cope with such vast amounts of often
distributed data. Further, the processing of data is increasingly
subject to privacy-protecting policies and other restrictions such as
regional legislation, strengthening the need for tools which are not
only functional but satisfy requirements such as transparency,
privacy and personalisability.
Science in Society - considering the technological, social or legal
perspectives to the grand challenge associated with modelling users,
their environment and the interactions between the two.
We are interested in students from a wide variety of backgrounds
including computer science, engineering, human factors, psychology,
sociology, business, geography, social science and the arts, providing
that they have an excellent first degree and can demonstrate an
enthusiasm for interdisciplinary research.
Would you like to be at the heart of this revolution, researching
across the disciplines to explore new uses of ubiquitous and
location-aware computing, creating new technologies, or studying their
impact on peoples lives?
The Doctoral Training Centre at the University of Nottingham is
recruiting on to a unique PhD programme for the Digital
Economy. Supported by RCUK and over 30 industry partners, we are
training a community of over 70 PhD students to become the next
generation of research leaders in this field within industry or
Our current industry partners include: Active Ingredient, Aerial, BBC,
Blast Theory, BT, EADS Astrium, EUROCONTROL, Fhios, Guidance
Monitoring, HP, HW Communications, IBM, innovITS, Leica Geosystems,
Location and Timing KTN, Logica, Microsoft, Network Rail, Nokia,
Nottingham Scientific, Ordnance Survey, PARC, Scott Wilson, SERCO,
Sharp Labs Europe, Thales, Trinity House, TRL Technology.
Our students will benefit from:
A fully-funded four-year PhD programme that integrates a leading-edge
research project with research training in interdisciplinary skills.
A personalised pathway through this programme that enables students
to gain a balance of skills across key technology areas, future
applications and human and societal issues.
Training in innovation and ingenuity to equip students for careers in
industry, from global companies to start-ups.
A three-month internship at one of our partners including BBC, BT,
EADS Astrium, HP, IBM, Logica, Microsoft, Network Rail, Nokia,
Ordnance Survey, PARC, Scott Wilson, Sharp Labs Europe and Thales (see
list above)
Regular seminars and meetings with industry representatives to
develop contacts
with future employers.
An enhanced stipend of 15,600 per annum as well as a personal laptop.
Supervision from international leaders in the associated disciplines.
Use of over 3m state-of-the-art facilities including positioning and
sensing testbeds and transport simulators.
Career guidance support tailored to individual needs.
Office and laboratory space on Nottinghams award-winning Jubilee Campus.
We have funding for ten UK/Home and two UK/Home/EU students. Places
are also available for those in receipt of four year independent
funding/scholarships. Please note we do not have any international
studentships available, so please do not enquire.
Further information can be found on the Horizon Doctoral Training
Centre website; Informal enquiries may be
addressed to Miss E Juggins, tel: 0115 823 2316 or Email:
Emma.Juggins at
Application forms are available from Miss E Juggins or downloadable
and should be returned by email with a detailed CV and a statement of
research interests to
Emma.Juggins at
Shortlisting date:
18 January 2012.
Interview date: on 1 February 2012.
6. W3 Professorship in Theoretical Philosophy, Konstanz (Germany)
(DEADLINE: 30:11:2011)
Die Universitat Konstanz ist eine der neun Exzellenz-Universitaten der
Bundesrepublik Deutschland. In der Geisteswissenschaftlichen Sektion,
Fachbereich Philosophie, ist zum 01.10.2012 eine
W 3-Professur fur Philosophie unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der
Theoretischen Philosophie zu besetzen.
Die Stelleninhaberin / der Stelleninhaber soll das Fach Philosophie in
Forschung und Lehre vertreten und sich in der Selbstverwaltung
angemessen beteiligen. Die Lehre erfolgt im Haupt- und
Nebenfachstudium des BA-, MA- und Lehramtsstudi-ums im Rahmen der
bestehenden Studien- und Prufungsordnungen. In der Forschung ist eine
Mitarbeit am Exzellenzcluster "Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration"
und/oder der Forschergruppe "Was ware wenn" moglich und
wunschenswert. Zum Profil des Fachbereichs siehe: .
Alle den Professorenstellen des Fachbereichs zugewiesenen Schwerpunkte
sind systematisch gegliedert. Gleichzeitig soll jede Professorin /
jeder Professor einen historischen Schwerpunkt besitzen, so dass die
Geschichte der Philosophie von den Lehrenden insgesamt vertreten
werden kann. Dies geschieht auch in der Absicht, eine Befassung mit
der Philosophiegeschichte aus systematischer Perspektive zu
fordern. Dementsprechend wird von der Stelleninhaberin / dem
Stelleninhaber gewunscht, dass sie / er das Fach Philosophie und ihre
/ seine Schwerpunkte in der systematischen wie in der historischen
Dimension vertreten kann.
Die Zuweisung von Stellen fur Akademische Mitarbeiterinnen /
Mitarbeiter an die Professur ist nicht vorgesehen.
Besonderer Wert wird auf international hervorragende wissenschaftliche
Leistungen gelegt.
Vorausgesetzt werden Habilitation oder gleichwertige wissenschaftliche
Leistungen im Fach Philosophie.
Die Universitat bemuht sich um die Beseitigung von Nachteilen, die fur
Wissenschaftlerinnen im Bereich der Hochschule bestehen. Sie strebt
eine Erhohung des Anteils von Frauen in Forschung und Lehre an.
Die Universitat Konstanz wurde von der Hertie-Stiftung als
familiengerechte Hochschule zertifiziert. Sie setzt sich besonders
fur die Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Erwerbsleben ein.
Schwerbehinderte werden bei entsprechender Eignung vorrangig eingestellt.
Bewerbungen mit den ublichen Unterlagen (Lebenslauf,
Schriftenverzeichnis, Verzeichnis der Lehrveranstaltungen, Kopien
akademischer Zeugnisse) sowie einem auszufullenden Bewerberformular
(Link siehe unten) werden unter Angabe der Kennziffer 2011 / 135 bis
zum 30.11.2011 an den Dekan der Geisteswissenschaftlichen Sektion der
Universitat Konstanz, Herrn Prof. Dr. Thomas Hinz, Postfach 8, 78457
Konstanz, erbeten.
Fur nahere Auskunfte steht Ihnen Herr Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Spohn (E-Mail:
Wolfgang.Spohn at ) gerne zur Verfugung.
20-24, 2012, SPAIN
WSMBio 2012 offers a broad and intensive series of lectures on
bioinformatics at different levels. The students choose their
preferred courses according to their interests and background.
Instructors are top names in their respective fields. The School
intends to help students initiate and foster their research career.
Graduate (and eventually advanced undergraduate) students from around
the world. Most appropriate degrees include: Computer Science, Biology
and Medicine. Other students (for instance, from Mathematics or
Engineering) are welcome too.
The School is appropriate also for people more advanced in their
career who want to keep themselves updated on developments in the
There will be no overlap in the class schedule.
- Dan Gusfield (U California Davis), ReCombinatorics: The Algorithmics
and Combinatorics of Phylogenetic Networks with Recombination
[introductory/intermediate, 8 hours]
- Andrey Rzhetsky (U Chicago), Trees, Networks, and their Use in
Systems Biology [introductory/ intermediate, 8 hours]
- Richard Simon (US National Cancer Institute, Rockville), Development
and Validation of Prognostic and Predictive Classifiers based on
High-dimensional Data and their Application to Personalized
Medicine [introductory/intermediate, 8 hours]
- Robert Stevens (U Manchester) & James Malone (European
Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton), Bio-Ontologies
[introductory/intermediate, 4 hours]
- Martin Tompa (U Washington Seattle), Comparative Sequence Analysis
in Molecular Biology [introductory/intermediate, 4 hours]
- Alfonso Valencia (Spanish National Cancer Research Centre, Madrid),
Bioinformatics Challenges for Personalized Medicine [advanced, 4
- Limsoon Wong (National University of Singapore), Using Biological
Networks for Protein Function Prediction, Biomarker Identification,
and Other Problems in Computational Biology [introductory/
intermediate, 6 hours]
- Ying Xu (U Georgia), Cancer Bioinformatics [advanced, 8 hours]
- Zohar Yakhini (Agilent Laboratories, Santa Clara), Algorithmics and
Statistics in the Analysis of High Throughput Molecular Measurement
Data [intermediate/advanced, 6 hours]
It has to be done on line at
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